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Generic Name: carbinoxamine-pseudoephedrine

Brand Name: Rondec oral

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

I used this medication for my 3 year old. She was having the usual cold symptoms, i.e. runny nose, cough, congestion, etc. Symptoms seemed to ease off while on another prescription, but we could not get rid of the cough. Dr. prescribed this and within a few days the cough was gone. We did not experience any side effects and found the drug to be very effective.

my son 3.5 yrs. of age had mood changes, pupils got smaller, and very sleepy, same with my 1.5 yr old daughter. I think that this medication is dangerous. Any medicine that effects your pupils, I think is not safe, and they have taken like 4 naps a day, while perscribed Rondec. So I will never give this awful medicine to my children again........... nothing should be on the shelfs for children if it has that many horrible side effects. like mood changes, (e.g. hollucinations.) and so many more, Doctors really have to start paying way more attention to what they are putting on the shelfs. Because no sickness is worth all those side effects. This makes me very concerned and angry at the neglegent doctors we have taken care of our children..............