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Generic Name: ertapenem

Brand Name: Invanz injection

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

Giving antibiotic (1000mg) through a medline for 2 weeks to a 83 y/o male. He was hospitalized for sepsis, e. Coli, pneumonia. He is MDRO and has contracted MRSA. The infectious disease doctor (Indian) at the hospital said that he was going to be aggressive with his treatment. He is diabetic, HBP, prostate cancer and Congestive Heart Failure. He now has vertigo (thinks he's falling or that the room has tilted), vivid hallucinations (reaching for things not there/ seeing and talking to people), insomnia (talking all night long and unable to sleep during the day..2 minute catnap. Melatonin (10MG) and Unisom (COMBINED) do not work), swollen and cracked tongue, CANNOT WALK (thinking that he can)(he is an extremely high fall risk), slurred speech, cannot feed himself, cannot make it to the bathroom on time, agitation. He needs constant 24 hr supervision! He finished his treatment 2 days ago and continues to have negative effects. Babbling and zombie like. All bloodwork and urinalysis has come back negative, clear and all within normal ranges in recent bloodwork. I feel that this drug has exchanged his illnesses for disabilities therefore, diminishing his quality of life. He wasn't like this at all before taking Invanz.

While effective, ease of use was through a Medline, the experience has been traumatic for us as caregivers as well as the patient. Vivid hallucinations, insomnia, loss of balance, confusion. Coordination is off, but all blood and urine tests are clear, negative and within normal ranges. He seems to experience pain, hoarseness, dry mouth. He's constantly talking. He is irrational and a huge danger to himself as his thought process is compromised. As a caregiver, it seems that invanz has given him a new onset of different problems

I was only given one dose before discharge and needed 13 more but never got it.

I am using this medication in a 64 year old male on the advice of an infection control physician and after florquinilones, pen g and clindamycin failed a satisfactory response for a severe lung abscess in an emphysema patient. After six weeks of other treatments, this patient has showed very significant improvement after two IV administered doses.

I am not diabetic but have had an ongoing infection in my foot since stepping on a nail 3 yrs ago. Got MRSA had tip of big toe removed, following year the next toe completely, last year back to ER on IV anitbiotics for a week, 3 weeks ago again with infection in foot. 1 week hospital on IV meds, now for the last 2 weeks (out of a total of 6 weeks required) I have been giving myself daily IV of INVANZ through a PICC line. For the last 2 weeks I have been in so much pain due to muscle spasms in my chest, back and abs that I am in constant pain. It is difficult to find a position where I can be at ease for more than a few minutes. It feel as if I have worked all these muscle groups to beyond fatigue! I cant sit up in bed or even roll over without crying out in pain. I made the mistake of sneezing yesterday...OMG the worse pain of my entire life......I was close to passing out. ANYONE EVERY HAVE OR HERE OF SUCH SYMPTOMS? I can not take another 4 weeks of this torment. I have lost about 30 lbs in the last couple weeks due to my exhaustion and pain. Anyone with any information please help.

UTI with possible kidney implication. Originally given another antibiotic to which the bacteria was resistant. It's not given by injection, but is infused daily through a PICC line. I infuse at home. Total length of treatment is ~ 3 weeks.

severe confusion

I have a lung infection. Doctors are certain about it being mycobacteria, but are trying this first. Things have improved a little. Has anyone else used it for lung infections?

for the nephrology patients given with the dialysis

I just started taking this drug for a complicated skin infection thru a pik-line. So, far I have had nausia, dirrea and headaches. I've been taken the drug once a day along with Zyvox 600mg twice a day.

i know have scleroderma from taking this antibotic to remove infection in my body from staff infection

Intense tremoring in aging female,ramping up to severe, nonstop tremors that stopped only after we stopped this drug.The tremors disappeared within 24 hrs. of cessation of drug