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Generic Name: fluticasone propion-salmeterol

Brand Name: Advair HFA inhalation

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

I'm an older female who just got diagnosed with asthma. My Dr. put me onan Advair inhaler. It appeared to help with shortness of breath, but I did not like the horseness and inability to speak. I also had an irritated throat. I took myself off of this drug and after 3 days, I still have those side effects. When will they go away? My asthma is now under control.

I have asthma and got a bad flu this winter. After 6 weeks the coughing wouldn't stop and I had gone through a rescue inhaler in less than 30 days. The doctor gave me a 2 week sample of Advair to see if it helped and I was amazed at the results. After 1 day there was no more coughing and I only used the rescue inhaler once. However the second week has come with awful headache that never really goes away. I have literally had a headache for one week and no matter what I take for it its still there. I don't know why it didn't occur to me that it could be the Advair. The inhaler is now empty and I'm hoping the headache goes away. If it doesn't I will be going to my doctor for the headache and an Advair prescription! besideB the possible headache side affect Advair worked great.

I saw a pulmonologist re: shortness of breath. He diagnosed asthma and gave me the advair canister to use. It immediately made my voice hoarse and scratchy ( I am an attorney and need a voice). Then I woke up with muscle aches. Then I began coughing all night and a lot of the day. I could breath easier but the side effects caused me to quit using it. Also got migraines. Tried symbicort and lost the vision in my left eye for 15 minutes Scary!

Better breathing

Several times immediately after taking the drug I was forced to use a rescue inhaler in order to breathe. Also, I think the drug affects the heart pulse rate (pulse will vary between 40 and 90 BPM within a short period of time - aproximately one minute).

Caused vision problems. Had to quit taking this med.

From day 1, I had severe headaches. Especially after taking Advair before I went to bed, I would wake up with a really bad headache. Also started having bad muscle cramps in my feet and hands. Which is why my doctor took my off of Symbicort. Symbicort was about the same, worked great but had constant muscle cramps. I took myself off it, and those symptoms stopped. My back isn't hurting anymore either.

uncertain, as use has just begun.

it first worked ,,but my throat started to swell after 3 days,,and it was very gradual ,,and after the 4th day my tongue swelled as well as my epiglotis muscle( part that hangs in back of throat like a pendulum) so i quit using it,,,u must b careful its not subtle at well,,,,,,,b watchful if u r asked to use it

I find it difficult to use an inhaler...always worried the medication doesn't get where it's supposed to..sometimes lands on tongue and reluctant to repeat....

I have asthma and copd this drug really help both for me. Yes i had headaches and voice box problem but not so much now that i have been on it for ayear or more i can go swimming and walking now

I've always had allergies but as I became a senior (over60)I began having a problem smoothering and could not understand why. My doctor said I had developed asthma because of my allergies. She decided to prescribe advair and in the beginning prescribed the 250/50 twice a day for about 2 months and when my lungs cleared and my breathing improved she decided to prescribe the 100/50 twice a day. After about 2 months I now only use the 100/50 once a day, at night before I go to bed, and I now use my emergency inhaler only occasionally. I don't seem to have any side affects but sometimes I worry about the steriods and the dry powder going into my lungs. I'm not sure what the long term affects are as I've only been using Advair for about 3 years.

works better than any other treatment i have tried.

Works well for me but i have terrible leg cramps..

I wonder how long you should use the same inhaler?

This medicine did help my breathing but it sent my blood pressure thru the roof. That makes this asthma situation a double edge sword... do you die because you can't breathe or because of a stroke? Either way, I am unable to carry out normal everyday duties nor am I able to carry on a normal life. Other side effects are weight gain, irritability, sudden bouts of crying and general malaise.

I had problems with oral irritation from the diskus dispite agressive rinsing and gargling after use to the point that our diet was going change. Also, the dry powder irritated my vocal cords, which is bad for singers. I love the Hfa version and highly recommend it. My only complaint is that you have to take two puffs instead of one.

I read the review about the child having major behavior problems after starting Advair. I am wondering if that is our problem. Our daughter was very sweet and kind until 4 when she started Advair. We have had demanding, screaming fits since then and there is no major changes to cause this. I forgot her Advair (which we rarely do) the other morning and I realized we had no fits. This morning she woke up pleasant and within 2 minutes of administering the Advair, she errupted. Does anyone have any thoughts on this???