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Generic Name: hydrocortisone sod succinate

Brand Name: Solu-Cortef injection

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

I’ve had Addison’s disease since I was 21, I’ve gone into Addisonian Crisis multiple times (more than 10) since being diagnosed and solu-cortef has been what’s allowed me to pull through. If we were talking about Cortef (or generic hydrocortisone) I would likely give it fewer stars as my endo says I metabolize it quickly and require dexamethasone on top of my Cortef.

I have Addison's disease. We have tried 4 other medications my body rejected each, I've been on cortisol for 9 months. I have gained about 35 pounds, but the meds are is helpful I haven't had a cortisol crash in 3 months.

This medicine has made me gain 100+ lbs over the year of treatment. I have developed diabetes. Very bad drug.

i had to take this med cause i could not keep my reg meds dowm they tell me i have andrenal insufficiency. when i was 3 year old i had a brain tumor on my pituitary gland, and they remove the gland cause the tumor was on the pituitary gland