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Generic Name: nedocromil

Brand Name: Tilade inhalation

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

I follow the instructions for cleaning rigidly and now have 4 plastic cases in rotation but I am often left with no access to the drug as the inhaler's are blocked. Very annoying!!

I have used a Tilade inhaler for 15 years and have found it to be a drug with no side effects (other than a slight taste) and a great complementary treatment to my corticosteroid. In fact, I am able to take fewer doses of the steroid when I use Tilade. Over the years I have tried using a variety of drugs to control my asthma and have found that Tilade is the best solution for me, along with my corticosteroid. I have strong side effects when I take other drugs for asthma. Now I am worried because Tilade is no longer being sold in North America. It is a very popular drug in England, Australia and New Zealand, especially for children. I am desperately hoping that it will be marketed again in the U.S. and Canada.

Prior to taking this medication, it was difficult for me to be around anyone who was wearing and kind of perfume, or when riding behind cars with bad exhaust fumes, humidity. All these things made my life a nightmare. After taking Tilade, with 2 other medications, life became bearable. I am very concerned, because my pharmacist just informed me that the manufacturers of Tilade is no longer making it.