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Generic Name: dolasetron

Brand Name: Anzemet oral

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

I was given this while I was on chemo. When I was taking Carboplatin it was helpful, then when I took Temazolamide it get rid of the nausea completely.

Anzemet is very effective and quick. I recommend this Rx for anyone going through chemotherapy. Even after 12 years, I am still lucky and appreciative that my Oncologist gave me free samples for 2/3s of treatment. For the last part of treatments, I had to pay for the the 5 pills at $60.00/pill totalling $300.00. Even if the cost of the Rx has to come out of pocket, the expensive drug is well worth the price of avoiding the suffering of nausea and vomiting. What a lifesaver Anzemet was to me. Thanks

medicaton was very expenceive,, but my insuranc paid all but $15.00 for 13 pills. they coat $100.00 per pill. this was 11 years ago. It worked very well.