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Generic Name: cyclophosphamide

Brand Name: cyclophosphamide oral

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

Severe abdominal,pelvic pain,cramps, burning, watery stools with copious amounts of mucus. Anal pressure,pain and burning. Gas, bloating. Frequent urge to defficate resulting in large amounts of foul smelling gas and small amounts of orange, green to clear mucus. Weight loss and complete loss of appetite. I have been off of this med for almost 2 months and have't had a normal stool yet and still suffer from these side effects

I have been on Cellcept twice. The first time was for almost 2 years the dose was 1500 mgs. twice daily. It lowered immunities to the point that I picked up a rare infection and put me in the hospital for over a month. After 3 years, the Scleroderma came back with a vengeance on my lungs. I'm back on the same dose of cellcept as of 4/12 and on oxygen 24/7. Both times I did get a bacterial overgrowth in my stomach that is treated with flagyl.

I took this to get my Lupus under control. There were no side effects until I got my blood work back from the lab. My liver was in failure. I was put on another med and my liver was back to normal in a few months.

Started treatment with this medication after a recurrance of OC after it being resolved 2 years ago. Liking this one so far, no hair loss, nausia is manageable, some fatigue and response to treatement has been good so far.

This medicine has worked as well as on can hope. This is my 8th battle of cancer and i think my doctors just wanted to try something else. I am a college student living on campus and this medicine still lets me work, go to school and have a somewhat normal college experience. I think the nausea has been what is been the hardest part, but it is better than Chemotherapy.

I have taken this drug since May 2009, my dosage has been 100mg daily. I really have had no significent side effects from this drug as of today!! My PFT's have been stable since beginning this drug, they had me on cellcept before this. I take 5mg of pred daily as well.

I have only been on this drug for 2 months so it is hard to tell if it is working yet. I have been losing some hair though. My appetite has decreased. When I eat I start feeling sick so I have to stop. I think my breathing is better but it is a very subtle change.

My father was on this drug and had to taken off due to mental effects, keep in mind this was mixed with dexamethasone. he had confusion and delusions.

one in line with many drugs, this one is super! little to no side effects. I've had problems w/ diarrhea, and some immune problems that were resolved by antibiotics. hair loss but not completely. hair grows back after a few months, dark circles under eyes and around mouth. This is the best drug for me in all areas and effectiveness. Last drug I was on triggered peripheral neuropathy which has limited my driving and mobility!

I have recently been placed on drug and have not had enough treatment to determine its effectiveness.