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Generic Name: eprosartan

Brand Name: Teveten oral

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

I have been on many high blood pressure medication and teveten has the least side effects. It’s cost 52.49. Canadian for 60 tab of 400mg. I need to take 800mg so that is my 30 day prescription. It is worth no having the terrible side effects.

This stuff is the best blood pressure drug I've ever taken. Very effective with minimal side effects. Allowed me to cut back on my beta blocker. The limited size of pills available require me to cut the tablets into 1/3 or 2/3, which is kind of tricky.

I have used Teveten for hypertension for many years with no problems; it does the job and melds with my other medications. I agree it is way too expensive;there should be a generic but there is not.

This drug is awesome. I love drugs.

My blood pressure has been normal as long as I've been taking this medication. I have absolutely no side effects. Cost is high and my drug insurance wants me to change to 1 of 4 other drugs, which I have researched and they have bad side effects. I am trying to get an exception from my insurance company to continue on this medication.

It lowers my BP somewhat, but I continue to use it because I haven't had the horrible side effects I experienced with almost all other drugs for HP. I had to get an exception from my insurance to continue getting this drug. The cost is high, but I think I will try getting it in Canada!!

Drug worked for my BP, however, very expensive and now no longer able to obtain due to manufacturer no longer producing this medication. Bring it back!


Effective, but the cost is rather high. Would prefer a generic to be available

For the first time in years I've had normal BP readings...now how do I deal with the ED issues involved?