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Generic Name: naltrexone microspheres

Brand Name: Vivitrol intramuscular

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

It’s going on 21 days since I got the shot . I was on fentanyl patches and switched over to the fake pills 2 years after . The shot works very well , but you will get extreme anxiety and cravings . I suggest you talk to your doc about getting on busporine medication to help ease the extreme anxiety . Nausea happens the first 3 days and stomach cramps last up to 5/6 days . I’m feeling a bit better but I’m not gonna lie I regret this shot only because I’m an over thinker and I used sooo long it’s hard to fight them cravings regardless of your anxiety . End of the day you gotta have a strong mentality when taking long term shot trials like vivitrol . Its getting better for me in a sense but it’s not easy and I’m being honest .

Love love love this injection. Was on the oral form of naltrexone with no effect. About 2 days after the injection, my cravings for alcohol were gone. I did experience some side effects, injection site pain (I get that with the flu shot), and fatigue. Basically, I sleep more now than I ever have, which can kinda suck. But this is the only thing that has worked to control my cravings. I recommend this to everyone I speak to that is having trouble with cravings/urges. Injection site pain lasts for about 3 days for me. Drowsiness/fatigue is pretty much all the time, but I'm not drinking anymore so I'm not complaining too much about it.

The shot hurts my butt, otherwise I have no cravings. I've had 2 shots so far, have been sober for 3 months now after drinking a quart to one gallon a day of whisky for two years. After I detoxed my cravings were really bad, I was surprised this surprised this eliminated it, also helped with the PAWS and shakes

Before Vivitrol I was living on borrowed time with my opiate addiction which in 7 years was unsuccessful with just about any other treatment you could think of. I had tried buprenorphine, methadone, Keaton, acupuncture, Ayahuasca- literally everything. Then I heard about Vivitrol and thought why not. The day finally came to get my first shot 13 months ago and I haven't looked back since. They poke you right in your butt cheek and it can sting a bit but not bad. After that it's 100% effective for 28-30 days. It's too powerful to try and override or manipulate in any way so your FORCED to change your habits and way of thinking no matter how bad you want to use. Without insurance it's expensive but most plans would cover it I would think as it is a life changing medicine. I know the courts and probation agencies love recommending it to people that may be going thru legal issues as a result of their addiction. Highly recommend for anyone that wants their life back.

haven't had shot yet. My problem is back pain. In Michigan they keep cutting back on pain meds which I take as directed.

I wish i would've read these before getting the shot. I have been on methadone for the past 2 years. Gradually decreased down to 1mg and stopped. Waited 2 and a half weeks before going to get the shot. I have only been smoking marijuana in the mean time. I just got my first one 4 days ago and I've felt horrible since. My left ass cheek hurts so bad i havent been able to sit or lay on it.I've also had a head ache for the past 4 days. Pretty bad stomach cramps, nausea, but the worst is the anxiety/ restlessness.Can't sleep at all. Feel very panicky. I felt better doing it on my own. I will definitely not be going to get another one.

If I hadn't found out about Vivitrol, I would not be here to write this story. You have to want a new life and to stay clean. I'm not one to sugar coat anything, and I will say it is rough in the beginning. If you have the determination to stay clean, and follow through with all your goals then I 110% suggest this treatment.

I'm new to the program but felt I needed medication in addition to therapy and AA. I knew this was a brain chemistry issue and I'm a bit more of a believer in science over God to solve the problem - call me crazy. The shot itself was more like a stab with a mini-sword. I've never seen a shot administered by lifting the arm first to get momentum but it has to go deep into the butt muscles. I screamed! But besides that, it is incredible. My cravings have gone away. Of course, I have a very curious mind and though I was not craving alcohol, I wanted to see how I felt if I drank a half pint of vodka. It was completely different! No pleasure or euphoria, or a desire to have more. I didn't feel badly, but kindof itchy and hot. I would have much rather had a root beer. I was SO relieved it actually worked because if I knew it didn't, I'd continue to drink. But now...no point. It's simply a waste of money to drink alcohol. I hope I never have to go off of Vivitrol...for now at least.

For Drug Dependence: Right after a rehab my son took his 1st Vivitrol shot around 1/21/15. He scheduled another visit to get 2nd shot on 02/08/15. From his wards he has not had any side effects. He was sober for about 2.5 weeks but after that I’ve started noticing changes in his Behavior… To make a story short, my son got back to drugs and regardless of the Vivitrol shot he got high on it, then he lost his bed in the Sober house,etc … I called to the Medical office where he got this shot and also contacted with Medical Department from the Vivitrol’s official site and guess what they finally told me: ”This shot is not working for everybody…”. I’m so happy to hear the cases with the happy ends and I wish this shot helped every person who wants to be recovered!!! With this message I just want to warn you DO NOT RELY on this shot for 100% and before paying such money (for 1 shot we paid $200 for visit and $700 for shot) please consider my son Vivitrol’s outcome and discuss it with you doctor. I wish you all the best!!!

This shot works well for removing my alcohol cravings. I had my first shot 2 weeks ago and haven't had any cravings since day 3. I haven't been able to sit down or sleep since the pain in my butt cheek is so intense. I've almost gone to the hospital 3 separate times when the pain got unbearable, then I remind myself they can't give me anything for the pain anyway......it wouldn't work! Pretty ironic! Not sure if I'll continue with it or not. I don't think the 24 hour a day pain is worth it!

I have never been so close to death since I have had the vivitrol shot!

Yes this drug is awesome in the sense that it has helped keep me clean from opiates for a year now. HOWEVER, having said that, for the past year I have suffered from extreme levels of anxiety to the point where it makes me sick to my stomach. Also my gag reflex is soooo bad honestly just from THINKING of something gross I gag. I throw up at least 3 times a month. Everyone mentioned me being pregnant. But I can promise that after getting the shot for a year, it's not pregnancy or any other health issues; I even went to get blood work done because I was scared something was wrong with me. I'm 99% sure the vivitrol is to blame for my high anxiety and nausea.

Was like injecting poison into my body. Going on two weeks now and feel like I have the stomach flu every day and it caused very bad depression. Not worth the side effects for me. Please make sure you can tolerate this drug before injecting. I have 2 more weeks of hell left until its out of my system. Side effects so bad I needed 3 more meds to deal with them and Im in pain which as a pain pill addict I want to avoid at any cost.

Before my Gastric Bypass 10 yrs ago. I was sooo big there was no amount of alcohol that could lay me out. I was almost 400 lbs so Booze was never a problem for me, as I was a food addict, not an alcoholic. Since then after losing 150lbs I became a nightly blackout crazed drunk. My addiction unwittingly "transferred" to alcohol, my life became a wasteland as I tried to self-medicate my internal pain. I was on the verge of losing my job and as a last resort got myself to AA. A meeting a day for 3 yrs HELPED but still no total cure. I got myself onto outpatient rehab where the doctor prescribed Vivitrol. It was an absolute Godsend. But the effects started to wane after two glorious weeks of feeling completely NORMAL. I was on Vivitrol alone with personal counseling for 7 months when the doctor thought adding Camporal to help with the times the Vivitol wore off. I now feel I have my life back and under control. We need the AA for learning how to deal with our lives and how we got here from there. We need professional counseling to help heal our inner shame and the need to escape our lives. We need God to heal our souls and the need these wonder drugs for the rocket lift off into sobriety. There is help out there for us if we seek it. Addiction is a horrible disease. I now feel released from my pain and hope you can escape yours too. God bless.

If an alcoholic ever wished for a "magic pill" to get rid of drinking, this is 99.9% it (in injection form). I've taken it once a month for 7 months and despite wanting to drink and drinking every hour of every day, I've been sober for 7 months and counting. This medication does two things for me. It takes away the craving & need to drink and, if I DO succumb and start to drink, I get no buzz, no relaxation, no familiar euphoric lift. All I feel is the PHYSICAL response to alcohol, which makes me tired, hot, & uncoordinated, none of which is pleasant. The MENTAL response is similar to drinking water (that burns on the way down) and getting a little confused. In other words, while using Vivitrol, there is no point in drinking because there is no reward, no buzz, no euphoria. And no craving. You find other rewarding things to do. I felt no side effects. I sleep and eat better because I was sober. After 7 months of sobriety I am doing things that I've planned on doing my whole life, but didn't have the time because I lived in the pleasant, but destructive, limbo of inebriation.

I am 35 years old had an addiction to heroin and vivitrol saved my life!!!!!! I personally think its wonderful and suggest it to anyone who wants to be clean.

i feel tired and sleepy, have loss of appetite

Drank almost every day. Cant/dont want to drink anything when I take this shot.

shot works great.Wonder Drug!!!!been a month, cravings are rare and disappear quickly. tried to drink to see what would happen. It tasted weird, I felt weird and poured it out. don't know yet if insurance will pay for it but it is a life saver. Do be careful when anesthetics are used by Dr, or Dentist. Make sure they know you are on the drug.My face went numb once from an injection in my hip. My Dr. told me to wear a medical alert tag. I didn't and I should have.

I was a frequent "slip-er" regarding alcohol use. I asked my Dr. about a drug possibility and he recommended Vivitrol. After some wrangling to get my insurance to cover it (which they do) I took it for 3 months (3 injections) along with counseling and involvement in AA and I am feeling great with very little craving. My craving happens when I am in unhealthy places, there are no cravings at other times. No side effects except for a little ache at injection site which lasts a couple hours.