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Generic Name: hexachlorophene

Brand Name: Phisohex topical

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

I have used PhysoHex for over 40 years, with no side effects that I'm aware of. I use it as a daily face wash once a day in the shower. The reason for using was that I had minor facial blemishes that hand soaps would irritate. The product I started with was called PhysoDerm and then ( a name and probably ingredient ) changed to PhysoHex about 10 or 15 years ago. Just lately it changed again from a liquid runniness fluid to a gel type, this time the chemical make up is quite noticeable as is the texture, as far effectiveness, it does not clean as well and leaves a oily residue.

I have used Phisohex for several years because I have a disease called Hydrodenitis Superiova. It is the only thing that works for the boils and abscesses I suffer from. I'm at my wits end now that it is no longer available. Can anyone give me an alternative. Hebiclens only causes more problems for me.

My husband and I have used this for over 40 years for varying conditions such as small cuts to poison ivy with no ill effects. It is a GREAT cleanser and helps heal like no other. We swear by it (and we don't swear).

I had boil-like bumps in my hair, very painful. Used Phisohex for a couple years, then doctor discontinued treatment. Bumps are back. New doctor ok'd using Phisohex again, pharmacy had to special order it so I'm waiting to get it...I am thrilled to be able to use it again! I hope they haven't changed it!

I have been using phisohex for approximately four months now and i have seen a noticeable difference. My acne outbreaks are reduced. Only a few samll outbreaks every so often. The scarring is still noticeable but breakouts have reduced significantly.

(1) The website does not allow a choice of "reason" so I will state it here: I was a nurse in England and I used Phisohex, (as recommended) for years. I never had any side effect from it. I also used it occasionally at home for my face if I had a cold and I never had herpes problem. I suspect that this product was too good and often misused, so the patronizing FDA forbade it. On the other hand, it now approves many drugs who make people sicker or even kill them, but that is OK. Big drug companies make a bundle out of it and FDA gets its share no doubt. As another person said, get it with a prescription or go online to a Canadian pharmacy. I am sorry to say that the FDA is another government agency tuned dysfunctional. I was so proud of it once upon a time.

Used pHisoHex 55 years to control staph on head and also control body odor under arms but now my supply is exhausted and I can not find more. Boils recur on scalp, need more pHisoHex to control it. Nothing else helps at all. HELP !!! --js

I just got this today, so I haven't used it yet, but I have HS, and I've only heard good things. I see a lot of reviewers saying they can't find it. It is still on the market, but it is ONLY BY PRESCRIPTION NOW. They keep it behind the counter in the pharmacy. A lot of pharmacies don't keep it in stock anymore, so call your dr first to have them call you in some, just in case

I use this for acne. It works wonders for my dad. It does not seem to work for me. Lately my acne just seems to have gotten worse. I would not rule out trying it though as it as worked wonders for many people.

For years (starting in my teens now 51)Phisohex helped some of my skin irritations from acne, boils and psoriasis. I only used when I had flare ups. Over the last 3 year I have not been able to get it. I referenced it to my doctor - never heard of it Hmmm. I must admit I called it prescription Phisoderm. Just yesterday, I was informed by pharmacist at the local CVS - that he recalled the product, not much call for it and if I had a script he could try to special order it - but doubted it was still produced. I will be more specific when I see my physician next and see what happens, but like many of the other reviews, I wonder is it still even manufactured and can you get it in the U.S. via prescription?

For everyone writing about pHisoHex: This product was in fact used regularly by many in the 1950's and 60's and it was used to bathe newborns in. However, the reason you do not find it anymore in drug stores is because it was found that the chemical causes neurological damage with prolonged use. You should not try and order this product from out of the country and use it for this reason among many others associated with buying meds from another country!

Phisohex was prescribed to me because I had 5 episodes of MRSA skin infections and I have been told to use it for 2 weeks daily all over my body. I will be done in 2 days and am praying I have no more MRSA. It was prescribed by my MD and I had no issues getting it from CVS.

about 12 years ago my bf's parents brought me this product from canafda. I have such bad acne around my mouth and between my eyebrows. THis is the only product that ever worked. It cleared it up with one wash right in front of my eyes. I could never find it again. Years later I asked a dermatologist and he said he thinks its not sold int he states cause it causes tumors in monkeys. Well I don't know the truth but i want it. I am breaking out like i am 17 again and nothing is working. all the products i use make it worse. the only place i can find Phisohex is on ebay from Australia. for like $35.00 for a small bottle.

I have boils occasionally and this does seem to help. They no longer carry it across the counter. Some pharmacy's tell you that you have to have a perscription and when you do they tell you you can buy it over the counter but have to order it.To my surprise the 5oz bottle was $27.00 and the l6 oz bottle was $57. Why such a increase over the years? We all used this for years for acme.

As a kid growing up from 1961 on, Phisohex was a mainstay in our OTC products. Used for uncomfortable skin rashes of all sorts, a cleanser, a antiseptic scrub etc. It always healed the effected area in short order. Often it was used in a warm bath for soaking groin/sweat rash after days of football practice. My mom was a RN and it was a standard item in the dr's office and hospital...now can't find it anywhere and no one including the local doctors or nurses seem to be able to indicate why? I had a recent skin rash which was treated with a week of Prednisone, Bactrum, and a ointment for two weeks and it still hasn't gone away...I am willing to bet one soak or two in a hot tub with my good ol friend Phiso and I would not still be in pain but completely rash free! PUT IT BACK ON THE MARKET

As a teenager in the late 1960s, I used this product for the treatment of acne. My doctor had recommended it to me and at that time it could be purchased over the counter. It worked wonders! I wish it was available now for my teenage daughter's acne. Is it available by prescription?

My daughter had cradle-cap & exzema when she was a baby. Nothing I tried seemed to help, until I got pHisoHex. It cleared the cradle cap up in one treatment & it never came back. The exzema took a bit longer, but no ill effects were noted, either. She is now in her 50's & going strong. I thought this had been taken off the market. My Dachshund has a skin condition & I thought he could benefit from pHisoHex, too. I hope I can find it somewhere.

Use for HYDRADENITIS SUPPERATIVA (boils in groin, buttocks, underarm and under breasts and belly. Wash everyday.Please never take off market UNLESS YOU FIND A CURE FOR H.S. Have had HS on and off for 36 years.

I have been using this product for several years. Our family was hit by MRSA infections and our Dr. had us use bactroban and this soap after we showered. We left it on for about a minute or two, then rinsed off. It was the only thing that controlled the outbreak in our family and prevented it from returning. We only use it occasionally now. I am about to run out of what I had left and I can't find it anywhere. I am really in a panic. I don't know what our family will do without it. MRSA is a very serious thing and very contageous. Why would they take this off the market when it's the only thing that helps with this infection? It makes no sense at all, unless they want people to suffer. Why can't they just keep it away from use on babies and small children if it harms them and give them something milder to use. We need this. It also keeps my Lupus rash in control. Please bring this back. Our whole family will be miserable without it.

i have been using this for years for boils in hair regions and it is great if they quit selling it i dont know what im going to use that upsets me if there replacing it with something please let me know