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Generic Name: ipilimumab

Brand Name: Yervoy intravenous

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

A few manageable side effects. Most common was fatigue.

Facial myeloma L cheek removed 2012, liver mets discovered 2013 & had standard yer voy treatment with no complications.Began to feel better after 3rd treatment. Still cancer free 2019 but 2 years ago began developing mild balance problems and recentely mild leg neuropathy reason unknown. Work up-- no cancer - reason for current symptoms unknown - side effect from treatment ??? Too many candles on birthday cake ??? Age 80.

The day before my third infusion, I suffered from diarrhea. I became severely dehydrated and the diarrhea was uncontrollable. While at the clinic, i became confused and was transported to hospital and treated for altered mental state. Stayed four nights. This occurred a couple weeks later, again four nights.

My husband had all 4 doses, often taking the whole morning (2 hour drive each way each time was hard on him), and when finished we had high hopes, but it didn't work. Tumors have progressed rapidly. :(

Other than itching no problem

It cured me completely! Last infusion August 2010. Completely cancer free now. This is a wonder drug that saved my life!

I have metastatic Malignant Melanoma in both lungs. To date, the drug has stopped the growth of the tumors. I am now one year from dianosis and feeling fairly well, with the exception of lupus-like symptoms ... achy joints and fatigue being the dominant effects.

This drug caused near fatal reaction to my husband, just got out of the hospital after spending 6 days on steriods at KU Med Center. Caused extreme dehydration.

I had this drug in the last clinical trials before it was approved. I only had a few side effects like skin inflammation and tiredness. It did cause me to have low platelets. But, that is managed with Promacta. I would highly recommend this drug!!!!!!!