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Generic Name: eribulin

Brand Name: Halaven intravenous

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

Started Halaven Sept 2014 and had 6 cycles with loss of hair, neuropathy, some insomnia and tiredness. PET Scan showed reduction in tumor size and one other smaller tumor being diminished. Now having low ANC levels resulting in missed doses.

Amaaaaaaaazing my skin met's are almost gone after 3 rounds. I have had 4 other chemo's 40 radiations and eery hormone treatment nothing worked. It isn't easy but it is working!

Doing its job - keeping my mets stable. Side effects begin much milder than many previous meds. But,"cold symptom" side effects are getting progressively worse as I continue treatment

I have had over 70 chemo treatments the past 10 years. I've had 10 tx of Halavan. Side effects are tolerable. Lost my hear, but it grew right back, it is thinner but it is still hair. Experience nausea, itching and some depression. These side effects are not usual for me.

I am the First one in the State of New Jersey to get on this new drug...so far so good.. feeling a lot better..