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Generic Name: indapamide

Brand Name: Lozol oral

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

I went from taking .25 mg of hydrochlorothiazide to taking Lozol because of an increase in blood pressure. I took the drug for about a year until I was so depressed, I considered suicide. Since I am a very positive person who just does what I have to do, no doctor understood the proble. Constant tears and inability to talk to anyone without crying. Finally, a psychologist told me that there was nothing the matter with my grasp of my situation (my husband had died the previous year) and he asked me what I was taking. He said Lozol had a bad reputation for causing serious depression. About two weeks after I quit taking the drug, I was back to my usual happy self. this should be a warning. I take very few medications and have almost completely normal bloodwork.

I have hand and knee stiffness but the blood pressure along with labetotlol 200mg works..bp decreased from 200/100 to 130/70

helps reduce swelling in lower legs and ankles and gets rid of salt and fluid, but when taken with lotrel my ankles still swell, probably from the lotrel

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