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Generic Name: etonogestrel-ethinyl estradiol

Brand Name: NuvaRing vaginal

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

First time I tried this I got all kinds of side effects, decided to go off it and discovered I had a hormone imbalance that didn't mix well with the addition of Nuvaring. I took a couple of months to fix my hormones and then went back on this for a second time because I really wanted this to work for me, it did! Zero side effects aside from when my fiance pointed out he thought my boobs grew (Not a bad side effect by any means ??) I'm sensitive to hormone methods and the pill scared me into never wanting to go back on hormone methods but due to PMDD it was a necessity to help improve my quality of life which it has dramatically! Wish I could give it more stars!

I had two children back to back and wanted to be on birth control so there wouldn’t be a third so soon. Starting off it was great. I stayed on for four years and two months. What made me get off was the constant aching of my uterus and random yeast infections associated with my tissue growing outside of my cervix. Random bleeding during sex. Overall, to prevent pregnancy a great birth control but can’t deal with all of the other issues that come with it anymore.

Was on Nuvaring for 7 months. Works great at preventing pregnancy. I felt like a zombie for the first 3 days, but I had no physical symptoms after the first month (except for recurring yeast infections). However, about two months after starting it, my mental health plummeted. I've always struggled with anxiety and some very mild depression, but the ring made me a different person. I could barely get out of bed in the morning, and when I did, I usually started crying. EVERYTHING made me cry. I started having serious suicidal thoughts. I had no control over my emotions at all. I had panic attacks several times a week, if not a day. It made me so clingy and insecure. It made my skin pretty and I never got pregnant, but definitely not worth the mood side effects for me. Keep in mind that different medications interact differently for everyone. Just because this was my experience does not mean it is everyone's experience. I still think the ring is a great option to try. It's super convenient and hard to mess up, and I really wish it worked out better for me. Just keep the potential for negative mood side effects in mind when using it so you can stop the second you start feeling off.

It was going good for a couple of weeks until I suddenly broke down and started crying over absolutely nothing. Long story short I couldn’t go to school for almost 2 weeks because I was depressed (when I have never had depression in the past) it was honestly the most hopeless feeling I’ve ever experienced and would not wish upon my worst enemy. I spend those 2 weeks literally crying all day about nothing.The Nuvaring also broke inside me multiple times and I couldn’t never place it in the right spot. I took it out after feeling like shit and slowly I started to get back to my normal self.

I’ve been on since I was 20 and I’m 31 now. I haven’t had all these anxiety attacks or mental health issues effect me due to use. I’ve always had depression before and after using the ring it hasn’t gotten worse. My only complaint is I stopped using it for a few months and I’m getting back on I used to do this a few times in my 20s. I am older now and getting back on this time has been a challenge because I’m getting abnormal bleeding but I have a friend who’s doing the same and she’s on the pill.

I started nuvaring 2 weeks ago and for the past 3 days my vagina has been EXTREMELY sore. I took the ring out yesterday because I just couldn't take it anymore and it literally gave me a yeast infection after only 2 WEEKS OF USE! Ive been alive 21 years and I have never in my life had a yeast infection or UTI so this is completely out of the norm for my body. I've talked to a few of my friends and they said the same thing happened to them. I've also been extremely moody and had severe acne break out not only on my face but my back. the worst side affect by far is the yeast infection, I'm extremely disappointed. If I could give this product 0 stars I would.

So shortly after starting it I got aura migraines for the first time in my life. It got to the point of getting them weekly, my mental health plummeted and I got super suicidal and depressed. Plus after 6 months of perfect use (taking it out and putting it back exactly how it's meant to) I still got pregnant, but I also got pregnant on the pill so maybe my body's just determined to have kids... ??

Yeah sure no babies but a week into it my mental health PLUMMETED. Anxiety like a MF. Anxiety attacks worse than ever. And suicidal thoughts increase almost immediately. Find something else please.

Just had cramPing

The Nuvaring almost killed me. I was on it for about 2 years. I started randomly passing out but didn't make the connection for a long time. It was causing me to pee out all my sodium. This isn't a commonly known side effect in the medical community so it took a very long time to connect the dots even with talking to my physician. I got so low on sodium in my blood that my brain was unable to use electricity correctly and it started to slow my cognitive function and cause me to randomly pass out. Over time the passing out episodes became more frequent. It also caused me to have a weird social anxiety, extremely low libido, and inability to smell body odor. After about 2 weeks off I could already tell I felt way better in all aspects of my lift. I have been off of it for 2-3 months now and I have so much more energy and am more social. I haven't passed out once since. I'm able to regulate body temperature. It might be great for some people but be aware of side effects that the medical community isn't aware of.

It seemed perfect at the time. I had been on depo shot and couldn't afford the shots anymore. I went to planned Parenthood and they told me about nuvaring so I thought ide give it a shot. I can't remember if the headaches started the same day or the next, But not long after inserting it, I had a migraine. I thought it was just my normal migraine. I get migraines frequently. It started in 6th grade. I only get aura migraines which causes half my body to numb, go blind in one eye, with usual pain, nausea, and light sensitivity. Anyways, as soon as I put the ring in I got a migraine. So I took migraine medication, which always helped! However, this time it wasn't. I took more migraine meds yet it still didn't go away. I spent about about a week in bed, sleeping. I couldn't do anything since I was blind, numb, and felt sick to my stomach. I finally decided to go to the ER. I told the Dr that nothing recently changed ..except that I started a new birth control, nuvaring. They said try taking it out and see what happens. I did and almost immediately the migraine stopped!! I told them I felt much better and that the migraine stopped!

When I started this birth control my PCOS was acting up crazy, I was on my period for a year, yes a YEAR, I had almost died from the amount of blood loss, ended up needing 2 blood transfusions, so the birth control was used to stop the bleeding and regulate my periods so I am now in control of them and not experiencing extreme blood loss. In the first month or two the periods sucked, the cramps I got were awful but I think it was my body being pissed off, but once I got through the first 2 months everything really started regulating better, the periods are a bit lighter for me considering I am very heavy flow, and the extreme cramping has stopped as well, it was hard to keep pushing past that but being able to put the ring back in to stop my period was a godsend, for me it stopped my period between a couple hours or by the next day. My gynecologist said I’m basically training my uterus at this time to only bleed when I’m supposed to and not 24/7/365. With PCOS I had a bit of weight gain and got up to 180 and could not lose weight for the life of me, after 2-3 months on this birth control I started losing weight and now I’m at 153 ish. I believe there is no testosterone in the nuvaring which is great for those of us with PCOS and it balances out our feminine hormones. I used to have little to no sex drive for a few years and now I have my sex drive back which is amazing. My partner said he couldn’t feel it but in certain positions I would experience a little discomfort but you can always take it out during sex and put it back in if you wanted to which is awesome. I am not sure about this but I have been diagnosed with anxiety, depression and PTSD for years now and I do feel my anxiety a bit more recently but idk if it’s just my life stress or the birth control but overall I am satisfied with what the Nuvaring has done for me and my body. I no longer have my hemoglobin in a deathly range and I don’t feel as awful as I did without it. It is different for everybody, but I say just try it for 3 months and see how you do and pay attention to the changes in your body. I was nervous the first two months but I’ve been on it for 6 months now and this birth control is a blessing to me. Good luck ladies ??

Do NOT use the Nuvaring. I took it out after 2 weeks of use because my boyfriend and I both got an allergic reaction. His penis started to peel and after I took mine out, I felt sore during sex and there was swelling. We both got tested for reproductive/skin diseases and we were clean on all of them . I got my period immediately after taking it out, then didn’t have my period for 2 months. Was very moody during those 2 months, and having a pregnancy scare was not fun. Be careful.

I think the nuvaring is a lovely option for those who are exploring an alternative method of birth control and everyone’s experience is different! I loved being able to put it in and not think about it as well as it did protect against pregnancy. Slowly and overtime though, i started to get more and more down and anxious, to the point where it was pretty debilitating, but since it was gradual i placed it on other things, as well as doctors were adamant this was not caused by nuvaring. I hit a point where I felt hopeless and within two weeks of removing it my mood started to stabilize and i no longer felt numb. I started to feel like myself again. I think each person needs to find out what best works, but with any birth control, especially if you have a history of mental health concerns, just be cautious and make sure you aren’t facing anything more severely then you need to. Best of luck on your birth control journey!

I loved this at first. So easy to use. It only caused me one really odd side effect… I could no longer eat eggs while using it. Using the ring gave me an egg intolerance! Any time I ate eggs, not when they were cooked into something but eggs for breakfast or deviled eggs, etc, I’d have diarrhea! At first I thought it was food poisoning but I was consistently getting this terrible stomach pain & diarrhea. Finally, I notice the pattern. So I went a week egg free, I was fine the entire week. Then I ate eggs, my tummy troubles were back. I didn’t realize yet it was because of the ring. I just thought I developed an egg intolerance. Fast forward to when I was off the ring & really wanted eggs so figured I’d just deal with the consequences and eat them. The consequences never came though! I suddenly could eat eggs again. Only change was the nuvaring!! Strangest thing ever. Never found anyone else have this situation but for me it was so clearly connected.

The stars system for this medication does not reflect how I feel about nuvaring. Did it work as a birth control? Yes. Was it easy to put in and "use"? Yes. Is it a good option for birth control? NOT FOR ME! Nuvaring made my cervix ACHE and my vagina was sore a third of the time I was using it. It also exacerbated my anxiety. I had more panic attacks while on nuvaring + the hormone come-down than I've ever had IN. MY. LIFE. If you suffer from anxiety/depression/ptsd I would definitely only try this if you have a stable support system around you to combat any side effects. Everyone is different, so this may be the best b.c. for you! But it definitely wasn't for me.

I will go to war for my NuvaRing! Absolutely love this form of birth control- lighter periods, no pregnancy scares, no negative side effects, and covered 100% by my insurance. I love how I don't have to remember to take it daily, how the hormones are localized to my nether regions, and how I can take it out whenever I want. I remove it for sex, though you don't need to, and it's still totally effective even if it's been out for a short period of time (according to NuvaRing's website it can be out of our body for up to 3 hrs a day every day).

It gave me Endometriosis and it gave my friend months of constant bleeding. I'm now staying away from all forms of artificial hormones such as birth control.

I have always had trouble with birth controls either giving me a false pregnancy or making me sick or feel crazy. The nuvaring most recently was giving me HORRIBLE migraines and unbelievable nausea. I’ve been off it for a week now and I’m still sick and all I want to do is sleep. My doctor said it could be 2 or more weeks that I’m feeling side effects. If it works for you then great, but those who are sensitive to estrogen and BC then please use with caution !

This was horrible, honestly. I'm normally very calm, and levelheaded, and I've never had history of depression or anxiety. Nuvaring made me gain weight like CRAZY (which I dropped again immediately after stopping use), depressed (My first ever suicidal thought, yay), and angry at everyone and everything. I drove my sweet boyfriend CRAZY, and it was so hard to deal with things that normally wouldn't have even made me take a second look. Little things made me angry. The best part, it MURDERED my sex drive. Why even take BC if I don't want sex? This was one of the worst experiences of my life. I don't want to say that it won't work for everyone (because I know everyone is different), but it was a really poor experience for me, and I urge you to pay attention to your body, your moods, your weight, and your sex drive if you start the nuvaring.