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Generic Name: haemophil b ps cnj-hep B vacc

Brand Name: Comvax intramuscular

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

The only vaccines that contain "mercury" (and actually, it's thimersol), are multidose vial vaccines; which this vaccine IS NOT. Fever and listlessness are normal with vaccines--your immune system is learning to fight the infection and that is what you feel anytime you start to come down with an illness (although in this case, you aren't going to get the disease). Hep B vaccine is given to newborns because some mothers have HBV and can pass the disease to their children. Health experts tried immunizing SELECT/AT RISK newborns when the hepatitis B vaccination first came out and it didn't work. It wasn't until after the universal immunization program for the hepatitis B vaccine began that the rate of new hepatitis B infections in children began to drop.

I'll never understand why infants are vaccinated for Hep B, when generally only adults who use IV drugs or have multiple sex partners are at use. My infant daughter was given this vaccine at three mos. along with several others, and the toxic load caused her to have a reaction, including fever and listlessness, which at the time I didn't report, as my doctor told me such things were "normal." This is a totally unnecessary vaccine, which should never be given to a child, especially one not at risk for Hep B, as most are not at risk, and especially as it is one that still contains mercury.