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Generic Name: ifosfamide

Brand Name: Ifex intravenous

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

husband had Follicular Dentritic Cancer of Tonsil. Some small spots appeared in lungs after surgery. Minute, according to pulmonary.referred to oncologist. Treated 4x's week, every 3 weeks,6 treatments. Severe vomiting 10-14 days straight. Cannot hold food or fluids.Loss of vision, loss of hair,eyelashes,brows,Severe mood swings,viciousness. Severe memory loss, teeth falling out, yellowing of skin,toenails developing Onycholysis. After 3 months of treatment stoppage, still no hair, now developing numbness in fingertips,face. Toenails so discolored,sore, can barely walk.Do not in my opinion, ever have your loved one, be allowed this medication.