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Generic Name: carisoprodol-aspirin-codeine

Brand Name: Soma Compound with Codeine oral

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

II ama golfer but one night while I was driving home I hit a dear. I am getting physiotherapy, they do not sell Soma in Canada, and its the only pill that works for me for pain..

helpful with uncontroled muscle pain due to cns getting extremely unbareable

I am taking soma medication since last few months and Soma reduces my muscle pain gradually. Soma really helps me a lot. I usually buy Soma online from buysoma-online.info

it loosens up my muscles when they get tight and i am in bad pain.

Good Pain management.

I have to be careful because I lose track of when I took it last. It is very euphoric and therefore I tend to take more that prescribed. I am in severe pain so I really do not care that much. Im having surgery anyway. I can sleep and relax when I take it the drawback is the amnesia I get when I take it and then I feel embarrassed. I act rather strange to say the least.

falling from ra on this drug

It delt with all of my probles and im redy to take on another day

Have fast heart rate and problems breathing with moderate excercise.

Some drowsiness.

what does this pill look like

I have Degenerative Disk Disease in my spine, mainly cervical & lumbar; L4-5 Microdiscectomy 1999; bulging disks in cervical and lumbar areas presently; fibromyalgia; nerve damage from lumbar surgery in left leg causing intermittent severe pain/cannot weight bear; arthritis, cervical & lumbar; cannot begin to explain what I have been through - i.e. different physicians, specialists, testing, MRI's, surgery, painful injections; meds with awful side effects (I am VERY medication sensitive);years and years of worsening suffering and finally a physician who prescribes Soma Compound with Codeine (which I took many, many years ago upon initial injury to my back, L4-5 vertebral fractures)- maybe an old med and most new physicians will NOT prescribe, but it is a MIRACLE for me and I still work full-time, have 2 lovely grandchildren, a rather large 2-story home, etc. I have worked in Healthcare for over 30 years, BTW so you figure???? Healthcare today just does NOT make sense - physicians maybe very education "book wise", but VERY stupid when it comes to common sense and the patient's well being! Listen to the patient MORE and try to be compassionate and compromise - the majority of these physicians (especially the young ones) have NEVER even begun to experience any of these problems and if fortunate, never will. But PLEASE give the rest of us a BREAK!!! Not everyone will keep pursuing the answer as I did but I say to ALL - Don't GIVE UP!!! My physician BTW, has experienced much pain and has chronic pain himself - makes a difference???? Now what do you think???