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Generic Name: estradiol-levonorgestrel

Brand Name: Climara Pro transdermal

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

I used this product for menopause symptoms. Used for about 8 months. Worked good for hot flashes and body aches BUT made me feel like I was becoming very forgetful. I read about early dementia being a side affect do I stopped using it. I don’t need to go into early Alzheimer’s because I don’t want to hot flash!!!

I have not been able to stop eating since putting this patch on. It's effective at keeping mood swings and hot flashes at bay, but I have already gained 5 pounds in 2 weeks. I just ripped the patch off because I cannot allow this to continue.

Noticed improvement in less than 7 days. Improvement has continued mote than a month. Week 5 saw a small amount of vaginal bleeding...waiting to hear from Doctor.

The patch irritates my skin. It leaves my skin inflamed and painful. You can still see the outline of one of the patches from a month ago - not the sticky glue, but the irritation it left on my skin. I agree with everyone else about the patch often coming off on its own and it being really hard to peel off the backing. Aside from that, thank goodness for the estrogen. I'm going to try a different delivery system, but I'm sticking with HRT. I'm finally feeling like myself again (active, happy). I never had any other symptoms other than malaise and fogginess. No one recommended HRT to me. I wish more people, including my doctors, would have done so earlier.

The first box was defective and wouldn't stay on. I contacted the manufacturer who sent me two new boxes...great. One of the boxes had functioning patches, the other has patches that the backing will NOT come off of, rendering them useless. That's 8/12 defective patches for those counting. Also killed my sex drive completely. It does work on hot flashes, but I can't stay on this.

This very expensive patch sucks! Will not stay on! I canâ??t keep it on during the lightest of exercise or the shortest of showers.

I did not get any relief with this patch due to the fact it will not stay on for the entire week. I use a vitamin patch daily and the manufacturers should consider a daily patch. It was a waste of money and I will not be using it anymore.

I know when I first started the patch..peeling backing was tricky. The key is to make sure you are peeling the glossy hard backing but most important is realizing that it peels off at a bit of an angle. By finding the little tab in the middle and starting with that it is very easy to peel. The patch stopped my hot flashes and I suffered for years prior trying to be natural. And my hot flashes were every few minutes. Just took a week off the patch and the anxiety and hot flashes are wreaking havoc once again. I put another patch on today.

My experience with the Climara Pro patch is terrible. After day three, the patch begins to come off. By day four the patch is almost completely off and forms cone-shaped openings. I would not recommend this patch.

I starting using Climara Pro to help with my menopause symptoms (hot flashes, no energy, sleepless nights, night sweats, tiredness all the time, grumpiness, etc) and it has worked. However, I have vaginal bleeding 2 months into using this product. I have contacted my doctor and some tests were done and everything looks ok. I just wish the vaginal bleeding would STOP. The patch could use more adhesive. During the hot summer months it loses it's stickiness.

I love this patch. It is easy to peel the backing and apply - I change the patch about every two weeks. If I go off the patch, the hot flashes return. I've used this patch for 14 years - had to go to a generic at one time and it was awful. I don't understand the reviews saying patch is hard to apply...it is easy. I've never damaged a patch because backing would not come off. I choose my insurance based on coverage for this medication - it is that important to me. With coverage the cost is $35 / without coverage it is $250.00.

The patch worked very well for me. After 3 months of use I began having serious skin irritations. I am hoping for a milder solution I had really good results from the use. I also had problems with the patch not sticking as well after the third day. I tried everything to make sure the area was clean and dry with no avail. The irritation left marks on my skin as well. The product give peace and calms all the symptoms but I really need another option.

Works great has helped my bipolar II symptoms lessen as well. No side effects. Also, I fixed the attachment problem of the patch. I keep the boxes of patches away from hot steamy showers. I think the heat causes the problems. I swear to this because both an opened box and new boxes started to work a lot better.

I have been using the ClimaraPro patch for years but about 1.5 years ago the plastic backing and adhesive changed. It is now almost impossible to correctly use this expensive product. I love the transdermal approach but the patches are ruined when I try to take the backing off. These patches do not work if they don't adhere evenly and the distortion of the patches due to the impossibility of taking off the backing affects the transfer of the medicine through the skin. This is a big problem. Can't believe Bayer isn't addressing this. I am an experienced patch user and I can't get these to work right. Very disappointed and there is no good alternative. What a terrible waste of money for all of us women who need this product. New users - be aware of this problem.

I too have difficulty every single week peeling off the clear backing. I have wasted many patches trying to get them apart. Have developed a system of using tweezers to assist, this is not fool proof but I have had good bone density reports since taking this med so itâ??s def a love hate situation. I reported to Bayer the problem and they sent me a few more patches that were also difficult.

The patch is extremely difficult to put on. The hard plastic DOES NOT peel off and i end up damaging the patch almost every time. I will ask my doctor for another medication due to this weekly struggle of applying the patch. Too expensive to be wasting multiple patches due to terrible application process.

This medication has worked for me, but the delivery system is awful. The backing usually does not come off easily, and I’ve Destroyed 4 patches over the last six months trying to remove the backing. It’s been a problem for years, but the maker does not fix it.

This patch is a horror. Don't know if the med is working for me but am DONE trying to get the back off the patch to stick it on me. Also the last time used it it left a very dark bruise where I put it. Hate this patch. DONE!!!

Over the course of one year, I have had six patches where the backing will not come off. I'm disgusted with this patch and the company that makes it. Would've liked to have stayed on the Combipatch however, my insurance company would no longer cover it, so I had to go on the inferior Climara Pro. It works fine, IF you can get the stupid backing off. Will ask my healthcare practitioner to find an alternative. This thing isn't worth the aggravation.

My hot flashes and sweats went away but I bleed a lot and I have gained 10 pounds in the first month.