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Generic Name: methocarbamol

Brand Name: Robaxin oral

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

Taking this for auto accident with a dislocated shoulder as well as c5/c6 damage. This is by far the worst medication I have yet to take for the spasms in my neck. I’ve tried the maximum dose and literally feels like a placebo pill. My doctor switched me to Carisiprodol and has been the best experience despite making you a little groggy for an hour however I would take that then the robaxin any day of the week.

I have been dealing with back pain for over a year due to a ruptured disc. I was getting steroid and trigger point injections which only work for a brief period. I was in the hospital and the doctor put me on robaxin 500mg and with an hour of taking it noticed an incredible difference. For those who have muscle spasms that is contributing to their pain then robaxin works. No nausea (which for me is a miracle in itself) and it does not make me sleepy during the day, but does help me relax at bedtime. Give it an honest try. I was very surprised. I know that it is difficult to find an online store, so I will advise where I buy Robaxin https://tlabc.link/76f372df96

Cervical root compression/ spasm s: MVA Most helpful medication following many months of severe pain.

I have extreme muscle spasms in my hip do to an injury. This medicine didn't work for me at all. It didn't touch the pain or spasm. It also made me very sluggish. I am a chef and can't afford to be this sluggish

Has been a miracle drug for me after epipen allergic reaction to esi, several disc problem etc

Was prescribed Robaxin after an auto accident with damaged C3-C7 and remained on Robaxin event post-op. Never really thought it helped much with easing the pain, only thing it did was make me sleepy and relaxed but the pain remained.

Purely by accident I stumbled on this medication for control of my spasmodic dysphonia and have taken 750 mg daily for four years now. It is the only relief I have found and it continues to solve that problem without any adverse effects. (PS, I am a Speech Pathologist and SD was very troubling in my daily work.)

Started taking it for a muscle strain/spasm. Does not work at all. Same thing happened with the other muscle relaxers. I am a healthy twenty something female. Legitimately nothing works. Maybe my body just metabolizes it too quickly or something.

White in color oval shape and imprint on it is the number150

I began taking robaxin 2 years ago for muscle spasms in my neck. I'm a healthy middle-aged male. I was told to take it with ibuprofen. No help at all. I definitely would not recommend this muscle relaxer.

I have bulging disc in thoracic area on my back. After 4 months of pain, 21 physical therapy appt., and Vicodin 3 times a day my doctor prescribed Robaxin. I've been 6days on it and its wonderful! No more Vicodin, sleeping all night again and 6hr. Work days.loving it.

I have multiple herniated discs, Degenerative disc disease (DDD), and multiple bone spurs along with arthritis and osteoarthritis thru-out my spine. I have been taking narcotic pain meds for years. I have also done PT in yrs past with little improvement, although I do incorporate some of the more effective methods daily. Due to all of this I have a lot of muscle spasms, especially in my neck and sciatic. Flexeril was never effective but I have been on methocarbamol 750mg now for almost a yr and have found that it does seem to help without any side effects other then sleepiness.

I didn't have enough time to see if this medicine worked for me since it gave me blurry vision. I tried it twice to make sure it was the med causing it and it was. I don't think it made me tired at all but I couldn't function with the eye problem.

My Dr suggested & prescribed this when I expressed a deep desire to get off of Somas*!* This med works perfectly for me with NO side effects. But my insurance refuses to pay for it anymore. They send me a reason why not, which is THE EXACT reason tis being prescribed & nothing My DR nor I say will change their mind. I even changed insurances only to have the same thing happen. Does anyone have any idea why? Or how I can get help in getting my scrips paid for? Unfortunately, Phiser does make this, however ONLY in Canada, otherwise no problem*!*

4 years ago, I found out I have a brain tumor, which is benign as of yet. The tumor is located in an area where they can't operate without doing major harm, and could easily be fatal. The tumor is located on the left side of my head, and is surrounded by nerves, which causes ABSOLUTE DEBILITATING PAIN, to the point where I cannot even move, and their is nothing the doctors can do right now to take the pain away. So, I am on a lot of different medications to ease some of the pain. Robaxin really helps by calming the muscles in my head and face. I really like this medication, it's helped me a great deal, and it isn't too expensive compared to some of the other meds like it. I definitely recommend it to anyone who struggles with severe muscle spasms/pain. It really has been great for me.

I have had MS for 50 yrs. Still mobile. Was taking 1/2 Vicodin three times per day. Started on low dose (1/2 750MG) Robaxin twice a day.It stopped the muscle cramps and spasms. Totally relaxed them out. Forgot to take Vicodin, I felt so good. No more muscles jumping in my legs.

My dentist prescribed this medication for TMJ headaches resulting from dental procedures. I had tried other muscle relaxers and even Percocet, with no relief. I took 750mg of Robaxin and my headache, as well as back pain from fibromyalgia were completely gone in less than an hour! I would highly recommend this medication for TMJ.

I'm taking 750 mg three times daily for severe muscle spasms due to Fibromyalgia, Spinal Stenosis, and spinal arthritis. I'm finding I'm quite sedated, and experiencing stomach upset from this med. I'm not very happy with thus drug at all. Having read previous comments, I'm very well hydrated. I drink at least 3 liters water daily, so I know it's not dehydration.

I have scoliosis and DDD along with other chronic pain conditions. I had taken Flexeril in the past and it seemed to work a little and it did not make me extremely drowsy. Well I changed doctors due to moving and my new doctor insisted this medication would work better and not make me drowsy. Well he complete opposite happened..I can barely function due to feeling like a zombie plus the spasms are still occurring. Not happy!

I've taken this medication in the past a few times, but I just got prescribed to take it again for muscle spasms resulting from sciatica. Right now I can take 1-2 500mg tabs up to 3x/day as needed for pain, so basically up to 3g a day. Honestly, friends of mine that have tried this medicine in the past have told me it doesn't work for them, but it always has for me. It really does ease the sharpness that comes with muscle pain. Sometimes, the pain is completely eliminated, and it makes my body feel very comfortable without making me feel loopy. I am, however, a former daily drug addict, so I imagine that I have a tolerance to that type of side effect in CNS depressants. Speaking of that, too, I was given Robaxin in the hospital when I went to detox off of opiate drugs. Honestly, 1000mg of Robaxin in combination with all the other sedating drugs they give you to improve symptoms of the absolute real-life nightmare that is opiate withdrawal, was very helpful in my experience. I remember being able to lie down in my bed very comfortably as a result of the Robaxin. It is quite sedating I will say, especially if you're new to it, so just remember that and exercise caution. Other than that, if you give it a chance, Robaxin is definitely an effective muscle relaxant. I prefer it to Flexeril, personally.