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Generic Name: diclofenac potassium

Brand Name: Cambia oral

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

Had a migraine took the medication right away within 15 minutes the headache was gone and I can carry on with my day.

I take it. Unit works. No side effects at all. Usually I forget to take it early enough upon onset. Tastes great. Mine come in packet which can make it a pain to open ….

I have suffered from migraines for 35 years. My neurologist prescribed this, and I held out very little hope since it is just an antinflammatory. I've used it four times, and each time I caught the headache as early as I could. It has to mixed with water, which is a pain, and it tastes HORRIBLE! Mint and licorice! It does work, though, and relatively quickly. I've used it four time, each time with success. I'm glad to have it!

I have migraines with auras. After the Aura I normally feel hungover with a pressure headache and very groggy. I take Cambia at the first sign of an Aura and it takes away the pressure and overwhelming grogginess that I experience on the first day. Although I don't feel 100% the next few days I don't need to take it again.

This is the only drug that works in minutes. It's truly a life saver for me, and I never leave home without a packet. The only downside is the cost.

Cambia works only if you take it when you feel like you are definitely going to have a migraine. RIGHT AWAY, take it. If you wait too long and the migraine has started, it's too late. A few downfalls to this drug...not easy to take if you are out and about. You must have water to mix it and wash it down. Also, it tastes TERRIBLE, like wintergreen mixed with black licorice. Very hard to not gag. You have to make sure you have something to chase it with. Finally, the price is disgusting.

Cambia Works great for me if I take it at the onset of a headache (Right when I feel one has started that I know Im not going to be able to tame it down and it feels like its getting worse). Diclofenac Potassium is not necessarily the generic form of cambia UNLESS IT IS IN A POWDER FORM ALSO. YOu have found the generic form of Cambia if you have found Diclofenac Potaassium IN POWDER FORM. I would love to know where because I am having to pay full price unless I have insurance and with insurance it is then I can get the Cambia for $20 from an out of state pharmacy that ships it to me. I have to have it or I am worthless... can't work, cant listen, can't focus because my eyes hurt SOOO bad that I can barely see through them and my temples are pounding to the point that the pain causes me nausea. TRYING to sleep my way through it until something tames it down while I sleep is the only thing that helps and that takes a day or two....... thats a MIGRAINE. With Cambia, I function :)

My Neuro sends this script to a speciality pharmacy out of state because it is less expensive, he says. Since retirement caused my insurance to change, my co-pay went from $20.00 to $415. It certainly isn't worth that for nine packets. It doesn't work very well and it tears up my stomach. After doing some research, I see there is a generic. You have to be your own advocate, my Neuro or the drug company don't care.

Nothing. I experienced no relief at all.

Works quickly. I like to take it like a Goody powder not mix in a cup of water. Easier to get down. Expensive is the only downside.

Whatever is in this powder made my stomach hurt so, so bad. If it did help my migraine, I didn't notice from the excruciating stomach pain.

Do not be fooled...Cambia is 50 mg of diclofenac potassium which is a very inexpensive and easily accessible drug in pill form. If you want it to work as fast as Cambia, just crush the pill and mix with water just like the Cambis powder. The only difference between the two is that Cambia had a flavor that is suppose to make it taste good. However, the pill when crushed into a powder has no flavor at all, which to me was better. Charging hundreds of dollars for this is criminal...like the Epi Pen Scandal. Ask your doc to prescribe the diclofenac potassium instead of the Cambia. Also you will get a 30 day supply for $20 instead of just the 9 powders that most insurance companies will allow because it is so expensive.Cambia was very effective for me...that is why I gave it a high rating...but, the generic Diclofenac Potassium is the same thing without the anis and mint flavor which some people don't like and also it has aspartame which of course is not good. I don't get it...how did this company get away with this in the U. S. Oh right, Big Pharma and the FDA.

I've been using this for about 2 years now, and it has changed my life! Whereas I once had 3 debilitating migraines a month, I rarely have one that can't be controlled. The powder easily fits in a purse, so I always have it with me. If taken immediately upon feeling symptoms, I can continue to function and work. I recommend it to everyone!

Doesnt touch my migraines, and does nothing in 15 minutes like it advertised, would never recommend to a friend and will never use again and why would they put aspartame in it to begin with, we all know what that does too your body. If you have true migraines this stuff will not work.

After about 10 years of trying every other medicine available out there, even botox injections. Nothing seemed to do the trick until Cambia. I find immediate relief after taking this medication. My migraines go from an 8 to a 2 and usually see relief within 15 minutes of use. Now the Diclofenac pot in pill form I do not get any benefit from but the powder is amazing. I've finally found the medicine that works for me. Now my insurance stopped covering it so I have to pay out of pocket but the Cambia copay program helps lower my out of pocket. I would definielty try this medication if your still seeking a treatment that will work for you, and I've been diagnosed with chronic daily migraines.

I get migraines about once a month, usually one that will knock me off for about 4 hours. Because I run a business I sought a neurologist for treatment, I was prescribed this, and it actually made my migraine worse. It was very gross tasting, drinking it was very hard to do, it was chalky and bitter, but I thought it would help so I gulped it down. I too was given a free 'sample' from the neurologist. It took away my nausea, which actually can help ease the pain of the migraine, when I throw up. So no nausea, meant that the migraine was actually much worse. I had never cried during a migraine, this one was on record the worse I ever had. Will not take Cambia ever again. Even the possible side effects included death? Not worth the risk, and it made my migraine worse? No thanks.

I am disabled because of my migraines (7-10 a week, several keeping me in bed for prolonged hours) and CAMBIA is the only drug that makes my life livable. It works fast, and knocks out all my migraine symptoms. It doesn't always get rid of the migraine, but it takes the pain from a 9/10 to a 2/10, and that's something I can at least work with! Unfortunately, being disabled and being on Medicare, Cambia is not covered and I can only get a sample every now and then. I am left to suffer the rest of the time because I have not found anything else that works.

Used twice 100% relief both times