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Generic Name: glycopyrrolate

Brand Name: Robinul oral

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

I take Robinul for excessive sweating. It works great, you still sweat a little bit but a lot less. The only drawback is the side effects. Robinul dries up many other bodily fluids in addition to sweat. Dry mouth is uncomfortable. Also, sometimes I cannot wear my contact lenses because of discomfort due to dry eye. The side effects may be bothersome but it's worth it to be free from embarassing and uncomfortable excess sweating.

Can anyone tell me where I can purchase this drug…..I am from the UK. I suffer greatly from excessive sweating around my head/face and neck and desperate to try. Have tried other drugs and have had Botox but unfortunately they havnt helped.

Hello, i found about Robinul from my doctor, But i can Find it in my country România, it is someone that can help me to procure This product, i have prescription here. I need it because my problem is difficult from years. Thank you very much and scuzse me for my bad englis! I hope someone see my message and help me. Thank you!

I'm 46yrs old. I've had hyperhydrosis all my life. I was prescribed 1mg a day but it did not work. I increased the dose to 2mg and still nothing. I did not have any side affects at all and it did not have any affect on sweating whatsoever. I was very disapointed.

I took this because I used to sweat like a monster. I mean I would have to wear 2-3 layers everyday just to hide my sweat from everyone. Now I can finally not stress about what shirt to wear because I DONT SWEAT THROUGH THEM ANYMORE. it’s seriously like a miracle. I can wear grey, I even see other people sweat through shirts and I’m not! First time ever!! My only problem with it is that I didn’t start this earlier. Oh and dry mouth but it is 100% worth it.

I've just started taking 2 - glycopyrrolate 1 mg 3 times a day and my question would be, has anyone had issues with the medication when you eat right before or after taking the pill? Is it still as effective?

Works great for my hyperhidrosis of hands and feet. Not a cure, but definitely helps. In order to get a reduction in sweating, I do have take doses high enough to cause some dry skin and dry mouth, but if it gets too bad I lower my dose for a while. I still have periods of intense sweating, but not so often as before. I find that since I sweat the most in the mornings, I should take the medication right before going to bed. If I wake up dry, I'm likely to stay that way throughout the day as long as I stay indoors with air conditioning. A couple other odd problems I've noticed. -You do develop a tolerance. I used to take a break from the medication on weekends and that helped, but now I work 2 jobs and take my medication every day. I've had to keep increasing the dose. -It does vary with women's menstrual cycles. Just before and during my cycle, I experience increased sweating despite taking the Robinul. I take the generic by the way.

Ordered this from pharmacy.ca for post ETS Compensatory sweating. It is a miracle that has given me my life back. I hope it lasts and that my body doesn't build a tolerance to the drub. I had to find the right dosage and window which turned out to be : I Take 3mg on empty stomach and no eating until 3 hours have passed after taking it. It seems to work for about 9 or 10 hours. I also only take on weekends (or when I have to go to a social activity on a workday during the week) and I can now go anywhere even outdoors in the sun and now I only sweat like a normal person. I still find myself "checking" my clothes and legs, back, chest, etc and I do not drip all over like I do if I don't take it. It can get tough to swallow and a little sore throat at times but the trade off is definitely worth it. I tried all the tricks like wicking undershirts and boxers and I would easily sweat through them and they would smell like sweat as well. I don't think people understand the embarrassment, shame, and frustration that comes with compensatory sweating but I am so glad this drug works. I tried this medication because I would usually sweat indoors and outdoors and I wanted to be able to take my small children places without being so self-conscious. I am happy i can now take them to learn bike riding, to the carnival rides, playground and my wife can rest her hand on my back or my leg and I feel comfortable now. My normal family now sweats more than me :) Take a chance and try it out, it just might improve your life.

I''ve endured 50 years of excessive sweating. My shirts looked like I ran a marathon within a couple hours of showering. NOTHING worked. The Rx antiperspirants kept me awake at night (feeling like needles in my armpits) and the alternative (Botox injections) was too expensive and too painful. I take 2mg of generic Rubinul in the AM and 1mg in the mid-afternoon. My sweating has reduced by about 90%. It's a miracle drug! The only real side affect is a little dry-mouth. Where was this stuff when I was a teenager and 20-something?????????

I have been taking 1.5 mg 1x a day for 2 years and this has helped my hyperhidrosis. However, recently, my dermatologist told me to only take it when I need it, to try and go days without it to reduce intake because it can lead to Dementia or Parkinson's. Anyone else heard that too?

I was prescribed this medication for my Hyprehydrosis which for me the doctors visit was the last straw, I was ready to throw in the hat & pay OUT OF POCKET for the botox shots under the arms, and then my derm prescribed Robinul - amazing stuff, I almost feel like I can walk in public with dark colored dress shirts again. For most of my adult life I would sweat in any situation - it was so frustrating and defeating...the only possible side effect Im experiencing is a small headache and a dry mouth - but I am just more diligent with my water in take.

Like many here, I had SUFFERED from PROFUSE sweating all my life (I'm 53 now). I'd dry off from a shower, and need to dry off again. I'd sweat if it were above 40 degrees, wore shorts in the winter, and still managed to sweat. Going to functions, it was an embarrassing nightmare, to be brutally honest. Wakes/funerals...not the best places to break out in a sweat, soaking wet hair.... life got embarrassing, and I'm a VERY outgoing, personable guy....the life of the party, lampshade on the head, jump up on tables to dance, LOVE having FUN...but a SWEATY life of the party is not really the life of the party. After only 2 days on this medicine, I have not sweated in over a week! This has actually given me the desire to go everywhere, with no fear of being that wet, sweaty guy that has been photographed as a wet mess for YEARS! No side effects, save for extra thirst, but water is good for you, so, I just pound water, and I'm great to go. This med has literally saved my social life, no more embarrassing wet clothes 5 minutes after the function starts...and the cost, for me (Medicare/MassHealth) is less than $3, so, THANKS to the makers of this drug....it has given me back my ability to be the 'clown', but now I'm the DRY clown, and I find people are more likely to lock arms, dance, laugh...life is DAMN good again, thanks to this drug!!!

I have been taking the generic version of this drug for 5 years now and I couldn't ask for anything better to treat my hyperhydrosis. Before I would sweat through a hoodie standing in twenty degree weather. I had to deal with the problem for about 5 years before that and it was incredibly embarassing but now I can wear the "sweat showing color" (especially gray and pastels) without worrying about sweating. I do still sweat but not to the extreme. It just simply makes me normal.

Hyperhidrosis I take 2mg twice a day. Work great for me!I am very thankful.

My daughter takes this medication for Hyperhydrosis. She is 14 and has been taking it for about a year. Her hands sweat so horribly she cannot complete work in class and must bring all work home to complete...and flip flops? FORGET IT! She will literally have puddles in her shoes within minutes... Robinul was a miracle at first but the effects are diminishing...Even with increased dose...Not sure why it is becoming less effective, maybe she is building up a tolerance. Next step...Botox. UGH!!!!

I too have taken this drug for several years for hyperhydrosis. I believe I have built a tollerance for the rx. It does not always work for me, and I find begins to kick in when it should be wearing off. I think i have noticed when I take it at night before I sleep, I have a better chance of it working the following day. Overall this drug is amazing! I pass along this info to anyone, who may suffer the same as myself, without announcing it to the world of course. My sweating began as a pre teen, with excessive sweating in my hands, then onto my feet, then to my arm pits. I find it hard for my body to cool off when I have been exposed to hotter weather. I will also sweat in the winter. Some days I have no idea what triggers the sweat, but nothing will stop it. My fingers and hands will sweat continuosly, till they are red and swollen. same with my feet. Just a bit to share... Congrats to all you have discovered this medication!!! Oh, and I have had botox injections in my underarms, and it lasted between 2 to 3 months. Not too expensive with RX insurance, but still a bit pricey. That only took care of the sweaty underarms. Still had to deal with palms and feet. This is when I depended on Robinul, well the generic rx, to help. Just thought I would share :)

I take this occassionally when I have severe bouts of diarhea due to diverticulitis. It generally helps within a couple doses. The only side affect I experience is severe dry mouth. Much easier to deal with than sever cramps and diarhea.

I have had underarm HH for 14 years, and this has been the only thing that has worked for me. I received it today, and this might be the best day of my life. I wore a GRAY shirt today. I kept feeling as though I was sweating - phantom sweating, perhaps. But nothing. I was exposed to many situations that would have made me produce tons of sweat, but was totally dry. I took a 2 mg pill in the afternoon, on an empty stomach, and 12 hours later I am still dry. I experienced a bit of dry mouth - comparable to smoking weed - but I just chewed a stick of gum, and I was fine. No dry eyes/vagina/dizziness. I'm so happy! Please please please try this if you suffer from HH.

I've been using Robinul for about 6 months now for my palmar hyperhydrosis, and honestly, not to sound corny, this drug has changed my life! Prior to Robinul, I my hands were so sweaty, I could barely hold my pencil and since I am a student, that proved to be very problematic. Now, my hands are dry and my entire livelihood has been changed for the better. :)