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Generic Name: certolizumab pegol

Brand Name: Cimzia subcutaneous

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

I have been taking Cimzia for about two years and it has worked without any side effects at all. And it has kept my rheumatoid arthritis under control. I did have to have a dosage increase about a month ago and it is continuing to control still controlling my arthritis.

I don't know if this drug works yet or not as I just took my first shot. I raised horses and dare say the needles used on horses was far more sharper than what they are subjecting their patients to. I had to poke at myself multiple, MULTIPLE, times to finally get the needle to go into the skin and I am accustomed to giving myself shots as well. Shame on this manufacture pharma wanna be for doing this to people. the drug itself I don't know yet, but their thought process for injection sucks. The cost of this drug - we should have very sharp comfortable needles.

I have had mod to severe plaque psoriasis for many years and developed psoriatic arthritis over the past couple. Iâ??ve been on many meds for the psoriasis, some that I thought worked great, but Cimzia is officially the only med that not only helps with the arthritis, but has cleared my elbows and other areas that stayed no matter how well other meds worked. I do Not like how difficult and painful it is to inject. Itâ??s quite thick, and burns like crazy, But, Iâ??m ok with that, because that annoyance once a month is a heck of a lot better than the pain and burning I was dealing with daily.

I have had 2 sets of injections and both times I felt like I was coming down with the flu.. Hot, cold, could not sleep because I could not get comfortable. Have been on Humira and Enbrel.. Going back to Doc to get off this medication. My body will not tolerate it at all.. Terrible side effects for me. Good luck.

I have just started to take Cimzia (on my second loading dose). I am concerned because I have had a shingles outbreak since starting, just curious if anyone else has had side effects such as this?

I have just started Cimzia as of yesterday and so I’m here for some advice as it’s still early days! I’ve had a severe case of RA since the age of 8 (I’m now 29) and I feel like I have tried every drug under the sun! When this first began I was on a heavy does of steriods and methotrexate - unfortunately the side effects of both oral and injection methotrexate was too much and so I came off this after quite a few years! As we know prednisolone should not be a long turn solution and the weight gain was incredible! After my time at GOSH upto the age of 18 I was sent over to UCLH under a fantastic consultant who put me onto lefludomide (with on off course of steriods due to the severity of the arthritis at various times) the lefludomide worked for yrs! We thought we had found the one! Until I fell pregnant with my 1st chid and had to switch to a drug called hydroxicloriquin with a high dose of prednisolone (25/30mg a day!) this was due to toxins in the lefludomide - during pregnancy it was as if I never had RA I want to say it was as if I was in remission! No symptoms! Nothing! However since I gave birth to my son in 2017 I have had a huge flare up and nothing is working! The lefludomide no longer works and again prednisolone just isn’t the answer long term although makes the RA feel at ease! - so after a few years of my dr suggesting Cimzia (due to a huge needle phobia) I agreed to give it a go being in tremendous pain and now having a little one to run around after I feel that something needs to change, so yesterday was my 1st loading dose, I’m using the ‘epi pen’ styled injections so I can’t see the needle! After the 1st shot the only thing that hurt was the stinging sensation of the thick liquid going into the skin - so now I feel I can physically do this! However my concerns lie with the extreme side effects such as being at a higher risk of skin cancer! Should I be concerned? Are the benefits of cimzia better than the fear of the possible side effects? Thanks x

Just stopped working after 2.5 months.

I've been on Cimzia for a couple of months. Very little changes. Has anyone else experience extreme fatigue after receiving the injections? I get them at my doctor's office every 4 weeks. Two injections on each leg. I also experience excessive sweat in some parts of my body.

Have taken for 8 months for Ankylosing Spondylitis. Works amazingly. Reduced all inflammation in my back and have full range of motion again. Felt better the same day i took my first injection and have felt better ever since. Injections are easy with auto injector although took getting used to when I first started. Now it’s easy. Single injection every two weeks. I hope it works for other people.

I have moderate RA and am a very active person. I did cross train, spinning, tennis, pickleball, yoga, tai chi. I have been on Cimzia for 3 months and just had my 5th shot.I am taking 5mg prednisone as needed right after the injection. I am feeling muscle weakness, aching and fatigue during and after mild classes like pilates and aqua. I feel good doing aqua, but have fatigue after. I guess I will have to give Cimzia a little more time to determine its effectiveness. Right now the 'jury is out'. I want to get back to my active lifestyle without this pain, fatigue and muscle weakness.

I started Cimzia 6 months ago. At first I was impressed as my symptoms seem to disappear. I have AS. After about the 3rd injection, symptoms started to return. My last injection actually produced more pain than ever before. My AS affects my ribs, and I could hardly breathe or move without pain. I've gained weight and lost hair. I would not recommend this product at all. I'm retunring to Humira.

I have taken the 3 loading doses and have felt awful since the beginning (but humira quit working so I wasn't feeling good to start). I am now SIGNIFICANTLY worse and have been to the ER 3 times in a week. I hurt everywhere and it is hard to move. I have no life right now. the ER docs think it is side effects to cimzia. I am terrified of what the next steps are and just want to be able to move again. I am unable to work.

I was taking Humira for a year for psoriatic arthritis and then it quite working and I was switched to Cimzia. I have done the 3 double loading doses and have never been so sore and felt so awful. I have been to the ER 3 times in the last week due to my left leg swelling up and being incredibly painful. I am sore everywhere and have joint flaring u that never have before. They are pretty sure it is side effects of the Cimzia. I am scared what will happen next but right now I would be better on no medication. So sad it did not work for me.

I have been on Cimzia for about 2 months. I actually hurt more. I am itching and the texture of my hair has changed for the worse. I can't sleep due to not being able to get a comfortable position in bed. I get my shots in my Dr. office 1xmonth. My level of satisfaction would be 2-stars.

I have mentioned to my doctor that for the cost of this I would think it be more effective. It has only helped with the cement like feeling in my legs. Have asked to switch and been on it for a year. Last 4 month been dealing with shingles. On 3rd dose of anti virals so have to discontinue. Also my vision since May to October has gotten worse.

I am just finishing the loading regime and i am already feeling better. Embrel was not effective and Humira made me violently ill! So far so good and I remain optimistic that any residual symptoms will further subside.

I have tingling alot in hands and feet.Still in pain.worsening pain. Headaches nausea and not much energy. I may stop it .Will talk to my doctor.I have real dry mouth and cramps in my legs also.Not working for me .

I began taking Cimzia 3 months ago for Psoriatic Arthritis. I was thrilled at the possibility of it easing my joint pain. After the first 3 doses of 200mgÃ? 2, my joint pain was worse, abdominal pain, extreme fatique, weight loss, and severe muscle pain added to my misery. I've taken my final dose, and hopefully soon can begin Enbrel. I continue to be hopeful that something will help eventually.

I was born with intestine hanging out of body, had multiple resections, removal of ileum, blood transfusions, hernia, ulcers, you name it...I have had it. I was diagnosed multiple times with colitis, chronic colitis, IBS, ???, strange bacteria in GI tract, etc. Treated with everything on the list for crohns. Cimzia has seemed to work best. No more fistulas, definite decrease in belly sounds and pain, but I have noticed I am more fatigued, soreness in legs, weight gain, night sweats, "it's on the tip of my tongue" syndrome. Hate that most. I hope that forgetting is not the cimzia. Diet definitely helps as well as exercise, ut my legs hurt afterwards for few days. I am a teacher and feel like I am having a harder time keeping up at work. At the height of my career, almost to Doctorate, going to have to back out. Anyone have ideas about managing work and crohns?