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Generic Name: oxaliplatin

Brand Name: Eloxatin intravenous

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

Eloxatin IV may have save your life and then ruin it. It can cause neuropathy. Neuropathy can effect the peripheral nerves. Sometimes the neuropathy can go away and sometimes last forever. I was given it as part of chemo. Now my toes and fingers seem to have pins and needles and are numb. My small toe is red and swollen. This is nothing compared to how bad Eloxatin induced neuropathy can be. It can be extremely painful. It can also be debilitating to the point of crippling your body functions. It might help you survive cancer. In some fairly rare cases, it may make you wish you hadn’t survived. When I complained about the side effects of chemo drugs, the doctor asked,”Would you rather die?” Many people survive the cancer and the chemo and some have no after effects. Be aware that it is a gamble and don’t do it or accept the gamble and the consequences

Resulted in long =term peripheral neuropathy. Even now am 5 yrs out and considered ' cured'' have to take fentenyl patche sand oxycodone for pain in back, abd., legs. Aching, unrelenting pain. Numbness in feet, awkward and clumsey, falls; have broke my hip even though no signs or symptoms of osteoporosis.

I have been very thankful that this drug has been a part of the regimen to sustain my life. Although no significant change has occured in the cancer, it has kept the progression at bay. Even so.. It is difficult to deal with the weakness and lathargic reactionaries from it's use. I would like to see more information on the long term use and effects of this medication.