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Generic Name: follitropin beta

Brand Name: Follistim AQ injection

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

this treatment is awsome. I love drugs.

I have used this and gonal F for the past 12 years. Both worked great for me and I always produced many follicals and have my son as a result. The pen is so easy and does not have to be injected in the muscle like the eariler versions that I had to mix with water. I inject in my tummy and there is no pain or burning at all.

my first IUI was unsuccessful not saying it is from this drug. we are now moving onto our 2nd round

I was using this for 5 days before they found out it was not working at all. I have switched to Bravelle, so we will see if it works......Make sure you inject ALL the way into the muscle or you may feel burning. Ask your Dr. if it happens. You have to get the needle ALL the way in (have to have a partner help)