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Generic Name: desogestrel-ethinyl estradiol

Brand Name: Reclipsen (28) oral

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

i started this in september to help with heavy and painful periods bc i would puke everytime on the first day of my period, and they lasted 5-6 days . the first month of my period on this pill it was great period was only 3 days but with spotting for a few days which was what the doctor told me would happen. also i was such a cry baby and my acne got worse . second pack in i had a lot of leg and feet pain for no reason then i read that this can give u blood clots so i went to the ER bc i couldnâ??t stand this pain, luckily nothing bad happened but i will no longer take this, it sucks bc it was helping with my painful periods but my doctor switched me to lutera to ease up the side effects

Pros: I have not experienced any negative side effects that I have had from other brands. My periods are more regular on this pill than on no pill or on another pill (I have been on 3 other brands besides this one). Cons: As with any pill, if I miss more than one day in a row, I experience spotting for several days after, which is expected.

Used Reclipsen for many years with no problems. At age 38, my doctor switched me to Junesse. I became unable to orgasm. So I switched to a generic of Reclipsen, Juliber. Same problem--after about 10 days, I was unable to orgasm. So after many months arguing with insurance, pharmacy etc, I went back to Reclipsen. Everything was great, till I got my pills this month. Looks like they changed the formula. Lo and behold, I'm 12 days in--and guess what! The problem is, my desire has not stopped, only my ability to "get there." It's pure torture! I have a feeling this is a supplier issue, some corner-cutting to save money for the manufacturer. I'm trying to track down how to find what I'm sensitive to, but since these formulas are mostly made in India or China, I'm afraid this could be an uphill battle--even though Reclipsen only contains two ingredients. I'm 41 years old, and I really don't need to be bouncing between brands every few months just finding something that works. Especially if they later decide to change to whatever cheap foreign crap saves a few bucks! Women deserve better! I'm breaking my silence to find out if any other women are having this issue suddenly, or perhaps in the last three years. We need to speak out about this!

Dr. gave me these prior IVF cycle, so I definitely didn't get pregnant but that was never my problem. However the mood/personality change completely!!! I'm usually a happy-go-lucky kind of girl, this medication make me a hysterical, depress, nervous, emotional and border suicidal person. Be careful with it.

After reading alot about blood clots in peoples legs along with other scary side affects... I am scared!! I have been on this for 5 weeks. I have experienced the headaches. but i am not taking another pill because of a side affect of another pill! Not healthy. I am a newlywed so i can say it serves the purpose of preventing pregnancy.. but I don't want a DVT!!! SWITCHING

On 2/11/2017 I was admitted to the hospital for 4 days with a DVT in my left leg. The clot is from my groin to my knee. Tests ruled out genetic issues and the cause is Reclipsen. I am still in pain, on blood thinners and not certain if I will get full mobility in my leg after this. I wish I never used it.

I have used Reipsin for over 15 years with no problems, until now. I just returned from a 3 day stay in the hospital from a spontaneous and extensive DVT in my leg. The doctors believe the cause is the birth control pill.

Bad cramps on this pill. Nothing else really. Hoping this subsides. I hate to switch to another birth control.

It's funny to me reading everyone's review and how this birth control effects everyone differently. Everybody's body is different so don't steer away from it just because of some peoples horror stories. This birth control has been amazing for me. I usually am extremely depressed and have terrible mood swings when taking birth control but this one doesn't give me any of that. I feel completely normal! Birth controls in the past have made my sex drive go down and dry below but this one completely does the opposite for me. So I would say try it and if it doesn't work for you move on to another birth control.

I moved out of state and transferred my prescriptions to the local Walgreens. I was taking Apri but the pharmacy gave me reclipsen saying it was the same. I have been feeling extremely nauseas, vomitted a couple times, and have a headache that will not go away no matter what I take. I never had these side effects with Apri, and I was very happy with it. I'm not happy with reclipsen at all.

Very intense itching of feet and hands. After seeing dr and a dermatologist decided it may be this drug. Off for a week and itching stopped. Very touchy. If not taken perfect timing instant spotting. Five pound plus weight gain first three months. Low libido. Giving up after four months of this generic drug.

I have been on Reclipsen since July of 2014. Since I have started taking the pill, I have had horrible pains in my stomach, as well as chest pain. I have not gained any weight from it, but I have lost my sex drive (as mentioned by many others). I plan on getting off this pill as soon as I am married in 5 months.

I was on reclipsen for about a year before I switched to microgestin. While on reclipsen, I was fairly happy with it. It didn't cause any weight gain and kept my skin very clear. The number one issue I had with it was my sex drive drastically decreased. I hadn't really noticed it while on reclipsen, but now that I'm off it, i realize how much of an issue it was. I switched off of reclipsen because of the horrible migraines it caused me. My periods were pretty heavy the first 2 days each month and then lightened up from there.

I've been on Reclipsen since February of 2016 and I've been having migraines ever since I started it and have blurry vision. I would tell every women not to take this pill.

This drug is horrible horrible horrible it has given me suicidal thoughts that I never in my life time would ever think of! It made me not feel good, gave me headaches, anxiety, shakiness, not wanting to be around my daughter, husband, or any of my family, messed up my periods, and mood swings! I will never recommend this drug to anyone. As the days go by and not taking any anti depressants cause I'm not a depressed person I'm slowly starting to feel more myself again I'm just hoping I make a full recovery. Never putting any sort of chemical in my body again. This damn drug almost took my life from me and I've been fighting these uncontrollable thoughts but now there subsiding! besides the HOT FLASHES!!!!!!

I have been taking this pill for about a week i know my doctor said to give it 3 months before giving up. But it has been a week i take it at 9:30pm around the time i go to bed ( i wake up at 4am) After taking it i get sleepy and i have been getting ache on the side of my face. i know my doctor said cause i am heavier this pill has a higher hormone dosage so she want to make sure it works for me. But i think it is too high. I am going to give it another week but i will bring it up to my doctor.

I am 21, 5'7, 36B,145lbs, and very Athletic. I have never in my life taken a birth control pill. The only prevention has been condoms. I decided to use bcp (birth control pills) because I had a long term relationship and it ended and well I decided that I need to get out there, but nonetheless I was still going to Use condoms, but I also didn't want to have an accident. Just being honest here, everyone has their reasons for using bcp. Anyways so I go to my doctors and she gives me theses to try out, there are so many out there so she told me that if I didn't like it she'll prescribe me another one. So I tried it. I take mine at 7:50pm everyday just because that was the time that I picked it up and I needed it to start working asap. I noticed that my appetite has lowered, I don't eat as much so that resulted in me losing a little bit of weight. I have not gotten acne or anything (thank God) and my boobs feel heavy like when you get your period and nipples became super sensitive. The best about this part is my boobs, I love them feeling big and heavy. I also noticed like small white powdered milk on my nipple like discharge too. Like its soooo small. Anyways,,, love love love this pill. I also looked at some reviews but no one uses it for the same reason I am using it for, that is the reason I did this review.

The side effects of this pill are not worth it...back pain, urinating through the night, exhaustion, anxiety, depression, lack of energy, low libido. I didn't realize my symptoms/side effects until I was already 3 years into this pill, and by then, I had wasted so much money on tests to figure out what's wrong with me mentally and physically. My boyfriend would always, every day for three years, ask if something was wrong. Nothing was ever wrong, but I was such a brat that I couldn't respond to him and make it sound like there wasn't anything actually wrong -- because I had ZERO emotions. I was always confused why I couldn't be excited about things in an instant when I used to be super happy and upbeat and really energetic - I attributed my depression and anxiety to growing up (I guess?). It kept me from getting pregnant, yes, but my period wouldn't start until the 5th day of placebo pills (which I didn't take anyways), and I would assume I was pregnant and get anxious because of the high anxiety that this pill causes. I initially went on birth control because I had horrible mood swings as a teenager, and this pill totally counteracted whatever I was trying to fix. There are so many birth controls out there that can be used in place of this one, don't waste your time like I did!

I have taken this BC pill for 5 years now. I did gain a little weight, but my periods became regular and lighter.

I've been taking Reclipsen for a little over a year. I noticed lighter periods, no cramps, and my acne cleared up. Never worried about getting pregnant on it. However, I've had large mood swings, feeling very anxious, stressed and depressed. My sex drive is gone.