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Generic Name: guanfacine

Brand Name: Intuniv

Intuniv Drug and Medication User Reviews

A huge part of my ADHD experience is the intensity and speed of my emotions, and Intuniv has really helped to give me a couple of seconds to think before massive waves of emotion crash into me. It hasn't helped my focus in any noticeable way, but that's what the Concerta is for, so whatever. It doesn't make me feel numb or anything, but now I have a small amount of emotional armor that hadn't existed before, despite all of my attempts to will it into existence. I take it at night and find that it helps nudge me towards sleep, so that's a bonus. It does seem to amplify evening hunger. The Concerta hands the brain keys to the Inuniv and suddenly I want to eat all of the things. Especially the salty things. Mmm pickles. Anyone who expects this to be their one and only ADHD medication is likely to be sorely disappointed, but it can be really helpful with the emotional regulation issues that can be a major concern for ADHDers. If you're a parent considering putting your kid on this, please give reviews from patients a higher weight than those from caregivers. The subjective experience of using a mediation yourself is so much deeper than outward signs of improved focus and general compliance. ADHD affects inner life in endless and frustrating ways, and medication should improve the quality of life for the patient, not just make them more tractable.

This medication has made me be able to focus on daily thinking. Though it does make me sick to my stomach. 9/10 will continue

Reading these reviews, it's clear to me that Intuniv is not for everyone. For my 18 year old son with ADHD and Oppositional Defiant Disorder, Intuniv has been helpful. It's not a miracle. Intuniv simply gives him a slightly longer fuse, and allows him to react to everyday situations (that used to put him over the edge) with a modicum of thought and reason. His overall mood is brighter and calmer. He is still forgetful, frustrated by losing things, unaware of time, etc., but showing greater self-awareness He gets along better with peers and teachers in the moment, although he still feels the burn of any perceived criticism. His delayed reactivity is a huge step forward, and hopefully over time will translate to an openness to coaching and systems that might improve his executive function, and thus his self esteem. For my son and our family, ADHD is a persistent presence and while medication is no silver bullet - this one has been extremely helpful in opening up more doors. Patience is by far the most important tool in our kit.

I was prescribed this drug to take in addition to Lamictal 50mg and Vyvanse 50mg. I started taking this drug a few days before visiting my parents for Thanksgiving. I was overtaken by spells of obsessive thinking and was so tormented by vivid memories of childhood that I was unable to sleep. After I came off the drug, I got better within a few days. Not worth it for me.

DO NOT TAKE THIS DRUG. I appalled reading the reports of children taking this drug, I took it as a 20 year old and I was unable to even get out of bed without blacking out. I am a fit person and couldn't even ride a bicycle a few miles without then sleeping for 18 hours straight. This drug also gave me chest pains and really drained me of my personality.

As soon as I took this medication, it made my heart rate slow down dramatically, to the point that I was weak and dizzy. I could barely get from a chair to my bed, I practically fell from one to the other. I tried to keep taking it, but after the second dose, I was terrified my heart was going to stop. I called my doc and stopped taking it. I couldn't tell if it did anything for my ADHD because I was too busy feeling like I was dying.

My daughter has been on this medication for years. She is now 9 years old. She has ADD and the 3 mg has helped her focus in school. She has no trouble sleeping and she takes this medicine in the morning.

My step-son just started Intuniv 1 mg. He takes Vyvance 50 mg in the morning, and now the Intuniv tablet in the evening. While we saw instant results, he cannot sleep!! Anyone have similar experiences? Any info would help.

This side-effect drug is a life saver. I am 21 year's old- this medication is not just for young children- it has taken away the side-effects of my ADHD medication. The only side-effect I was aware of was auditory! When I took the 1st 1mg pill, my hearing was heightened and exhaustive (sounds dragged out) for an hour or so. When I increased to 2mg the same thing happened: a noticable difference in my hearing for just a short hour or so. My doctor prescribed this drug to me when the side-effects of Concerta did not leave me; I had anxiety that was clearly not situational but from the drop-off of Concerta in the middle of the day as it is not a steady released drug but a ADHD medication that releases a dose twice.

My 10 year old daughter has been on Intuniv for a few years they started her on 2mg now put her on 4 msg I am upset because she gained about 25lbs in just 3 mos her doctor just told me that the meds do this on high doses we r now looking for a new med.

My son was taking this with concerta. He was not himself, low energy, depressed, mood swings. He had feelings of worthlessness. He had anger issues at school. We weaned him off of the Concerta, Prozac and Intuniv. He now takes a small dose of generic Ritalin. He's doing great now.

My 6-year-old son started taking Intuniv 1mg about a month ago. He was already on Concerta 54mg, and was having a huge struggle in the mornings getting ready for school. He has continued to take the Concerta, but it was not helping in the mornings. He is now able to focus in the mornings, and is much better behaved. We are going to try to wean the Concerta now that he has stabilized on the Intuniv. He has had trouble with weight loss and insomnia since being on the Concerta, so I am hopeful we can wean it down for enough that the side effects aren't as severe. So far, we have been very happy with the Intuniv.

My son is 10 yrs old and has been taking Intuniv 2 mg for a week. He has had stomach pains everyday and is sleepy all day long. He started taking it in the afternoon, but we switched to taking it in the morning today. He hasn't been on it long enough to tell if it is helping with his school work, but the way he is right now I know it isn't helping because he can't stay awake long enough to do anything. I had asked his doctor if he was on the lowest dosage there was because he is like a zombie most of the day and he looks pale and his eyes are glazed over and looks too medicated. His doctor didn't tell me that there is a 1 mg. I now know that from here. Thank you! It has changed him with his mood swings, arguing, and behavior. But he has no energy to do anything. This is not how I want him. I will be calling the doctor in the morning and telling her to change to 1 mg. I think he will be much better off. He was on Vyvanse before this and that was not good at all.

my 9 year old son has started taking this medicine for about a week now n the last 4 days has started to wet the bed. i tryed to give it to him in the morning and still wets the bed. he is on one mg for 7 days. has anyone else had this problem with this medicine?

Bad bad bad. I see a lawsuit. No reputable doctor should have the gall to say a child needs this.

My son's behavior has changed, he no longer has any energy, he has anger control issues, depression and has had self injury thoughts. My son is 7 years old. I do not recommend this medication. My normally happy, energetic child has become a very unhappy, angry, child. I am hoping the effects of this drug are not permanent, as I am in the process of getting him off this med. Looking for a natural way to help my son.

My 8yr old has been on stimulants for his ADHD since he was 4 - they were awful for him - weight loss, slow growth, little sleep, anti-social. Our doctor moved him to Intuniv and while not perfect, I feel his is a more normal 8yr old. He eats, sleeps and plays with others - his outbursts are few and far between and he has grown an inch and a half this last month! So far love intuniv!!!!!

Our doctor suggested this medicine for my 10 year old son who has ADHD. During school, he takes Adderall during the day and clonidine and melatonin at night--this works extremely well to help him sleep. We tried a short acting version of Intuniv for sleep and it didn't work at all-so I wanted to let others know that Clonidine may be worth a try for getting sleep! Per his doctor's suggestion, I tried a small dose of Clonidine in the morning to see if it would help with his moodiness and it has, successfully! I was reading these reviews to see if we wanted to try the Intuniv during school...