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Generic Name: interferon gamma-1b

Brand Name: Actimmune subcutaneous

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

I am a 39 y/o female with CGD. I have been using Actimmune for the last 6 1/2 yrs. I have had the flu like symptoms the whole time I've been taking it. So I take it at night so I can sleep though most of the side effects. I also take prednisone to help lessen the side effects. I only take this when I take my shots. It seems to work pretty well for me.

I am a 77 year old white male. I have been using actimmune for treatment of IPF for a little over 6 years. I have not experienced any of the dreaded side effects. My breathing tests and chest x-rays not shown any change and I have been very satisfied with actimmune. My only problem is increasing shortness of breath and I can see that supplemental oxygen will be needed soon.

My 73 year old father has been using Actimmune SubQ for the treatment of Pulmonary Fibrosis for the past 5 years. We feel that is has been effective, as well as his physician, in slowing the progress of this disease that is slowly robbing my father of his life. In addition to the actimmune he takes prednisone and has been on oxygen 24/7 since his diagnosis. My greatest disappointment is that Pulmonary Fibrosis kills as many people each year as breast cancer does, and yet most people have never heard of it nor does it get the same attention or funding by our government as breast cancer does. I hope this changes as there are just under 50,000 people per year diagnosed with PF. That's a lot of people who will be given little hope and who will die from the progression of this devastating disease.

I have been hospitalized several times with various infections. After starting the injections, the bacteria level in my blood was diminished greatly, thus my infections have decreased a great deal. The only problem I currently have is taking the antibiotics.. they are too expensive.

developed severe compression fracture at t8 with paralysis.