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Generic Name: diethylpropion

Brand Name: Tenuate oral

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

I have taken the 25mg immediate release tenuate in the past which I really loved because you can literally feel your appetite dissipating but I struggled with it because I couldn't stay on track to take it between meals so it essentially was not a good fit. However, my doctor has recently prescribed me 75mg ER which I take once a day at 10am with vyvanse at 12pm (Tenuate helps with appetite suppression and the Vyvanse is helping with binge eating behavior). So far, this combination seems to really be helping. The tenuate helps to keep my appetite curbed throughout the whole day and I only realize I am hungry when I can physically feel it. It makes me SUPER thirsty but that's not a problem for me because it helps to increase my water intake. I don't have irritability and mood swings like I did while I was taking phentermine. Thankfully, I haven't experienced any side effects and I truly love that this does what it is intended to do. Highly recommend for people out there who struggle with cravings and large appetites.

I first took Phentermine and although it was a very effective weight loss tool, I also experienced jitters, hyperactivity and after a while taking it had headaches. Dr. switched me to Tenuate and I had no side effects at all other than I felt full after only a few bites. It worked and have taken it for years on and off because I tend to gain my weight back. Recently, tenuate has also started making me feel weird and also causing headaches. I have good BP on the lower side. Everybody is different, but this worked for me for many years. I hate that I am having reactions from this now.

I have literally just started taking tenuate. So fairly I can't say how I feel just yet. I took adipex for about 6 months, but gained every pound back plus more and I was VERY MOODY. The doctor says I won't be like that on this? Is this correct? My husband and I both are worried that I'll turn back into the crazy horrible person I was on adipex. I am hoping tenuate doesn't make you mean. Please help. Thanks!

This medication is a great appetite suppressant and a wonderful aid to kick start weight loss. I had been struggling with weight loss for years even though I had greatly improved my diet and exercised on a regular basis. I was at loss in regards to what to do and bariatric surgery was not an option for me because I don't think surgery is a wise route to go unless it is absolutely necessary. My weight-loss doctor prescribed this and I am so glad. Remember this is an appetite suppressant NOT a weight loss pill. It is to be used in conjunction with exercise and a healthy diet. You can take this pill and it will decrease your appetite but if you are eating crap when you do eat and not exercising you will not see major results. This pill is not a quick fix. It is to aid you on your road to a healthier lifestyle. On a side not I do experience dry mouth from this medication but I just drink more water and chew gum and that problem is solved.

I went to a bariatric clinic after yo-yo dieting and fluctuating weight as a result. The doctor started me off on Phenteramine, but eventually got off of that as it had a variety of adverse side-effects (ultimately progressing to severe headaches which is why I was taken off of it). The phenteramine worked, but in the end the side effects were not bearable for me. Tenuate was then prescribed and it was by far the best appetite suppressant I had ever taken. No adverse side effects whatsoever. I felt less anxiety, in an overall better mood, no nervous energy or jitters, no racing heart, and didn't want to eat everything on my plate. I have steadily lost weight and like others, feel better when on this med. I have healthy blood pressure (albeit on the low side). That may be why this makes me feel better. I really have no idea. As a weight loss drug, I recommend this to my friends to ask their doctors about, as I have had great results. You will gain weight back when you come off if it if you have not changed your eating habits (I.e. What you eat, how much you eat, etc). It's easy to fall back into old habits, so just be aware that you have to do your part. For me it is eating a high protein diet, drinking lots of water daily and not eating after 7 pm at night. Still, this was the easiest way I have ever lost weight. I definitely recommend you ask your doctor about Tenuate if you want to lose some weight. Good luck!

Have been on Tenuate for 6 weeks and lost one pound. No side effects and it DOES curb appetite, but still no weight loss for me. I was encouraged by glowing reviews of success, but it just didn't do anything for me.

I've lost 20 lbs in 2 months. Not only does this literary suppress my appetite between 8-12 hours a day; it also keeps me feeling refresh, alert, and improves my focus & attention span. I wish I could take this as a vitamin supplement everyday for the rest of my life. The only side effect that I have, is dry mouth, but no jitters (like OTC diet pills). I've also been eating a lot more fruits & veggies, which probably helps speed up the process of loosing the weight.

I took Tenuate since the age of 21. My Dr. prescribed 100 mg. a day and since the onset I had never felt nervous and my blood pressure was always normal, if not below. There were no side effects for me, ever. In fact, what it did for me was help me to lose weight and by staying on it, I was able to maintain the weight I wanted to be. The additional benefit was I was able to stay focused with my every day tasks. These pills gave me just the right amount of energy that I never had in my life. I took them for 25 years and when my doctor retired, my new doctor would not give them to me because in Massachusetts all doctors are afraid of writing a script that you can't fill in MA, even though I am able to fill the script in NH. I was 63 when I stopped and the quality of my life has been reduced drastically. I highly recommend Tenuate because there is no other diet pill like this that helps you lose and maintain your weight and additionally helps you stay focused.

I am a 39 year old female. I started taking this medication and I must say at first I thought maybe it takes a few days to get into your system. I was so wrong, I was still hungry. So I will be going to my doctor and try to see if I can get another appetite suppressant pill

hello. I work at a physician group as a medical assistant. Most of the physicians there do not RX this particular medicine...Tenuate Dospan, although 1 does. the medication does what its suppose to do...takes the urge to compulsively eat away. I no longer was consumed with thoughts of food. Never felt nervous or jittery. I did drink alot of water, that i needed to be doing anyway. Honestly, my body felt great, but never "high" or abnormal. He would RX the med for a 3 month span...then you had to be off of it for a month, then rx another 3 months. There is potential for increase in blood pressure, so monitor yourself. But for me, it definately works. Its an "old" medication thats been around for a long time. Alot of the new, or young Dr's dont seem to want to rx it, but the new stuff out...it has adverse effects also...so...whats the difference. This one does actually work, and its not overly costly. Even if you are self-pay w/ no insurance, a month (1 daily) is generally only around 45.00 or so. Not bad. I think its great. Thanks for listening. I wish you success in your weight loss endevor.you may have more success in getting this RX from an older doctor who has used it for years with many of his life long patients that tend to remain with the same doctor for many years...that could be an alternative to try.

works well controling your eatin habits. have seen the weight loss and not craving food alot.

This Rx is very effective. Dry mouth is a given because you lose lots of bloating water in your tissues. I lost 30 lbs & kept it off. This is a dangerous drug and if it's not taken exactly how instructed you can hurt yourself. Do not take more than 4 months max in your LIFE time. I abused it because I was losing so much weight & loved it and now I have pulmonary problems which can never be corrected but it's my fault for taking as directed.Side Effects are severe headaches, de-hydration, difficulty sleeping, hands shaking and a super skinny body!

I've only been on this pill for 12 days and have lost 7 lbs. !! It has really helped to lesson my cravings. I'm also eating a healthier diet; no sugars and cut my carb intake in half. I do have dry mouth some days which increases my water consumption but that's a good thing. I have bad knees so have not been on a regular exercise program yet. Due to my age my doctor will only allow me to take these for 6 months and after 2 weeks of use I have to start slowly tapering off. It's a good medication that really seems to work.

My doctor prescribes this medication for me when I described my eating behavior to be similar to drug craving and drug seeking behaviors. The medication has made it easier for me to identify being hungry or just wanting to eat to stuff an emotion. I have taken it for over 1 year and have lost 25 lbs.

I have been taking this med for 2 months and have not noticed any difference. The first month it made me tired and didn't have much energy like some have reported. I haven't lose any weight although I workout everyday for atleast an hour,i have built up muscle but wish to lose weight. I plan to give it another month or so then if no weight lose I will ask my doctor to try something else.

I have been taking Tenuate 75mg since November 2010, it says do not cut the pills, but I did, I cut them in 4, and started with 1/4 for a week or so, then up to 1/2 for a couple few weeks, and finally up to the whole pill. I take it very early, the minute I wake up, just before 6am. I have had no problem sleeping, do have the dry mouth, I drink a lot of water, which is good for you anyway. My doctor insists that I see a dietician evey month, plus I see him every month, he does not have refills on the RX, I get a new RX when I come to the monthly appt. My doctor says this is short-term, several months at the most. Also, the drug info that come with the RX at the pharmacy clearly says that nutritional counseling and exercise are to be used with this drug. I am following the dietician's instructions, that with the extra help from the Tenuate got me down 44lbs so far, 25 to go! This drug works great for me, and I have never taken diet pills before, other that OTC Dexatrim once when I was young. I am eating healthy, fresh foods, no sugar, no white flour, no processed foods, junk food at all. I am physically active also, not an exercise fanatic at all, just doing stuff all the time, and have a physical job.

I have been on tenuate for years and its great

I have been on this pill for almost 5yrs, I have lost 50lbs, with exercising, healthy diet. I had gained it back when I tried to stop. Throughout the years I have developed dry mouth, dizziness,headaches,sleeplessness, and heart palpitations. I thought it was stress being a FT working mother of 3. but it wasn't. Now I a having numbness in my left arm and left, it's not a stroke, I have had the MRA MRI, i'm fine, and my heart is good. It's the meds... I am going stop taking it everyday and hopefully stop altogether. I love the pill but the longer you are on, the worst you'll get overall, you'll look good though.

I exercise regularly, but have had problems dropping the last 15 lbs I want to loose. I have been taking tenuate for five days without any side effects other than a slight headache for the first two days, and have already lost 7 lbs. If you eat healthier and exercise a little, you will be pleased with this medication.