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Generic Name: bromfenac

Brand Name: Bromday ophthalmic (eye)

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

I am taking Bromday following cataract surgery along with two other eye drop meds. The Bromday makes my eyes itch. I don't like it and I think that when the vial is empty I will stop taking it since I'm taking another highly effective anti-inflammatory anyway and from my nurse's appreciation of medicines, more doesn't mean better. My insurance gave me a paltry discount to the tune of $25.00 on this med and I had to shell out about $100 for a tiny amount which does not last for the full prescribed course of treatment. My doc was kind enough to give me a sample vial when I griped about the cost. The sample vial contains 0.5ml, equivalent to about 10 drops. There is no generic form of Bromday.

The bottle nipple is to fat and short and needs to be clear. I do not have drug insurance and find that $200.00 for a bottle the size of a thimble is outrageous.

before and after cataract surgery-I had no pain

I'm using this drug for post operative cataract surgery. I do not understand how an nsaid (anti inflammatory) can cause so much pain. I have to use in both eyes and it is torture. The burning feels like acid being put in my eyes and goes on for several minutes after instilling the drops. I have 2 weeks ahead of me for use and do not know how I'll get thru it.

Used for foreign object sensation in both eyes;somewhat effective but the side effects were disastrous. I suffered extreme urticaria of the torso and my blood pressure was elevated over 100 points on the systolic. I believe I was close to having a stroke until I discontinued it after 14 days.Pressure then returned to normal around the 130 to 140 range. The itching has since abated somewhat. I believe it was due to the Sulfite component. What a horrible experience this has been.

I had ruptured blood veins in eye with migraine. Eye pain was awful, blood shot really bad. Used this once daily and it worked great.

This drug is very expensive. The small bottle doesn't have enough drops and you have to refill. I am a week short and did not get it refilled this time. My eye is doing fine.

I like this product. I was prescribed a generic ketorolac but it burned when i put I in. So they changed it. Bromday did not burn and I only had to take it once a day and not four times a day. I paid a little more but it was worth it.

This drug is extremely expensive. It is 4x more expensive than the drug, Xibrom, which it replaced. The insurance company requires a very high copay and there is no generic for it. I think I will take my risk without it, as I am using it for long term care.

After three days of one drop a day of this medication, the entire white of my inner eye became red and inflamed. Looked horrible and when I reported it to the doctor who had prescribed it for eye infection, was told that I should discontinue. I understand it is primarily for after cataract surgery and feel it was overkill medicine for minor eye irritation and burning. Also it was a very expensive drug which I feel was a useless expense for my insurance company and my part of the expense. I am very disturbed by this.