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Generic Name: estropipate

Brand Name: Ogen 0.625 oral

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

I have been using a .625 generic of Ogen (Watson 414)since it became available. Altho I am 78 years old, hot flashes made my life miserable since a partial hysterectomy many years ago. I have tried to go off of estroget, but day and night flashes return. Benefits outweigh the risks in my opinion. I hope it is not made from pregnant horse urine like Premarin. I object to their vile treatment of horses.

I love ogen. Long after menopause, I started having dreanching night sweats. My doctor prescribed this tiny amount of ogen -Instantly the night sweats disappeared. Since I see no difference at all between generic & name brand, I take the generic. Great benifits, no side effects and inexpencive.

Have taken this medicine for over 20 years until just recently due to the manufacturer's discontinuance. Other generics caused gastrointestinal problems. Ogen is a wonderful drug which caused me no side effects; in fact, it helped my elevated blood pressure.

i tried several HRT. This one is great. no side effects. I love it. No sweats,hot flashes, my mood was so much better. i take the generic of ogen. as for weight gain, the pill didnt do this to me, now i watch what i eat...

Ogen is gentle, and after surgery, it provided the necessary balance that I required. I also had the uterus removed along with the ovaries and this medication has been wonderful. I was told that this medication was no longer being made and I wonder why, and also what can I take that is the equivalent.

I have been on this medication for over 25 years after a complete historectomy with no complications. I have tried the generic several times and always have side effects- sleeplessness, forgetfullness, edgy, etc. I just want to know why Ogen was discontinued? Anybody know?

NO NO don't discontinue OGEN!! After a hellatious search for a med for low estrogen (primary interest-cognitive symptoms)came upon Ogen. The only one that worked for me. Higher dose (1.25) did not result in high serum estrogen (metabolizes fast). I could work, remember, feel positive and focus. I was saved! AND then Ogen was discontinued. I am truely lost, the generic...every side effect and some I never had before. AND wrong dosage and absorption. LOST!! Going to compound pharmacy and hope.

I absolutely love"d" this drug. I had absolutely "NO" side effects with it. Whereas with Premarin I had weight gain, water retention, "VERY" tender/sore breasts, mood swings, etc. I am not trying the 0.325 oral of premarin to see if it will subside the side effects. Not sure why the company has discontinued making ogen, not too pleased with that.

i found this medications taken with progesterone helped greatly with hot flushes and mood swings. i wanted to resume this medication but apparently it is discontinued - WHY?

Improvement on hot flashes and sleep, while weight gain and bloating have been an issue.

Within a few days I could tell a big difference. The hot flashes went away and I have not been awakened in the night due to night sweats. My weight gain came before I went on the Medication, but it hasn't come off since I started on the medication.

I was prescribed Ogen 0.625mg for relief of hot flashes and sleep disturbance. I don't know how long it is supposed to take for improvement of symptoms, but I have been taking it for 1 1/2 weeks with no relief. I will probably discontinue use due to nausea side effect.

only eases effects of menopause, weight gain is a problem