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Generic Name: hydroxyzine HCl

Brand Name: hydroxyzine HCl oral

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

I am taking it for anxiety and depression. It is also supposed to help me sleep. Doesn’t work at all. All doctors are pushing this because basically it is a placebo. They push it at Urgent Care, so that tells you something. Doctors are too afraid to give you anything anymore that really helps because of lawsuits. Sadly, we all suffer with no help. ??

My doctor put me on this because she didn’t want to give me clonzepam anymore because it is too addictive and I also am an alcoholic in recovery and no one seems to trust alcoholics. I take it for many things, but mainly for my anxiety and it helps some but not as good as clonzepam. It does make you drowsy at first so I used to only take it at night and it helped me sleep which was another reason my doctor put me on it. It also works for itching and I love that because I am an itchy person and this makes a difference. I can now take up to 100 mgs at a time and am not very sleepy at this point which is good and bad I guess. Now I take it 100 mg at night and 50-100mg as needed for panic attacks. No real side effects except for being drowsy

This medication took care of my chronic hives immediately where Benedryl did nothing. ! I may still break out, but the itching is completely gone. However, it leaves me in a stupor well after I'm up for the day. Because of that, I'm talking to my doctor for another alternative.

I take it for anxiety before bed it works just fine and helps me sleep

I have taken this medication for two years now and don’t take it everyday like it’s prescribed to me. I’m on it for anxiety and panic attacks however i have noticed my body began to build a tolerance to it and it no longer worked like it was supposed. Definitely not a long term med.

Got diagnosed with pityriasis rosea (a common rash that thankfully goes away on its own) and was prescribed hydroxyzine to ease the itching. I was on 25mg and was to take 1-2 a night before bed. I found it very helpful - it made the itching go away and made me feel much better as I waited for the rash to go away on its own. I didn’t really have any negative side effects - got drowsy but that’s to be expected and didn’t cause me any issues. I had a very good experience.

I took a 25mg dose of this medication last night and within about 2 hrs or so, I started experiencing heart palpitations. OMG!!! Didn’t realize it was from this medication until I read these reviews. I was prescribed to take medication at bedtime as needed.

I have been having pretty severe anxiety. My panic attacks have been getting worse. Right when I feel myself building up to an episode, I take this. Within a few minutes I feel everything calm down. It’s amazing. My world stops spinning, my arms don’t feel on fire, my heart stops pounding and racing. Smoothly but quickly. I never thought my panic attacks will be manageable and I can work through my worries without having to freak out every time! I also suffer from insomnia, and this puts me out! And I wake up slightly groggy but I feel great. Awesome stuff (:

i was prescribed this for insomnia. it works and has a calming effect. however, i wake up feeling a little groggy but after tea do well. then about 10 hours later like clockwork, i feel like i’ve been drugged and have to go to sleep. i wake up at six am but then pass out at 5 pm again. not very helpful. i don’t think i’ll ever get my insomnia figured out

im 40 male. Took for insomnia. Taken hydroxyzine for 19 nights, and developed depression, anxiety, brain fog, chronic constipation, chronic dry nose, panic, brain fog, decreased cognitive function, suicidal thoughts, other symptoms.The american sleep council doesnt reccomend this for insomnia, and these types of drugs (anticholinergics) can lead to dementia, alzheimers, and cognitive decline. I stopped two months ago and still have all my side effects,, Didnt have none of these until i started the medication. Very dangerous and eveyone considering taking this should be cautioned before hand! I had to quit my job after this, and cant hardly do anything anymore,, and thats nothing compared to if these effects wont subside eventually.

Posted about my 92 yr old mom in reference to this med for itching. It did help her but now for the past 48 hrs she is having severe constipation with spasm like labor pains. Stopped the med last night.

Helped my 92 yr old mom that is bedridden at home and it took over a day to start helping. Now it works like a charm. 0.25 mg every 6 hrs. Only give her one in morning and one at night.

Prescribed for servere Hives and being Narcoleptic this was a disaster for me personally. I'm letting anyone know, this was not even a downer , it was ZOMBIE time. As soon as it took affect I regretted it. I was completely useless ,I could not focus on even small tasks. Was in the bathroom way more than my waterpills. The FDA oviously checks what they want , as I see no reason for the discription of this drug , so I can't blame the prescriber This is a useless pill that probably makes millions for peddlers of this drug. Buyer Beware. I've know it's a bummer but you really need to read the more than the label

TERRIBLE SIDE EFFECTS: I took 25 mg. pill for post op facial cosmetic surgery itching. Pharmacy instructions were to take every 6-8 hours for itching. I took second 25 mg. pill six hours after the first one as itching was interfering with my sleep. Even 19 hours after first pill (11 hours after second pill) I had difficulty balance, nausea, headache, blurred vision. I weigh 116 lb. Surgeon told me after this reaction to only take one at night before going to sleep. I decided to return to Tylenol PM (with Benadryl) which has minimal side effects the next day and relieves the itching.

I was given hydroxyzine hcl 25mg to treat anxiety. I am very leary using meds so I cut pill in half. about half an hour later a extreme low hit me a little later I became extremely tired. Could not function take or take care my 3yr old grandchild. The anxiety went away, but not something I want to take again. I take medication for depression, do not want or need a medication that makes me feel low.

It was prescribed for anxiety but doesn't seem to help at all.

I was prescribed this only as a sleep aid, for no other reason. I took the 25MG strength. The side effects I experienced were increased visits to the bathroom, almost every two hours, and restlessness. Unfortunately, it only made me drowsy but couldn't really help me get a good night's sleep.

Asked for this back in 2016 for longstanding anxiety that wasn't fully controlled by daily sertraline + gabapentin. On the plus side, it does help my anxiety and doesn't muddle my thoughts like Xanax. On the downside, the drowsiness from this medication noticeably reduces my desire to do anything and can last for up to two days after a single dose - and I'm convinced that my daily use of this medication between 2016 and early 2020 contributed to two depressive episodes. I still use it when my anxiety is really bad, but I prefer to use Xanax. Even though Xanax makes me feel like I've dropped a few IQ points and has an addiction risk, I still prefer that over feeling lifeless and risking another depressive episode. Everyone is different, though. My mother and my best friend both take hydroxyzine for anxiety. My mom only feels tired for a couple of hours and my best friend gets a dry mouth. Don't be like me and rush into it blindly, but please don't be scared away from this medication, either. Just make sure to discuss the potential benefits and side effects of this drug with your doctor before you pick it up from the pharmacy.

This was supposed to help with my anxiety but After I took this, I’ve experienced tremors, bowel movement, and nausea. Do not get please.

Was given to me for anxiety; however, during the night woke up confused, difficulty sleeping and felt totally exhausted and unrested. Made me feel 'funny' and not right in my head. Will not take any longer regardless of what my doctor says.