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Generic Name: liotrix

Brand Name: Thyrolar-1 oral

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

I have not felt good since this drug was taken off the market. Exhausted and unable to lose weight. Please bring this back!

Yes bring it back I have felt awful for two years now, gaining weight, not eatting, and my doc. just keeps saying no its working, right I'm sooo tired. help need thyrolar

I have taken a thyroid med. since I was 9 years old. 70 years! I was doing fine, could lose weight when I went on reasonable diet. For over 40 years I have been on 3 gr. They took it off the market/I was put on Armour/had episode with racing heart so they took me off for all thy. for 5 weeks, did a scan, found nodules/ put me on Synthroid. I went from thinking I was dying in the ER with my heart rate 150 to almost a year later wishing I could die.I am so weak I cannot walk across the room/cannot shop/stomach like I am 9 month preg./lost eyebrows/no bodily hair/can't lose weight, infact gained almost 20 in 2 weeks. Now on compounded thyroid but no change. I want Thyrolar back.

when will they bring it back? or why doesn't another company make the drug..... anyone remember euthroid? they took it off the market first...so sad... forrest get with it! i've taken thyroid medicine my whole adult live and thyrolar was great..what's out there now just doesn't cut it.

I have used Thyrolar for 30 years, except when it was unavailable. During periods of unavailability, I take Armour thyroid. I am taking Armour now, but hope Thyrolar returns soon, as nothing else works as well for me and I am gaining weight (something that has never been a problem for me). I have tried Synthroid at a doctor's insistence ("everybody" takes Synthroid), but did not have the same sense of well-being. Why are we going through years of Thyrolar unavailability?

I can't wait for Forest to put this back on the market. Synthroid, which most doctors recommend, is useless to me. I need the T3 that is in Thyrolar. Please bring it back!

I have been taking Thyrolar for many many and now Forrest drug company has removed it from the market to reformulate.I have been give all the others out there and am having no luck. I NEED the thyrolar back..the company said it will come back but they do not know when. Just what are we supposed to do...this is our lives they are dealing with and my is in the dumper ever since they put it on back order. If some one out there can help please thee a lot of people floundering.I have tried the Armor w/ the Citomil and it gave me the crawlies..now I have been put a NEW drug called Tirosint a cousin of levothyroxine, mine is a gel cap and there is no info on the web about this drug.

its the only medication i have been able to use in years