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Generic Name: desog-e.estradiol/e.estradiol

Brand Name: Azurette (28) oral

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

I only say its effective due to the fact I can't get pregnant. See... I was on another birth control pill but in October of 2018 my pharmacist gave me this one never told me anything different about it versus the one I was on prior. I had excruciating pain/headaches/stomach cramps/muscle spasms in my uterus/ excessive bloating and severe anxiety attacks during my period for 4 months. It didn't end there. I ended up bleeding passed my period date(1/16-1/19) up until I was to start my period in February(2/18) on the 19th of February I never got my period. And I proceeded to not get my period in March. I did a pregnancy test and it came back negative yet I felt like shit my dr took me off my birth control in February when I told her I didn't get my monthly cycle. They had dont 4 .... 4 ultrasounds internal and external. Said they saw no cancer cells which is why my dr told me to get them done. But now in April my dr called me in today 4/3/19 to tell me that she looked over everything carefully and told me that my ovaries aren't functioning properly as they should. I am currently praying that I get my period back because I do want more kids in the future. I have one child of age 3 and I'm 23 ... hearing that I'm currently infertile terrifies me to death. I have never had such terrifying news brought to my attention concerning me being able to conceive another child. I'm young I dont need to hear this. Yet I did. I never experienced anything such as this with any birth control ever. I will definitely not recommend to anyone. I believe this drug did something to my system and I want answers

This pill has a made my period very short. I've been on several types of birth control. First month has so side affects after that I have been fine.

This pill has worked well in the past three years. No pregnancy scares and my periods are now so regular that if I cramp, I know it's coming. The first month is a doozy but waiting it out is worth it. My first month I had cold sores, crying, breakthrough bleeding, and hot and lumpy breasts but it subsided. My only complaint is now three years in, I'm getting depressed on certain days of the pack and get very irritated down there before my period. Other than that, still satisfied.

I was taking the brand name but it got too expensive, I tried viorole, another generic for mircette and gained 40 pounds and bad mood swings, I have been on azurette for 3 months and love it, loosing weight, cleared my face, and my moods have been great, would def recommend

I've been on this for six months. I was prescribed as a method of birth control and to help regulate my periods. I never had a regular period - maybe only 2 a year. Because of the hormone imbalance I was also more hairy than normal. I have had a cycle every month like clock work with this pill. I have noticed less unwanted hair. The only negative was in the first few months that I started the pill my vag was super dry. It's fine now so just get some lube. :)

Everyone reacts to hormones differently and it really is just a guessing game to find the right pill for you. I've been struggling to find my for years. I was on Lutera which caused me to have my period 2x a month. So then my Doctor put me on Azurette. Big mistake! I've tried at least 8 types on BC none have given me this many negative side effects in just one month. I'm young

So the reason for me to take this was a various of reasons..I had started to get painful acne that would come to a head clear up and another one right back in its space, I had gained weight, irritable and a number of other symptoms that resulted in my estrogen level was too high. Yes, it was my estrogen level. I am 40 this month and had to make a change. I have read so many of the reviews and wonder if some of these women realize that if you take something that is a lower dosage than what you need you will get a result that you do not like. So if you are reading this and you have not done your research or asked your doctor about what is going on; I would suggest you do that. This BC is a .15 for estrogen usually BC is .25 and the highest is .30. So ladies if you are having some symptoms that you can not get passed have your doctor do the estrogen test to make sure that you are on the BC that is right for you. I am on my second month of taking azzurette and I must say that I am thoroughly happy with it. My estrogen is balanced and so am I. So I have to give this BC a great rating and I am so glad that I didn't get discouraged by the bad reviews, because I did my research and talked to my doctor so that we can get me on a BC that was right for me.

First month on this was fine but now my period is on day 9 and I'm still spotting. Also having headaches and mood changes. Discussing with my doctor another option because I hate this pill

This is a terrible medication and after reading countless horrible reviews online I am upset that a doctor would even prescribe this. I have been using Azurette for close to a year and started noticing side effects about a month into my usage. However, it took me months to realize that these were side effects of the medicine because they started appearing one at a time and added up until I thought I had a very serious condition. However, it dawned on me that all the problems I am having could be side effects of the only medication that I take, which is of course, Azurette. The first and most noticeable side effect was SUDDEN WEIGHT GAIN. I eat very healthy and exercise 6 days a week, but I gained 15 pounds in a matter of A WEEK on this medicine. Then despite my many efforts to lose that weight, I continued to gain weight (in fat, not muscle) until I had gained 20 pounds. I am furious. OTHER SIDE EFFECT INCLUDE: Constant headaches, shortness of breath/difficulty breathing (so severe that I was taken to the emergency room), hot flashes, excessive sweating during physical activity, foggy memory, severe mood swings

I have been taking this for about a month So far it has helped my period not be as heavy. I have still had bad cramps but I think it will get better the longer I keep taking the pill. I was hoping it would clear up my skin but so far it hasn't. I've actually been getting more breakouts around my chin and mouth. I have had a few side affects like my vagina being very dry and feeling irritable a lot lately. Not sure if that will go away or not I hope it will.

The best pill yet. I get everyone is different. My first month my breasts hurt badly but that was about it. This pill has helped my acne, my anxiety, and also made my breasts grow and are more fuller. And I've lost weight which is weird, cause breast tissue is really just fat. So you would think my boobs would shrink. But really it's been like a miracle. I couldn't be happier.

I was taking Kariva without side effects, but changed to a different pharmacy due to the price and they switched me to Azurette. I have been on it for 2 weeks and my mood swings are out of control. It has been causing problems with my marriage and with my family. I also have had breakthrough heavy bleeding for multiple days, and heart palpatations where I contemplated going to the er to have it checked out. The extra money saved isn't worth this, I am switching back to my former pharmacy so I can get Kariva again.

Works great with me , as a birth control also regulated my period only on it for 5 days. First two days are heavy rest are light. No acne no weird side effects just a little weight gain but I am physically active so nothing a little running and eating right won't fix

Horrible horrible pill. I have been on it for 2 years. It gives me weird bumps on my chin that don't go away unless I pick at them and scab over into horrible pus scabs. I am not me, I yell at stupid things, cry for no reason and have suicidal thoughts. My emotions are like I am on my period times 10. I literally can't stop crying or being angry at everyone. This pill has completely changed who I am. I have tried to stop taking the pills but then I won't stop bleeding for weeks so I give up and start taking them again and then I am back to the horrible moody irrational person. My suicidal thoughts and depression are so bad but I am scared to tell anyone about them and I can't get different pills because I got married and am in the process of getting insurance. Please don't take this pill. It has made me so deppressed and I can't even get myself out of bed because I don't feel the point in anything anymore. I yell at everyone and cry at everything. I have to quit taking this pill before something worse than just suicidal thoughts happen...

DO NOT TAKE THIS PILL! Especially if you're sensitive! I have horrible pains in my breast and under my armpit, rapid heartbeat, body aches, anxiety, depression, paranoid, suicidal thoughts at times, can't get out of bed in the morning, horrible fatigue that even espresso can't help, moody, angry, unstable, irritable, I mean the list is almost endless. I'm not me. At all. And it scared me. I threw the pack out tonight after reading these reviews. I'm going back on my previous bcp. If you're feeling this way too, you're not alone. Maybe consider another brand or stopping all together. NOT NOT NOT worth it

I've been on this for 2 months. I started taking birth control because I have irregular period and heavy periods. I got Candidiasis because of excessive Estrogen in my body so I have to switch. Other than that I was fine.

I have been having good and bad side effects. Acne has decreased and period has become regular but I've also gained headaches and my vaginal area smells different than it used to. Anyone else have a smell change?

I giving Azurette and took it for 3 months with no problems. However I developed one of the most serious side effects. I went to the ER with severe shortness of breath & chest pain. I was diagnosed with extensive bilateral pulmonary embolisms. I'm an otherwise healthy 25 year old. While hospitalized for 10 days I was tested for all sorts of genetic conditions that would predispose me to blood clots, all came back negative. So the doctors are saying it was this medication. Definitely would not take again.

Before taking birth control I've had the worst hormonal mood swings, I would cry and get in serious fights with my boyfriend. It was so bad. I would cry out of no where, I would get very agitated. I was on this medication for a while and then I stopped. I got back on it because I wanted something to control my hormones as well as a contraceptive. I think this product works. I have not had any side affects at all. I feel that this medication also helps my acne. I feel bad for the women who take this and have a hard time dealing with it.

Just quit taking this medication about a week ago. This was my first experience on birth control, and my gyne suggested I try it. Side effects of the drug aren't worth it. Never suffered with acne (maybe 2 pimples during that time of the month) but since taking azurette, I have about 100. No joke. The mood swings are real-extremely upset to crying on the bathroom floor. Over nothing. Headaches everyday as well as nausea. Literally felt like I was "in a fog". No energy. Since I stopped taking Azurette, my mood has changed dramatically for the better. No more headaches, no nausea. Acne has yet to clear up.