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Generic Name: hydroxyprogesterone cap(ppres)

Brand Name: Makena intramuscular

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

My first born was 5 weeks preterm so my Ob suggested Makeena, my first injection was At 20 weeks (feb 2020) I immediately developed an allergic reaction on injection site (hives, inflammation redness welts) not to mention the pain it hurt for about a week, so I stoped the medication, fast forward to now (dec 2020) my baby was born full term 39 weeks , he is now 5 month and my injection site still develops welts/hives and itches.. after only 2 doses of the injection it has not got away and I wouldnâ??t recommend this medication..

Do not use Mekena! I had Mekena Care call me and ensure me my co-pay with co-pay assistance from Mekena would only be $30 a month. I took Mekena for one month and then after reading additional studies proving it does not reduce chance of pre-term labor decided to discontinue taking it. I received a bill for the one month supply (4 auto injector shots), and it was $363 after my insurance paid $2,819. I called Mekena Care to investigate the billing discrepancy and they said becasue I discontinued use, they will not assist in the co-pay assistance. This company is a joke. A medicine that isn't even proven to work!

Ive had two preterm labors 29weeks (pre -e) and 2nd was 34 weeks i just went into early labor. Im currently waiting for my last injection tomrrow which will be 36 weeks and so far no signs or early labor. Thank you baby Jesus. The injectiosn burn and the site is sore and having to go to the dr every week for a shot is insane if they dont let you have a fmaily member do at home, but so worth a happy healthy baby.

I started Mekena at 16 weeks after my Dr recommended it d/t my history of 2 pre-term deliveries at 33 and 35 weeks ( spontaneous rupture of membranes) I took the shot every week as prescribed. It caused headaches and bruising/ itching at the injection site. My water broke at 34 weeks and 4 days. 19 weeks of painful injections and nothing to show for it. My baby is currently in NICU. MEKENA DID NOT WORK AND WAS NOT WORTH MY TIME, not to mention the insane price tag.

It was not a walk in the park, getting shots once a week from my husband so I didn't have to load my kids up and go to the doctor, but I knew it would be worth it. My first two pregnancies were preterm; first at 34 weeks because of preeclampsia and the second I went into labor and was dilated to a four at 32 weeks. Since I knew I would probably go into labor early and I was worried, my midwife recommended Makena. I started it at 17 weeks and used it all the way until my water broke at 39.5 weeks. I was happy to have a healthy full term baby. The drug works.

I have been taking Makena for 6 weeks at this point. So far, so good. The injection site does typically stay sore for approximately 4-5 days which is unnerving as the injection is received once every 7 days. However, this side effect is minimal if it prevents another child from being born 12 weeks early. Very expensive medication; however, the manufacturer of the drug does offer a wonderful financial assistance program that assists with the costs (even if you are insured!)