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Generic Name: ferumoxytol

Brand Name: Feraheme intravenous

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

No allergic reactions or side effects- I felt better 3 days after my first infusion! My muscle cramps and tetany stopped. I am so grateful for this medication and my Dr. I have Lupus Kidney disease. This infusion has helped me so much!

Immediately upon the Feraheme intering my vein I became short of breath, my chest became so tight that I couldn't breathe, my back felt as if there was a heating pad on me. My blood pressure dropped immediately. My hr dropped from 55 bpm to 47 bpm. I had a massive headache. It was like my brain was going to explode from the back of my head. The nurses immediately removed the line. Flushed the IV in my arm and started a 30 minute saline drip. My blood pressure came back up as well as my hr. The side effects calmed down. Then the transfusion was restarted. I called and spoke with my doctor's assistant and let her know that I started itching uncontrollably and my skin had an extremely different texture. She asked me if I wanted to go with another iron transfusion at my second visit. My response was what do you think? She replied we could try it and see if I react the same way. Which I agreed to. Since the last Feraheme infusion I'm still itching and now my skin is covered in the "rash". Which now I have raised bumps every where. I'm scheduled to see my primary care doctor tomorrow (3/31/2022) and after all of this my labs are worse now than before the infusion. I'm still extremely exhausted and have no energy at all. I'm glad that for everyone has gotten their anemia under control. But, I will never do this again. It's not for me apparently. Best of luck to you all. I'm 56 and a woman.

I have been prescribed feraheme twice for anemia and it doesn’t help my body store the iron. A few months later anemia got worse. Venofer has kept my iron level at normal ranges for 2 years +

Severe iron deficient anemia (Ferritin 1.9). Last week I received my first dose of Feraheme and within seconds of it entering my veins my face flushed, severe right jaw pain and insane pressure in my chest to the point I couldnâ??t breathe. Doctors and nurses were super quick with stopping the treatment and injecting prednisone and Benadryl to treat the allergic reaction. I was monitored for a bit and then was released and basically crashed for the rest of the day. I felt like I was hit by a truck. Today I went back and they pretreated me with prednisone and Benadryl then started a slowwww dose of Venofer. My blood pressure dropped to 90/60 but besides that I had no other side effects. Definitely a much better reaction today. Feraheme legit almost killed me.

Iâ??m vegetarian and I suffered from iron deficiency for long time. I was on/off on the oral iron pills. Recently after my miscarriage, I became anemic again. I went to my haematologist , the nurse practitioner prescribed me this feraheme iron infusion. On the day of the infusion, she gave me steroid through IV as precaution. Then waited for 15 mints and started this feraheme infusion, within seconds of this infusion, I experienced severe anaphylaxis reaction, I literally thought Iâ??m going to die . But with godâ??s grace and nurse quick action, helped me survive. I have follow up appt with doctor to discuss further steps in treating my iron Deficiency and I donâ??t be going back for any more infusion. This incident actually scared me very much. I never had any experience like this before.

have had celiac and crohns for 5 years, iron levels started dropping after i went vegetarian. during a normal blood work check, GI dr discovered iron to be at 4. sent me to a hematologist to get iron infusions. within seconds of this feraheme infusion i went into anaphylaxis. thought that i was dying. needless to say i’m not doing anymore iron infusions...

I handled the injection April 2013 and was fine. 2 months following the injection, I developed Bradycardia, shortness of breath, low BP. My TSH thyroid also went very high. Had to increase my synthroid from .125mg up to 175mg. The only thing that I did to cause this was the Feraheme injection. My doc does not think so but offers no other explanations. Doc wants be to do it again cause she wants my Ferritin around 100. It is about 69. I think I will stick with Iron supplements.

Caused anaphylaxis. Scariest thing ever! Not sure if it worked to full potential because I can never have the follow up doses needed.

I had severe anemia(levels between 6-8) for years due to celiac disease and severe menstrual bleeding. Additionally, I had a heart defect that was keeping my blood being oxygenated and living at a high altitude. I was wiped out. At last I found a good hematologist that prescribed IV Infusions since my system was incapable of absorbing iron naturally. I was given Benedryl before the first infusion. I had no reaction and was feeling better within 48 hours. Because of my severe bleeding, I had a second one a few months later. Still no negative reaction and felt better quickly. I carefully followed my gluten free diet, had my heart issue(PFO) fixed and opted for a uterine ablation to fix my bleeding issue. All procedures were 100% effective. I then moved to a new state. My new doctor gave me one more infusion. This time it was Infed. I still had no reaction but it took several months to take effect but did eventually work. My anemia is now gone and I don't foresee anymore infusions but was very happy they were available and would opt for Feraheme as my preferred drug.

I was given two doses of feraheme over 2 months for iron deficient anemia. My hemoglobin was at 8.6 . The infusions went well, I had no problems. My hemoglobin was normal after about 3 weeks and has stayed between 12 - 14 which is VERY GOOD for almost an entire year now. I have read lots of scary / bad experiences with feraheme, but I wanted to make sure to add my good experience. Also the nurse who gave me my infusion said she had not seen any bad reactions in the 10 years she had been giving them.

My 92 year old father given one treatment prescribed by his kidney specialist. Has low kidney function but not on dialysis. Has one more treatment scheduled in one week but we will cancel. Suffering severe diarrhea, joint pain in ankles, knees, hips and back. Unable to stand and walk, low blood pressure. Side effects started approximately three hours after treatment.

Allergic reaction sections within taking it. Thought I was dying. Tried Vonofer thus round night and experience.

The first transfusion I had sever chest pain. They checked my vitals and it was all good, was sent home with no other reactions. Did my second transfusion and just feel really tired and "out of it" like just over drowsy or something . Still no change in my energy levels, which I was hoping for.

I have severe anemia and my first infusion was with Dextran, where i had no side affects whatsoever, and it took about 1.5 weeks to feel the effects of energy; it lasted about 3.5 months. The second infusion was yesterday with Feraheme. Shorter infusion time, no side effects, hope it works the same. The second dose will be on Monday, but so far so good.

I did not have any bad reactions in fact I have more energy and really feel good.

I had my first IV 4 days ago. No swelling or on site irritation. I have suffered with a severe headache, major bone and muscle pain, and occasional chest pain since the treatment. I also have small dotted rash (looks like I am covered with red freckles)under the skin of both legs. I really need the iron so I am suffering through these side effects. The plan is for the next IV in 3 days. Hoping the headache and skeletal aches go away.

I had small AVM bleeds in my intestines, so started Feraheme about 7yrs ago. I've had infusions weekly to monthly. Longest I've ever gone without it is 3 months, and that was a disaster, i ended up in the hospital needing a transfusion because my Iron level dropped to 4! Feraheme has worked great for me for years now, keeping me 'close' to the normal range. My hematologist monitors my ferritin levels to be sure I'm not getting too much iron. I've had NO side effects, no issues at all.

No adverse affects; go in, get IV'ed, sit for ten minutes, and then go. I've been battling anemia through diet and pills for years without any kind of stable result. But with this I'm finally experiencing improvements.

I have had two feraheme infusions, one week apart, due to anemia, which the drs are saying is from heavy periods... I had no bad side effects from the infusions at all... I started really feeling better around the end of week one. My hemoglobin was 8.6 before the infusions. I will update this to tell you what my hemoglobin is in 2 weeks. I came to this forum before I got the infusions done and was really scared by what I read, so I thought it was important to add my good review. I had no bad effects, it went well during the infusion and after. For anyone going to have an infusion for the first time, be watchful for side effects during and after the infusion, but don't be afraid the nurse told me in her years of doing infusions she had never had a bad reaction and I can attest to being a good experience.. no bad reaction during nor bad side effects in the days after.

For all of you who have read all of the negative reviews, I am a patient who has had nothing but a positive experience.