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Generic Name: captopril

Brand Name: Capoten oral

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

I took it for only three weeks with a diuretic. The first week I felt that my feet and ankle were not longer swollen. But after the 2nd week notice a strong odor with urine. Then I started coughing (dry couph) after a while the urine changed color to dark almost like blood. I also developed a rash in my scalp like psoriacis. I went to the pharmacist and she went to the side effects and told me to go to the doctor and have him change the medication. I don't think it was for me at all.

It definitely lowered my high blood pressure.

I take a diuretic and ace inhibitor and blood pressure has dropped from the range of 200-220/100-120 down to 160-180/ 90-100. I expected more of a drop.