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Generic Name: mefenamic acid

Brand Name: Ponstel oral

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

This is doing about as much for me as Midol does. But I can't get what the dr wants me to take because my insurance won't pay for it.

I am so happy that my new doctor prescribed this medication for me. I have been struggling with Endo for 7 or 8 years and began cramping shortly after giving birth to my daughter who is now 13. After getting married and trying to conceive; we learned that I had Endo. I would love to have a child with my husband and I believe that this is the medicine that can help prevent me having to have a hysterectomy and receive the necessary treatment to improve my fertility chances. I am so thankful for this medication. I love you Ponstel!

Been taking it on and off for 30 years. This is the best medication for painful menstral periods.

I have had unexplained excruciatingly painful periods, more than most women, since my early 20's. (I am in my mid 40's now) ...As I grew older, especially during fertility treatments, where I was tested again for everything, and no sign of endo, cysts, etc,,,,, I still would have awful periods, with severe stabbing cramps, major gastro- intestinal upset, etc that greatly affected my life. After 20 years of dealing with it, a new female OB/GYN I met after a move to another state, was like "why do you have to suffer like this?" She offered Ponstel. Two pills at onset of period then one every 5 hours, only for two - three days. As long as I take at onset, this definitely takes the "edge" as a I call it, off the pain. But you must stay on it consistently - for period -- mine's 3 days at most. I tried everything before...heat pads, heavy dose of ADVIL, Naproxen..Birth control pills...and all did ok, but not great and BC had too many side effects. So many pharmacies don't carry this drug or have to order it. I don't know why. but Its the best thing I have ever had for periods. Unless you don't mind being on a narcotic, which I do not - how do you not feel foggy or sleepy on that? -- This is a great one to try. Hope the pharma co's keep making it. I am very careful always researching any medication. I suggest looking into it with your doc and seeing if it works. Remember to take with food and a glass of water to protect your tummy. Like any drug, you should always be careful with that. And it takes a bit - about an hour to kick in....

After suffering years of cramps as painful as my labor pains were when I finally had a child, and suffering nausea, diarrhea and high blood pressure during the first part of my periods, I read an article about a woman doctor who researched Ponstel. I took a chance. It was a lifesaver for me. As long as I took it at the first sign of cramps, it did a great job. If I waited too long, the hormone that caused the cramps was already in my system and no pain killer I've ever found was strong enough to relieve it. If taken at the first sign, Ponstel worked wonders for me!

About 16 years ago I began having severe vomiting and some abdominal pain with my period. My syptoms were debilitating monthly for 3-5 days and greatly limited my daily activites. I tried OTC remedies such as Advil, Tylenol, Naproxen, and Pamprin none of which did anything to aleviate my symptoms. Then I tried Ponstel. My mother had been taking Ponstel for years for the same problems so we thought it was worth a try. What a difference it made! It took the edge off the pain and totally relieved the vomiting. To be the most effective, it does have to be taken at the onset or just before the onset of syptoms. The only down side to it is that insurance companies don't want to cover it, and it isn't cheap.

I have struggled with heavy menstrual bleeding and a laundry list of severe period symptoms for about 10 years (I am 43 now). I had an ablation about 5 years which reduced the heavy bleeding, it did not get rid of it completely, but it is manageable now. Over the last 5 years I have tried everything my OB/GYN has recommended for the pain/cramps etc. - vitamins, advil, naproxen, the pill, ponstel(mefenamic acid). Short of getting a partial hysterectomy (which has soooo many negative side effects) I don't know what else to do but suffer through it every month (twice a month - when i menstruate and when i ovulate) any other suggestions????

I gave this medicine a year to try to help me. The gas and side effects were so bad I had to discontinue use. While it did help the pain, it caused more gastro problems and nauseau than pregnancy. I am having an ablation to try to help.

My menstrual camps have always been bad and now they are intensifying due to the endometriosis. The cramps have gotten so bad, I'm awakened out of a sound sleep in pain. My OB/GYN prescribed 1 tablet of ponstel 250 mg and 1/2 tablet of Hydrocodone for the severe camps. Now, the pain is goine and I sleep like a baby. Thank you Dr. Henry!

I absolutely hate this drug more than anything. I am 17 and have had bad cramps since I was 11. Ponstel did nothing for me except cause extreme nausea and loss of sleep. It costs like 120 each time I get my subscription refilled and that's not counting the 200 extra my insurance pays. I wouldn't recommend this to anyone...stick with advil or try birth control.

After having kids, my periods became very heavy to the point that I was passing clots and the cramps were making me disfunctional. I would have stomach upset and was so fatigued it was difficult for me to work and/or take care of my kids. I went to see my dr and discussed options (not interested in the pill) and he prescribed this. I noticed a major difference the first cycle while taking this medication. Significantly less cramping and a much lighter blood flow. My energy level did not take such a severe hit during my menstrual cycle. It is expensive- about $1 per pill after insurance but I only take it the firest 3 days of my cycle. I am forever greatful.

I started taking this medication because whenever I get my period I get so sick that it is like I have the stomach bug. It caused me to not be able to focus in school and it hurt my social life. Now that I take this medicine, I do not feel sick at all. It has been a life saver and I would recommend it to anyone who has painful periods. I have never had a side effect to it either. I no longer have to fear "that time of the month."

I followed the instructions and everything yet my pain doesn't go away it feels like it's getting worse or i need something stronger.

In the early 70s, heard a female doctor from Long Island on TV (Stanely Segal Show) about Ponstel (yes, I remember her name!). She explained, each month prosta glanda (spg?) produces pain, etc. ~ Ponstel is a MEDICATION (not a narcotic) and when taken at the OnSet (not before) relieves pain and suprisingly works month-to-month! Took Ponstel for at least 20+ years! I got a LIFE, didn't miss work and could function (even planned a European trip)! In the beginning, would need for 2 or 3 days each month, by the end of my 40s, only needed 1 or 2 pills the first day! Never any side effects! Recommended it highly to other sufferers and they sought me out to thank me ~ it helped them too!

Still had painful periods after using Ponstel for two months. Doctor switched me to Tylenol 3 w/codiene that works much better.

heavy bleeding, insane cramps, clotting....kept me housebound during my periods. since i've been taking ponstel, my world has changed. gone are the debilitating painful cramping, the clotting isn't nearly as bad and the heavy bleeding is reduced tenfold. as long as you get this drug on board at the first sign of your period, it works wonders - at least for me. highly recommend, it's worth a try.

Since the first time I had my period I Have had sever cramps. By the age of 15 my cramps were so bad before and during my period that it was hard for me to move, use the bathroom or eat. I went to the doctor and was soon diagnosed with endometrioses. For the last couple of years I have been on ponstel and I can’t tell you how much it has changed my quality of life. My pain is now bearable and for a woman who has a menstrual cycle that lasts 7-9 days it’s great to have my life back.

The first time I used it, it did not work. But since I paid $25 for it, I tried again. The second time I used it I experienced and shorter less painful period. The third time, I barely had cramps and my period was reduced. I have had severe cramps since I was 11 and am now 34. This works and I may stop taking the pill if it can completely reduce the pain. Where was this 23 years ago?

I have been having painful periods for years now, it happens to run in my family. A few months ago my cramps were so bad one day that I threw up 3 times over a period of 3 hours, I was in the shower for over an hour- just letting the water run on my back- till it got cold, and the pain was so severe I was bawling. I've just been taking this medicine for about 2 months when I am cramping. Yesterday, I was cramping really bad so I took the pill on pain onset at 4:00 and it didn't kick in till about 7:15. That is that biggest disappointment to me. I also had a little stomach ache. Once it kicks in, it gets rid of the pain.. it's just the pain in waiting is still so horrible. I still wish I could find something better, but I'm satisfied for now.