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Generic Name: methylprednisolone sodium succ

Brand Name: Solu-Medrol injection

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

I’m currently hospitalized for a MS Flare up that caused me gastroparesis. Gastroparesis make you feel sick already and solumedrol has made everything worse.I feel sick to my stomach all day and it’s unbearable. I only experienced really bad taste the first time, the other 2 infusions the taste was a lot less. The only thing killing me is my stomach. The stomach and nausea side effects are awful. I spend the whole next day nauseous and then at night I feel better and then they administer another dose. My last dose is tomorrow. I can’t wait to get rid of this stomach discomfort.

19 yrs ago I was diagnosed with MS and now I was told I have NMO. I had over 10 yr use of Solu-Medrol and had limited side effects. bad taste in mouth, severe headaches, and stomach issues that are taken care of with Zantac or Tums. I can no longer walk and my vision comes and goes and my doctor refuses to give me the drug. I know I would be walking and in 95% less pain. This drug works differently on people. I love it! If your body can tolerate it, its a whole lot better than being blind and immobile.

This is the most effective Rx I have found to date for SLE. It has put me in remission every time I have used it for the last 16 years or so.

I have undergone IV treatment with Solu Medrol on a few different occasions. I have had MS for over 15 years.The idea is to assist your body in a quicker (like a jump start) recovery from a relapse. Yes it has some really crappy side effects but when you consider the end result (I was paralyzed from the waist down and after treatment and pt I was able to walk again) they are worth it. It leaves a terrible taste in my mouth, elevates my sugar levels, makes me want to throw up (I get an rx for that previous to starting IV)and usually leaves me feeling pretty weak for the week following. The side effects are things you need to consider and weigh honestly.

Severe case of laryngitis where voice was gone over a week. This did not even start to bring voice back for 5 days. After 10 days, voice is not 100% back - still raspy. Not worth the price or risk. Was injected in buttocks and caused extreme flare and pain at injection site.

I love this drug, it helps with any MS symptoms I am having. I do 5 days of the IV when I need to. Does leave a tinny taste in your mouth but Wintergreen Breath mints help with that, as far as sleep my Dr prescribed sleeping pills, also prescribed Zantac for the sour stomach.

I had a 3 day treatment via 2 hour infusion.This has been the worst experience ever.8 days after last infusion and im still experiencing side effects such as body pain in my lower back and legs.Pain that ive never felt before.Insomnia,peeing every time i drink fluids.It comes out within minutes.Headache everyday,disorientation and severe mood swings that range from depressed to Angry.muscle weakness and unable to walk.This is By no means a regular occurrence for me and i just called my neurological drs office and exolained all of the issues in having.

I had severe pain from my neck, center back and down my left arm for a week. Doc did neck xray and said I had significant arthritis which had caused inflammation. Injection of Medrol did wonders - most of pain relieved by the next day - taking 1 Aleve and 1 Tylenol every 6 hours per doc and it appears to be working well so far. Grateful

Terrifying! Had what they called a "roid rage". Blackout, vulgar language, put self in mortal danger. Very dangerous, lethal drug!!! Definitely would NOT recommend unless, strictly supervised by TRAINED staff on the side effects of this drug!!!

If use so takes a little time out of your day but really jump starts recovery. Took for ms flare up for partial loss of leg function. The bad taste is only about 2 hours and not worth worrying about.

I took this for three days because of an episode of optic neuritis (still waiting for results to know if I have MS). The taste was awful, and I was very dizzy, tired, and confused for about three days after I stopped taking it. It did help, but it wasn't fun! Anyway, I think being able to see again was worth any discomfort I experienced.

I have had this drug injected around a half-dozen times to treat an asthma exacerbation. It does what It is supposed to do in that it opens up my lungs and makes breathing much easier. Some of the uncomfortable side effects are inability to sleep, increased heart rate, and the feeling that my heart skips a beat every few minutes. I also find myself agitated and it Is hard to "settle down". I had this drug injected a little over 24 hours ago and I am still feeling some lasting effects.

I was given this in hospital for exacerbation of asthma. It was the worst experience of my life. I became insane. I don't remember it but have been told I was raging, swearing and kinds of things. And staff there did not seem to know what was happening and treated me as being difficult.

My life save

awesome made me walk better

I had an MS flair and this drug really helped. I took five days of the medication and it cleared my symptoms up very quickly. Leaves a really bad taste in the back of your throat though. Have had a few anger issues but nothing really severe, got over it pretty quickly.

I take solumedrol once a month for cidp and has helped me considerably

Afterabrief exposure to spirulina, blue/green agae in a new supplemnent on a sat Night, I woke up w/ swollen eyes and rash on scalp...after work I went to an urgent care center, then off to ER at local hospital...immediately was hooked up IV w/ suma, and Benadryl....swelling went down and took Keflex and Predisone for 4 day...most swelling disappeared 'cept for under eyes Ive taken herbals for years, NEVER a reaction like this...I always researched any supps b4 taking, but this was a multi supplement that I DIDN"T research, and almost cost me my life While Spirulina CAN be a good supp, it ISNT for me

I have been on this medication for 12 years, infused one day every 3 months,although it is infused it does have a terrible taste, try good-n-plenty, works for me if you can take the sugar. side effects mentioned are only temporary, 3rd day my worst.

I was hospitalized 8/2/13. My blood was checked and was told my white blood cell count was 15,000. I was told I needed to be admitted to Morton Plant Hospital, Fl. A neurologist told me he prescribed me for solu Medrol for 4 days. 3 hours after being admitted I was given Solu Medrol through a vein in my right arm. It took about 27 minutes. Within 3 hours I began to feel stronger and able to move my right foot. I was given the drug Saturday and Sunday at about the same time for 27 minutes. On Monday I received at about 830 for one hour.