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Generic Name: ganciclovir

Brand Name: Zirgan ophthalmic (eye)

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

I had an out break of shingles in may 2017, on my face also in my eye, it recurred 5 times now 10/17. zirgan was prescribed 5 times a day for 7 days then 3times a day for 7 days , in a week pain is gone, blurry is still an issue, for me the blurry problem is less if I keep the eye lubricated. 10 mins before and 10 mins after the zigran is used and 30mins after, through the day. hopefully this is the last time I have to deal with this virus.

How long does it take to work? My eye is killing me. Just started taking it today.

Have been battling Herpes Keratitis for decades. Stress makes it worse and who doesn't have STRESS? I'm allergic to Viroptic. Can't believe the FDA took 20 years to approve ZIRGAN as a treatment. SHAME on them! I was in so much pain I was willing to go to Europe or Canada to get Zirgan when I learned about it. Viroptic is like putting weed killer in your eye! Now, will someone PLEASE come up with a cure for the Herpes virus?

I've used Viroptic in the past and my doc gave me this with my most recent occurance. I hate this stuff. It works, I guess, but it took too long and was really painful the whole time. Months later, I feel pain in the same spot when my eye is stressed. And it's expensive.

I have herpes simplex in the eye..and my eye has been red with lesions around the lower lid. My doctor recently perscribed me Zirgan, with 5 times application to the eye each day, my redness had dissapeared and my visions is back in track. I thank the doctors and FDA for issuing this drug so i can clearly see through my right eye. I <3 ZIRGAN. its gelitan like form is easy to use and put in the eye as it cools and melts as i blink. wonderful results. a must have.

Son was prescribed this for his infection of the eye (herpes infection of the eye). Seemed to have worked well. Now we have a recurrance, hopefully it will work quickly as it did the first time.

Have had shingles affecting my right eye for over a year. Just recently, visiting a specialist in Boston, found that this drug was just approved by FDA after being used in Europe for over 20 years. I have been using it since mid-August with excellent results. The shingles ulcerations on my cornea are GONE. My eye is much more comfortable...my vision is much improved. It is so easy to use...the drops just flow into your eye and melt within seconds, covering your cornea. I am so thankful to the Boston Doctor for starting me on this newly approved med. I'm not at 100% because I also have some "haze" behind the cornea due to the shingles virus, BUT the ulcerations on the surface of my cornea are gone, which is a great improvement for my eyesight. I recommend anyone who has had an experience like mine to try ZIRGAN. It is a phenomenal drug with no side effects. ALSO, I remind all of you near or at 60 years of age to get the shingles vaccine in order to decrease your chance of getting shingles!!! It can make a big difference in your life!!! Sue Vernon,RN, Maine

i suffer from recurrent eye infection/virus. Am highly allergic to Viroptic - the drug of choice for my condition. Zirgan/Virgan just FDA approved for US citizens after 10 yrs of use in Europe. Much less toxic than Viroptic.