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Generic Name: nafarelin

Brand Name: Synarel nasal

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

It's the only thing that has worked to put my endometriosis into a bit of remission. I've been dealing with endometriosis for 35 years now. I've only been using it for 3 months and I'm very satisfied with it. Unfortunately, I won't be able to afford it with the new insurance program's medicine coverage.

After 2 surgeries for endometrios my doctor prescribed this for me. It took a bit for it to be effective. It was 1993. I was 30 yrs old, it was the first time I had been pain free since I was 12. I was on it for 3 yrs. My doctor retired, the new doctor refused to prescribe it, said I had been on it too long. 6 yes later I had a complete hysterectomy. I wish I had stayed on the Synarel.

Caused severe sinus pain, and have got ringing in my ears after using it for 2 weeks into my course. The ringing/fuzzy sound is still happening after stopping the spray 5 weeks into the course.I have stopped using it and 2 weeks later I am still having trouble hearing over the ringing/fuzzy noise in my ears. It did start to ease some of my abdominal pains.

This medication has ruined my life. It caused severe, unremitting, unipolar depression. I will never be normal again. If anyone suggests that you use it, run as fast as you can in the other direction

how long to wait after using synarel to test for pregnancy