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Generic Name: olopatadine

Brand Name: Pataday ophthalmic (eye)

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

The drops don't work. My eyes are still so itchy I want to claw them out.

Expensive! Yes. Worth it? No. Optometrist handed me a coupon and said to put these drops in my eyes. I did, for several days. I didn’t notice any difference in my allergic scratchy eyes. I did notice the headaches that some have mentioned here. (I was very skeptical at first and thought they were falsely attributing the headaches to the drops. But eventually I figured out that this headache like I’d never had before must be the drops! Felt like my brain was being squeezed right behind my eyes. Started hours after the drops were applied.)

Spent $26.00 on a tiny little bottle of once a day. Followed the directions and after an hour still had absolutely no relief what so ever. I feel this was a big waste of money and the pharmacy should check reviews before suggesting it.

I have only been using Pataday two days, but what a difference! For several months I have had severe itching, irritation and watery eyes. I went to my eye doctor for my annual exam and mentioned my symptoms. He recommended Pataday twice a day. My eyes are much clearer, most of the redness is gone, and the itching has almost completely subsided. This product has been a game changer for me.

These eyedrops DO NOT last for 24 hours; if anything maybe 7 hours. What is more frustrating is the sample sizing of the product for over $20. Very disappointed.

OMGosh I was so miserable for 2 weeks and then finally couldn't take it anymore and went to the store to get something that would work.... most of the eye drops were around $6 and i saw Pataday and it was $24....I thought maybe there was a difference so decided to buy it anyway...boy am I glad I did!! I got to my car opened the package and put a drop in each eye and PATADAY work INSTANTLY, I am not joking INSTANTLY my eyes stopped itching I just wish i would have got it sooner!!

if you buy this OTC it is less than $20 however I filled it at Walmart Pharmacy and it was $90---treated 1 eye with 1 drop and 2 hours later I now have a cough so I won't be using anymore of it...I don't recommend this to anyone because it has too many side affects.

My seasonal allergies are brutal. My eye doctor recommended I try Pataday saying it is a new, OTC treatment. I have now been on it twice per day for two weeks and it brings no relief whatsoever. In fact, I am sitting here with an ice pack on my right eye trying to keep from scratching it out of my head and decided to write reviews so others know. I wish I had read reviews before purchasing.

Used to relieve itchy watery eyes due to allergies. Relief almost instantly. Woke up next morning with swollen lower eye-lids that are painful to the touch. Will try another brand, side effect not worth it.

Well as some of you may know you can buy this over the counter now. So much cheaper. First drop I had instant relief! I was so excited to stop itching finally. As for long-term use I'll have to get back to you cuz today was my first day. Hope you all get some relief for your itchiness as I have.

Even though I take my allergy medications religiously, for decades my eyes have constantly watered to the point I carried a cloth handkerchief with me at all times. I couldn't even use tissues because I dabbed at my eyes so much the paper chafed and people thought I was crying. It was life-changing. Nothing worked until I used once a day Pataday. The watering is about 80% relieved. It's wonderful! I can put on mascara again. LOL

So far, I have used 3 weeks. It has not helped.

I used Pataday for 3 days. On the 4th day I used it and itching never stopped.

Worked great for my 8 year old. However after using for a solid 2 weeks 2x a day... he developed an extreme headache. It was slight and came on very intensely in a matter of minutes. Also had dizziness too. So now what for allergy season??

Life saver! My eyes were swelling shut from environmental allergies. With these drops, I had instant relief and swelling subsided. I still did allergy shots after to treat the cause, but this was some instant help.

decreased swelling of eye

I have blepharitis and allergies. This RX works great for me

This stuff gave me the worst cold I have had in a couple of years. Ended up having to cancel appointments and other events and spend money on cold remedies. I would not have taken it if I had known

I had to take this when having been told I had mild GPC. As it did help calm my eyes down and slowly diminish the bumps under my eye lids the side effects were awful. On my second week the burning in my eyes got worse, my eyes got dry, horrible headaches everyday, and now I have horrible pain in my right eye and it hurts to even touch it. Will definitely stop using these and contacting my doctor.

This drug gave me excruciating sinus headaches especially over my left eye and it felt that I had been punched in the eye. The headache pulsed with my heartbeat. Horrible drug.