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Generic Name: hydroxypropyl cellulose

Brand Name: Lacrisert ophthalmic (eye)

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

I wish I would have found out about this sooner! They are fantastic and one of th eonly things that has worked. I love them! Unfortunately,even with insurance, they are expensive and kind of a pain sometimes to get in but I'll deal with it. My eyes finally feel good. The only issue I really had was getting it. Costco told me they couldn't get it as it wasn't availbale with their vendor. I had to call around first but now that is taken care of.

This is by far the only thing that works for my eyes, the only downfall is the cost!!!!!! I’m on Medicare and the coverage is virtually non- existent,

I love the feeling of lubricated eyes. I hate the packaging. I don't know how many pellets have gone down the drain or fallen on the floor. There has got to be a better way to package and insert this medication. I have some ideas! Idea #1: squeeze application. Package the pellets in a individual use eye dropper so the user can squeeze it into their eye. I am 48 years old. I am guessing I am on the younger side of the demographic that uses this medication. How in the world can older people see and insert these tiny pellets? There must be an easier way!

I have extremely dry, painful and gritty eyes from Sjogrenâ??s. I used drops and ointments 10-12 times a day for moisture. After starting Lacrisert I have seen an improvement. I still use drops but not nearly as much. I put the Lacrisert in at night, so it is at its full efficiency by morning, and that works great for me. I get a lot of runny noses with the med. you know, the close connection of the eyes to the sinuses. I use lotion Kleenex so my nose doesnâ??t turn red. I think the runny nose will be a lasting problem but Iâ??m okay with it. Iâ??ve had Sjogrens since my Early 30s so Iâ??m feeling thankful at 57.

Lacrisert is an answered prayer. I am now pain free. I have plugs and use restasis but this was not enough until I added Lacrisert. I put only half of one in my eye. If you are having trouble with Lacrisert, don't give up until you try a whole one or a half in your eye. Placing these at night or morning can make a difference too. I am so glad I never gave up on these early because I am now pain free.

I developed dry eye after cataract surgery and diagnosed with Sjorgen's syndrome. Was and I am on Restasis. We added the Lacrisert. I LOVE it!! Most of my symptoms have disappeared. Once you have mastered putting them in they are an essential part of my daily routine. Would suggest anyone with dry eye to give them a try!

The product is effective in the eye, but it is very difficult and frustrating to position. I finally gave up, so it was a waste of money!

I have been on this drug for a month now and I just cant keep them in my eye. I tried using them at night however they come out and the tears are so sticky I cant see untill I use an eye rinse to clean them out.

Lacrisert is a godsend...by far, it's the best dry eye treatment I've used. I have bleph/severe dry eye, and using this insert, I can go to work and read for 8-plus hours. Before Lacrisert, I was considering a differnt line of work thanks to my eyes. Now I don't have to!

My life is 500% better with these things. I have bad MGD/bleph. Severe dry eye, but I have tears. So this product puts the "oil" on top of my tears so they don't evaporate. I can now surf in super salty tropical water without issue. Life changer.

I bit of a learning curve, but if you suffer from EXTREME dry eyes then it's a life changer. (mine due to sjogren's syndrome...check with your dr. to see if you might also have it. Autoimmune disorder causing dry eyes, mouth, vagina, etc.) This was a miracle for me and now i feel like a normal person. If I could go to work for the company selling it, i would!

Like most dry eye medications I've used (like Restasis), I've just added Lacriserts to a long list of medications that SIMPLY DON'T WORK. Sticking these things into your eyes is easy if you don't use the ridiculous "insertion device" they supply with them... I used used my clean fingers to drop them in. No, the problem is, they weren't effective at all in alleviating my severe dry eye symptoms. And if you think Restasis is expensive, try paying $400. a month for these bogus devices, hard cylinders that feel like dropping sharp pebbles in your eyeballs. Not. Do yourself a favor and spend you hard earned money on Systane Ultra Eye Drops (I like the non-preservative vials), for guaranteed immediate and lasting relief for your dry eye symptoms.

this is the bet treatment ever!!! anyone experiencing dry eye needs to try these they are easy to use no different than putting in a contact prob a lot easier I am just perplexed a to why my dr didn't recommend them two years ago it boggles my mind they are awesome and I actually put eyeliner on for the first time in months!!!!!!!

I am divided about whether to continue Lacrisert. When I wake up, after the insert has been in my eyes, there is relief. But, once I am at work I have too much liquid in my eye plus blurred vision every few seconds. Then as the day wears on, my eyes become red and irritated. Lacrisert makes my eyes more sensitive to light and they feel irritated. It's both a blessing and a bummer.

Along with having all four tear ducts plugged permanently and using Restasis and ter drop throughout the day....My Doctor put me on Lacrisert and its th BEST thing I've ever used...I no longer need to put tear drop in my eyes all day long.....it truly is a GREAT medication or DRY EYES....

I have sjorgens and I don't know what I would do without lacriserts. They are the only things that work. I am able to live a normal life with them. I have had my ducts plugged and even my own blood drawn to make a serum to put back in my eyes. Nothing works except lacriserts. I am so thankful for them.

Lacriserts have given me back my life. Before I used them, I was in too much pain to read or use a computer. I wore dark goggle almost all day. I still wear dark glasses at time now, but I am so much better with Lacriserts.

Lacrisert has made my life so much better. With them, I can get about 8 to 10 hours a day symptom free. After that, they begin to lose effect. I have Sjogrens. I have punctal plugs and was using drops all day long. Now I only use drops occasionally. Huge improvement!

I have been using the Lacrisert for about 4 weeks and have been pleased with the results. The only side effect that I seem to have is that my nose runs constantly. Has anyone else had this problem, and if so have you found a solution? At this point the relief from the dry eye far outweight the runny nose.

I had used Lacriserts in my eyes for Sjogrens Syndrome since the late 80's. Then they quite making them. My eyes have gone through a trama time while using other products plus having my tear ducts plugged. I just learned that there is now a generic out and I am excited. I will be using them again. They will save my sight.