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Generic Name: estradiol cypionate

Brand Name: Depo-Estradiol intramuscular

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

Terrible medicine. Not comparable to Delestrogen at all. Don't use Depo. This med will give you a heart attack.

I have been on this medication for over 10yrs. It has worked better for me than all of the other medications that I've been prescribed and this was the last one. I was injecting once a month and over the years the effectiveness has changed so now my doctor has me doing injection every two weeks to keep the level constant and it has been working for over 2yrs now. Since I inject myself I am considering the pellets just as a change from having to stick myself with a needle every 2 weeks but other than that...it's been GREAT!

i have gone thru all the other types,pills,patches,creams, they all quit working for me after a short while,with none of them lasting barely a year, i had to find something else..One doctor finally gave me a shot of depo-estradiol.It worked wonders for me.All of my hot flashes,mood swings,the vaginal dryness,and my night sweats(which kept me from getting sleep),vanished rather quickly. I've had Patches-they don't stay on,my skin doesn't absorb things normally so the creams,and gels don't work,and the pills,just like all others i take only work for a short while,and then only with increasing dosages. In my opinion and my own personal experience using this drug,until medical science can give me a complete reversal of my total hysterectomy,ovarectomy,there is no other substitute. i have had no bad or adverse side effects from using this medicine in this form,what so ever.

Got rid of the flashes - excellent! Making my muscles buff too - I gained 3 kilos, but still fit very well into my clothes. Fit but not fat. I have to take it every 3 weeks, not 4. Happy customer. Wish doc had given this to me sooner. Creams had a limited effect over time. In aHollnd, friends use marijuana with excellent results, but again, limited over time after about 6 months.

at 24 i had to have a hysterectomy. w-in 6 mts i was damn near insane . weight , mood, raging. finally a md put me on this. next morning i felt as if a cloud had been lifted from my brain and body . this was in 1975 my body is still great and i am still me i thank God and medical science for this. i thank me for the diligence it took to find it

low changes on legs and breast

after my dr. prescribing everything under the sun to combat NOT hot flashes, BUT A PERPETUAL STATE OF HEAT, this injection was my; last hope, it does not help and after a year im ready to kill myself, i am absolutely going out of my; mind with this heat..........after my hyterectomy 8 yrs ago, it s been like this.......help, please