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Generic Name: methylprednisolone acetate

Brand Name: Depo-Medrol injection

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

I got the injection due to neck and shoulder pain. The injection itself hurt! After 12 hours there was no more throbbing neck pain. The only side effect was pain where the injection was made. Im hoping this feeling lasts.

I had a ESI injection for back pain. Sion after my tail BONE and legs behind KNEES burn. Google Arachnadotis BEFORE you take this FDA approved for off label POISON

Works very well for chronic back pain as a IM injection but wears off within two weeks

Have had injections 3 times over the last 2 years. I have got them after positive benefits of infusions has worn off and pain in neck, shoulders, hips and neural flares have become too much. They have seemed effective to me within about 12 hours and effect lasts for more than a month. Getting an injection has been the biggest problem especially with the SIP. Currently my doc is not seeing patients!

My story is about a cat, similar to the review posted by Venus 2-3-2012. This is a drug one must first discuss fully w/ vet and/or do further research before agreeing to. Particularly for a pet with known or suspected heart issues, known or suspected kidney issues. Or older pets, who could have one of those not diagnosed.The potential side effects of this drug, lethargy, nausea, malaise, vomit, neuromuscular, are the same effects that one could see from the natural progression of kidney disease, or some cancers, or heart failure. But with this drug on-board, you don't know if those issues if and when they present are the effect of the drug (and it/they will wear off), or the progression of disease. I've given oral prednisone to cats before with cancers, that helped them feel better, helped with appetite. And oral pred is active for only a few hours, so if you see bad effects you just don't dose again. With an injection of Depo Medrol /Methylpred, once it's done, it's on-board, you're stuck with it.For appetite stimulation there are other options. For general/systemic anti inflammatory there are other options. This is nothing to mess with. I would advise anyone against agreeing to an injection of this

I was given a ESI INJECTION last Nov in my T 5/6 area for back pain. 1 month after many strange pains started in my low back, mid back and neck. Burning pain in low back goes into legs. I think this poison is killing me. Doctors think I am crazy.. I am not. Big business it seems...

Appt with orth doc for cortisone injection for hip pain. Doc gave 180mg depo me from with 4mg lidocaine without advising me change of new. Developed diabetes, persistent stomach and adomininal pain, small and large intestine, bowel and bladder dysfunction, unable to tolerate foods, weight loss. My life is unbearable because of this medication. Lots of doctor appts, tests, medication that does help. Please don't take this medication. Doctor should have told me the side effects before deciding to change medication without my permission to do so. Dr.needs to be locked up for what he did. Reporting this to the appropriate authorities. Don't know what to do. God help me.

I get S I joint pain that feels like a tooth ache . After the shot , next day back to normal. It has been years of this about 1-2 times a year .

Over the past 5 years, I have been suffering from joint pain in my hip and lower back. I have had Depo-Medrol or Kenalog injected into my joints at least 4 times a year. Depo-Medrol works much better and longer than Kenalog. I have been lucky that I've had no side effects from either drug.

First my neck took 4 shots to work. 1 dr did 1st 3. Each time I was in severe pain

I have had 2 surgeries for trigger finger, one on each hand. Trigger finger creates little balls of inflammation around the joints and tendons causing my fingers to lock down. It has returned in a different finger. The injections hurt like hell but within a week, I can use my finger again with no pain and it allows me to avoid having another surgery. The injections last 3-6 months.

I have severe rheumatoid arthritis. I take weekly injections of Enbrel and Methotrexate, and daily doses of Prednisone. I have crippling flares that leave me unable to work some days and sometimes even unable to walk. I've gotten Depo Medrol injections in my knees and injections for overall pain. The injections in my knees are quite uncomfortable for a few minutes but after a day or 2 I can walk without a limp for 10-12 days. The overall pain injections I get in my hip and don't even feel it. It starts helping the same day and has me feeling like a new kid for at least 2 weeks. It's not the safest drug on the market but considering the other drugs I take, it's probably the least dangerous for me. Quality of life... it's all about quality of life. Anyone who suffers from RA knows that quality of life is lacking so we take it where we can get it.

First shot last week..butt/hip area..absolutely not painful..three days later I had full use of my arms and legs. I'm taking a low dose of prednisone 5mg.

Today, I received my first shot ever. It was from an overuse situation in my medial deltoid bursa (top of shoulder) where I washed a picket fence one weekend and shampooed carpet in four cars the weekend prior. The pain started in my posterior deltoid and migrated/radiated to the upper elbow, triceps, and shoulder. Working on a computer was unbearable around lunch to EOD. After the shot (6 hours later), the pain was gone for the first time in a week. I have insomnia as the only side effect. Right now (day one), my only complaint is injection site swelling/pain and insomnia. I'm afraid of pain pills and the hype around an opiate epidemic. Also, the liver effects of OTC pain products are a concern (my father died of liver cirrhosis from these and was addicted to pain pills). However, I had to take half-a-Tramadol pill every other day this week to get through the days. For all practical purposes, this was my one and only injection.

I had severe pain and swelling in my joint around my knuckle above my left index finger. It was so bad it was affecting my quality of life. I went to an orthopedic Dr. who specialized in hands. He x-rayed it and did an ultrasound. I could 't even move my finger it had gotten so bad. He gave me an injection of this drug directly into the joint. It hurt really bad for about two minutes. He told me it would and that it would hurt worse that evening and the next day, however, it would feel great the third day and it did. I had full use of my finger and hand and it has been four weeks and no pain at all.

exceptional pain relief of arthritic joint in my foot. Restored to normal for 90 days. Repeat injection 40mg for another 90 days and Repeat...

I took this medication for seasonal allergies. It worked within 24 hours and was wonderful! I only take one dose when I need it but it sure is a lifesaver.

I am suffering from Osteoarthritis Fibromyalgia Degenerative disc disease.I was in so much pain my doc recommended me get these injections.I can't sleep I am sweating at night so bad I am so irritable depressed I can't take this anymore.Back to desperate pain.I told the DR he said I was wrong Excuse me, no, I am not wrong. He must be making big bucks he does not care I can't handle this medication.And had to sign a paper if he cripples me from spine shots nothing I can do.He is safe to cripple or paralyze me.That's wrong and should be stopped.

I told my doctor that I am ALLERGIC to all steroids(depo-Medrol),

Given an 80mg injection to knee. The entire area doubled in size and 5 days later wasn't any better. I still am having trouble walking. Followed up with the dr. and she can't see me for two weeks. Severe heartburn but dr. said to buy Prolosec OTC to combat chest pain and burning sensation. She also hit a vessel at the injection site.