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Generic Name: hydroxychloroquine

Brand Name: Plaquenil oral

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

after 1 1/2 years on this drug, my wife started having vision problems..she is now legally blind with just some periphial vision left. After many tests at OHSU it was diagnosed as plaquenil toxicity.

This medicine has turned my life around. I almost gave up on it because it takes a couple of months for it to work. I was not able to function enough to make dinner or take proper care of my kids. I was very discouraged. Then one day, after about 6 weeks of taking 200mg 2x per day I just turned a corner and I noticed I was able to move. I have more energy and my pain meds are able to work better to control my pain because it's not as bad as before. I do get headaches sometimes and my eyes are a bit sore sometimes but it's been a life saver for me. Now I am able to make dinner, take a shower, brush my hair, feel human. Things that you lose when you're sick/in pain. Don't let the bad reviews scare you, and really stick with it and give it a chance. Everyone is different.

I have been on this medication for about 3 months now! But I still have stiffness in my fingers and joints, and it takes it a while for the medication to kick in!

It has helped with joint aches but I hacve a problem with my Eyes about every 2 to 3 weeks. They get Red, Itches, cant stand sunlight, burns and eye DR said its allergy related.

Plaquenil is the devil! Worked well 1st 2 mts. After that I had issues with my vision, felt waves of nervousness, and extreme anxiety where I started to question my sanity. Hallucinated, broke out in rashes and crying spells. It was the worst 2 months of these side effects I've ever had in my life! Got off of it and I feel back to normal. My Lupus is mild so I'm going the holistic route. Plant based diet, acupuncture, juicing.. I feel good and will take minor aches and fatigue any day than being on plaquenil. Beware! Do your research before accepting a lab created Rx from Dr.s.

I was diagnosed with Tumid Lupus which causes raised red ulcer looking rash mainly on my face but can be anywhere on the body. it is cutaneous (not systemic). I also have osteoarthritis. I started on Plaquenil in 2015 (200 mg) then increased to 400 mg after 3 months. It took many months for the ulcer like spots to go away but the drug works. In January 2018, I no longer had insurance so I dropped back down to 200 mg. It also took away most of my OA pain in my knees and hands. The only side effect taking the drug for me was severe burning mouth syndrome, ringing in the ears and an overall dryness. I am concerned with the drug affecting my vision. I stopped taking the drug because of the cost of am eye exam and office visits and lack of insurance. I am not in a flair. After 3 months without taking the drug, my burning mouth is almost gone and am so happy. My OA has now come to life which I had forgotten how painful it is. I wasnâ??t aware how much plaquenil help with those symptoms. I am searching for a new drug that will help with OA but not cause burning mouth syndrome and just maybe block the Tumid Lupus. I heard Cymbalta may help with OA.

I started taking this about 3 weeks ago to alleviate joint pain related to Lyme disease, and to potentiate the doxycycline in treatment of Lyme. It has worked very well on both counts. I'm on a low dose compared to what could be taken (only 200 mg 1x per day) and it started taking effect on the joint pain right away. This is the most pain free I've been in years. Very few side effects for me. Definitely need to take it with food to minimize stomach upset.

I needed a different dosage, but this drug only comes in one dosage. This made it difficult to get the correct amount of medicine in my system.

I have mild RA started to take this medication 5 months ago, pain has been reduced significantly, morning stiffness has been reduced too.

My RA Dr. prescribed Plaquenil just over a month ago. I somewhat reluctantly started taking it a week later after researching the side affects. I was to take 200mg/2xday.I chose to take 200mg/day instead due to the worst side affect regarding retina damage. In 3 wks. time I had noticed a marked improvement in my pain level and was able to start doing things again. Then came the hives. Covered most of my body. Stopped taking the drug and just over a week later, I'm still dealing with the tail end of the hives. They've just about cleared up. Sometimes you have to be your own doctor; I can't imagine what would have happened at 400mg/day! Time to try the next Rx.......

Please please please don't be intimidated by the Internet stories of problems or side effects. This drug saved my life! Yes, there are some GI issues in the first few weeks and you need to be patient. I had life threatening issues that sent me to the ER - twice - and each time, Plaquenil brought me back from the brink and set me on an even keel. Please be patient and try to tough out the GI issues and give it 2-3 months. This drug can save your life if you give it a chance.

My Daughter was diagnosed with Juvenile Psoriatic Arthritis She was perscribed plaquenil For it and helped the pain and swelling in her body Tremendously but it has suppressed her immune system which has caused her to get a bunch of secondary infections other than that we're over all pretty satisfied

I had a very serious reaction to this drug, my entire body broke out in hives, then turned purple and I looked like a giant bruise and then it peeled, there was not a spot on my body that did not peel. I retained water, my legs and arms swelled causing major blisters that left permanent scars on my legs, I also had hair loss. I missed 3 weeks of work. HORRIBLE DRUG

This medication has given me a normal life for the past 11 years. How do I know? I was just recently taken off the drug and have become even sicker than before I was diagnosed. My quality of life went from an 8 to a 2 in just a couple of months. I highly recommend this medication. It has truly been a miracle pill for me. I'm back on it and waiting the 3-4 months it takes to work (at least that's how long it took the first time). I have a great opthamologist who has assured me he will catch retinal damage before I will ever notice a change in my vision, so as far as I'm concerned, I want to stay on Plaquenil until I'm forced off it.

too many side effects.

The first two weeks of taking 400mg of this drug was hell. Very tired, nausea, threw me in to a "flare" (I have mixed connective tissue disease, with symptoms close to that of lupus.) After that time though, it has gotten better, and pain in my upper extremities has become better! I've been on it for 1 month.

This medication is helping to alleviate the inflamation and pain. My doctor prescribed that I take it in the morning after breakfast but it made me too naueseous and made my stomach hurt because there was not enough food in my system. I switched to taking it after dinner and my experiance is much better. Also, it has cleared up scabs that I had on my arms that would not heal for years. So far so good and I do not have any hair loss but I have only been on it for one month.

severe allergic reaction