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Generic Name: hydrocodone-ibuprofen

Brand Name: Vicoprofen oral

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

I have Fibromualgia, bulging discs cervical spondiliosis hips and both knees in pain. I have been using this drug for years and it works and no addiction. I changed it to Ibuprofen due to high liver enziems now they are prefect.I see my Doc every 4 month for 8 years and will do for even more. He is the best Doc I ever had for pain. The drug takes the edge off the 10 level and that's all I can ask. He took me out off work/disabled permanent also I am a disable Veteran service connected.

Taken for fibromyalgia pain an herniated discs.

i take this med for sevre carpal tunnel and torn liament in my left knee, works very well, not as good as vicodin, but still effective, strongly recommend for someone in same situtation,it warns of stomach bleeding but as the same amount of ibprofen in it as over the counter ibrofen

I have not taken this medication before. I have bad back pain from working at a sawmill n have had bk trouble before. I have HEP C mild case n don't want to take a lot of tylenol

I had an operation onfoot and got nerve damage and arthritis and it works well been takin since 2010, very good for pain and swelling.

I had this medication when I had my wisdom teeth removed and it worked. Most recently I had suffered a pretty bad shoulder injury. My doctor prescribed me this to get me through until I could seen an orthopedic shoulder specialist. No withdrawl issues, very minimal side effects when taken with food.

This medication has made me very sick to my stomach. I have use Lortab in the past an never felt the way I feel taking this medication.

I am using this drug sparingly for the pain of osteoarthritis. It is part of my pain management program. Have had several surgeries on hands and feet do to joint erosion.

This was prescribed to me when Darvon 65 capsule was taken off the market. OH! What a HUGE MISTAKE that was. I take 7.5 mg and cut them in half (3.2) average 4 times a day. I still suffer But refuse to take anymore. Makes me feel awful.

Had gall blatter surgery and was given this medication for pain. I would of had done better with 800mg of over the counter ibprofen.

I was on Hydro/APAP 7.5/500 and it effected my liver count. So now I started with 7.5-200 Vicoprefen but the generic...the brand cost $200 for 90 days with insurence, generic is $15.00. I will get a better feel in about 2 weeks how well it's doing. IB does not bother me. I use it for back pain osteoarthritis and fibromyalgia. I also take othe muscle pain killers. My pain is dibilitaiting and the medication gives me some relief. I don't work because I can't.

it works great for my osteoarthris , so far, i was very limited in movement i thought my knees were going to go out and id fall , but so far its working great

I was first given viodoin 5/500 by my PCP, for muscle cramps in my neck and refered to a Orthopedic surgeon, after an xray reelled my spine was bent the wrong way. An ER doc changed it to 5/325 because of hih liver damage posiblities. The orthpedic surgeon changed it to vicoprofen after I complaine of stomic problems. It worked well, the problem for me was it continued to be prescribed for my pain, nerve damage and osteroarthritis, but it is suposed to be only taken for a short time. I did develop liver problem but it cleared up. I then went to a pain clinic because I wanted better long term solutions and PT. It did what it was suposed to, and helped as long as I took it with food. The main draw back was consipation for which I was given Laclose. I'm now off it and on a long term pain medicine which is working even better because I need only take it two times a day.

I love this medicine, it completely takes away my pain in L4 & L5 I have been taking this for 4 years now 3 times a day..However, I am just now seeing my Liver Enzymes increasing.. It scares me because I know it can be Fatal. I'm really worried.