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Generic Name: fludrocortisone

Brand Name: Florinef oral

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

I been on this med for 5 days so far it has kept my blood pressure up i just feel like im in a daze all the time and sweat alot more

In conjunction with Dexamethasone, I feel it helped. The problems is, even on a small dose, after taking it for 10 days I develop severe swelling of feet and ankles and have graduated to shortness of breath, chest wheezing and coughing and in the hospital with CHF. I've gone off it for periods and tried it again and I have the same reaction. So fluid retention is a problem for me with it. Wish I could take it!

I've been taking fludricortisone for about a week and a half for POTS and my lower legs are starting to really swell and am starting to break out. Is anyone else having the swelling problem? It's really starting to bother me and it's affecting my running.

I was fine on florinef except for weight gain until we upped my dose. Now I've gotten huge in 1 mth, am extremely swollen, get horrible leg pain and overall aches.

Weight gain around the waist has been an uncomfortable side effect.

Two months ago I suddenly developed autonomic dysfunction at age 66 despite being an endurance athlete. 0.1 mg/day plus increased salt in diet has allowed me to keep working as a professor. Try to keep sitting BP around 140/80 during day, but the highest has been 160/100 and it's around 120/75 in morning before meds and breakfast. Swimming laps is the only good aerobic exercise that I can handle.

alot of weight gain, joint pain, tried all the time, legs are fulling with fluid.

I have swelling under the eyes as well as swelling on both ankles and I think that it's affecting my eye site

I have IOthosatic Intolerance when standing also Tacycrdia. Also Chronic Fatigue /ME . I also have Diabetes Insipidus. Could not take Desmopressin. My Primary Care Dr. rec Florinef. However have been on 3 days and am very weak. I am taking extra Pottassium and was also put on Adrenal supplement liquid. Folate. I am barely able to move around. My BP is 11/60 pulse 63.

Was prescribed for suspected postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome. Shortly after I started taking it I began experiencing horrible spikes in blood pressure, headaches, weight gain, irregular periods, swollen feet and face, sleep disturbances, moodiness, intracranial pressure, fatigue, increased hair growth - I've gradually reduced the dose from 0.2 to 0.05 mg daily and now I'm trying to come off it altogether. Hopefully the withdrawal will be uneventful.

I have been on this med for four years for POTS symptoms. The med I was put on to lower heart rate also lowered my blood pressure to the point of could hardly function. Florinef helped keep blood pressure for dropping so low.

i pass out sitting or standing and florinef seems to help but i feel drunk and stagger on it. like i am on the verge of passing out with my eyes wanting to roll back in my head. Does any one else feel that way?

Using this for treatment of POTS. It was a little difficult to find the proper dosage as there seems to be a delayed effect of a few weeks. I have had some trouble with headaches but they go away when I drop the dose slightly. I am much more of a functional person with this drug, though not as "normal" as I used to be I would hate to try and manage my POTS without this. I have tried several times to wean myself off this drug very slowly to see if I can function without it but with no luck.

I have low blood pressure that drops when I move around. No known cause. Doc put me on Florinef to see if it would improve. Started the pills yesterday and within two hours was itching all over. Itching lasted a good 8 hours. Took another pill today and had the same reaction. Called my doctor and he told me there is no possible way I am itching from this medication! Anybody else had this reaction?? Am I just crazy??

I am supposed to take half a pill. They usually crumble when I try to cut them. I have been taking this for 3 months and after a while my BP has gone back down to the awful level it was before. I am weak & lightheaded all the time, once again.

It has made my blood pressure stay leveled but I have "brain fog" and stay sleepy. My vision stays blurry as well. Does anyone else have this problem? How do you know if your potassium is low?

Collapsed & died as a result with no information given when handed these tablets. 24hrs on tablets with high doses.

I have had low BP for all my life - falling around and fainting. It got really bad in the past few years and my normal BP would be 90/55 or thereabouts. I was unable to drive as was afraid of passing out at the wheel, my GP tried various drugs but to no avail. January 2010 I was seen by a Cardialogist, had a full set of tests from stress to ECG to Angiogram and he put me on this drug. Since taking it - just 1 in the day and increasing my salt and fluid intake, my BP is now 120/80 on a regular basis and I have had just 2 fainting episodes - wonderful! Yes there is a down side, I have gained almost 1 stone in weight and sometimes get headaches, but I can live with this as I am back driving again. I have my checkup with my Cardiologist in this coming January and we will see where we go from here. I feel for people on this drug or any drug long term that they should have regular blood tests in particular to assertain any problems with the liver. My mother suffered from this same problem but unfortunately this drug was not around to help ease her symptoms.