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Generic Name: oxybutynin

Brand Name: Oxytrol transdermal

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

I got a rash all over under the patch and small blisters around the edge I used 3 before I stopped and noticed no change to my bladder.

When I finished Chemo and Radiotheropi 7 years ago for Bowel Cancer i had problems with my bladder as the Radiotheropi effected all my pelvic area. In 7 years I have been to 3 specialist 5 GPS for my bladder problem, not one helped me then my 87 year old Aunty told me about these patches she uses and I looked into them and realised they were good for me. I told another specialist to give them too me he said “ oh I only give them to elderly ladies with bladder issues” and your only 57. I stared crying and said please understand me as I have had Radiation in my pelvic area and I have never been the same and you must give them to me. He still had to do research and eventually said “ ok let’s try them” Why did I have to suffer for 7 years why didn’t all the other gps and specialist give them to me, with in 3 days they worked. It has given me my life back. I even had to give up work because of my bladder issues. I had no after care when I finished Radiotheropi so no one helped me with long term problems. Thank you for this product. And I’m also loosing weight too which I could never do as I can drink more water now and not run to the toliet I’m so happy. .

I am a male 63 yrs old. Prostate was removed 10 yrs ago. Lately have experienced urge to urinate at all times (with no leakage) but the feeling of leakage occuring. Uroligists tried different drugs but none helped. Looking for answers on the web, came across this product and tried with great results. I have been using for 3 months and am totally satisfied. Uroligists need to wake up to the use by men of this product. I believe it is the low dosage that works for men.

60 year old male who after having the TURP operation on my prostate gland, developed some urinary issues. One of which was getting very sudden strong urges to urinate. I know Oxytrol is said to be for women only but it does work on men too. I use it now for good and it helps completely. Finding a good location in where to place it took some time but I found a good place and that was in the pubic hair area above the penis. I shave this area of all hair and the patch seems to stay well put in this area and does not come off.

I have used the 2xweekly patches for several years, without any side effects whatsoever! They are easy to apply. I believe, they cut down on the frequency of bathroom visits, except, when I am nervous, like doctor appointments, or traveling, (flying)! My only concern is, that the medication is very expensive!

These definintely work. Day one I saw relief with the gotta go right now feeling, frequency and leakage. The downside is the patches rarely last four days, usually 36 hours to 48 hours, which makes them very expensive. They are itchy and cause redness where the patch is placed. The edges collect lint from your clothes which make the patch look dirty. They constantly get caught on your clothing and pull your skin. As they dry up, they begin to sound "crinkly" which could be embarrassing. The drying up can occur as soon as 24 hours. They are also not clear and discreet. The background is clear but there are 10 logos printed across each patch. Very sexy.

This product definitely works for controlling the frequent urination problem, but I am now having problems with side effects: headaches, which I don't usually get, and memory problems, for example accessing my recall of names of things, mapping abilities, sometimes losing track in the midst of an arithmetic process- tax forms for example. I suppose this would fall into the category of "confusion." I am concerned that this problem could last after the drug is discontinued. I have started using the patch only at night, removing it, and it continues to work during the day. I have found that I can cut the patch into smaller pieces and it still works to control frequency, and this seems to decrease the side effects. I have been able to take off the patch during the day, stick it back on its packaging, and then put it back on at night and still get some beneficial effect. Cutting it, without tangling it onto itself, takes some skill or assistance, but it is work trying if your side effects are bad.

I developed a large red oozing rash that has not gone away in 24 hours. Stilll a runny gooey mess. I thought it would dry up after removing the patch (used 2 days) but not yet. I will call the hot line on Monday when it opens but I am very concerned. Do not use!

After using the patch for 3 days I started noticing blood in my urine then by day 5 ( second patch) I was having a full blown period. I had just gone off my period 2 days before starting the patch. Also started having dry skin I my face. I removed patch on 6th day and continued to bleed heavy (today) I will follow up in few days on my condition.

For me, this patch gave me my life back. I can leave the house without having a huge bladder accident in public. It gives me no side effects at all. I wish the product company would advertise a little bit, because many stores tell me they discontinued it because it didn't sell enough. My doctor had never heard of it. Gosh, a little advertising would help get the word out. I'm sorry to know that it doesn't work for everyone, but that is true of many medications. For me, it has been a life saver, and I can leave the house without fear of an accident and I can travel a little bit.

I have had minor leakage for a couple of years. I am trying the patch, and it has worked for me. Yes, there is a little adhesive left when removing the patch, but that's no big deal. While the medication is working for me, the product itself needs a lot of improvement. The patch tends to crinkle, and does not stay on in the bath tub, it does work in the shower. But once you have a crinkle and try to straighten it out, the adhesive doesn't work well. Thus, using more patches. When I go to the Oxytrol web site, you can not make a post, and the post there are all positive. They need to hear the negatives of the product also. I have had no side effects and am happy with the results.

I have had OAB all my life. Even as a child, I would have to get up at least once during night to urinate. I took Detrol for about 10 years because was having to go to bathroom 3 or 4 times a night. Detrol cut it down to once or twice a night and the dry mouth and sleepiness next day was really bad. About a year ago, I tried Oxytrol because I had hit the donut hole on my Medicare Part D. OMG! I got almost immediate improvement. I have been sleeping through the whole night without any bathroom trips for at least 6 out of 7 nights. I am 71 and I have probably not slept all night like that 5 days out of whole year. I have had no skin irritation and I actually am wearing each patch for 6 to 7 days and it is usually effective that long for me. It doesn't adhere well if I stick it on a place where skin is looser or experiences very much movement. I am overweight and have to find a firm area. The patch adheres well even though I do water aerobics 3 times a week. I find if I wipe the edges of patch with alcohol after application, it prevents it from sticking to my clothing. After removal of the patch, I put bath oil on a cloth and wipe the sticky off my skin. I used to find the patch everywhere and there were tons of coupons out there, but lately no coupons and some stores, even my nearest Walgreens no longer has it. I am so afraid I am not going to be able to find it anywhere.

I put the patch on and by the next day I was having menstrual cramps and bleeding a lot. I had already had my period of the month ending two days before. The second full day on the patch I had the worst menstrual cramps of my life and no appetite but no bleeding. I have no idea why this happened but about a hour after I took off the patch I felt better. I still had cramps for the rest of the day but with less intensity. I find it hard to believe a patch with no hormones could cause this but there were no other new medications I had taken other than the patch. This is side effect was definitely not what I was expecting from the Oxytrol patch. I noticed no difference in how often I got up to use the bathroom. If you are still menstruating think twice about using this patch.

I have only been on this for a week, but it has helped so much & so far, with no side effects. I really hope it remains the answer to my prayers!

I do not like taking pills due to side effects. I like the Patch although my side effect has been certain itchy and irritated spots where I had placed. The package is challenging to open so I use a scissors and cut half way around. This patch is not totally effective for me, but it has helped my frequent urination. I still get up 4 -6 times per night. I never have slept more than 1 1/2 hours at a time. But using the patch has helped. A word of advice. Watch your diets! Many foods and drinks contain bladder stimulants that will make your condition worse. I received this info from my Dr. but at the very least, look this up on line and learn more. You will be amazed at how many foods/drinks contain bladder stimulants. I wish you luck. I know what you are gong through and it's not fun. Hope this helps.

I have found a great relief after applying the patch. I wore it as directed and found I was able to go a few more days without it. Moving it around the lower part of your body helps with eliminating the itching. Also be sure to soap up the area when the patch is removed.

Within 1 day I noticed an improvement -- I no longer had the sudden urges to urinate. And I now sleep through the night without getting up to use the bathroom. I also no longer have that sudden urge to urinate when I stand up after sitting a while. Only problems I've had is itching at the patch site and problems with keeping it one due to water or clothes rubbing on it.

This patch has helped me so much! I had no reaction to the adhesive and am very happy with it. Just a bit of petroleum jelly rubbed on the bit of adhesive left on my skin and came right off.

This seems to work for leakage, but I still have the urge to go often. It clings to package and is hard to get tape off; basically falls off after bathing-not sure whether it should be replaced or pushed back on; leaves black marks after removal which take harsh scrubbing to remove.

We have custody of our granddaughter and she was turning 7 and still having accidents day & night and wearing pullups to bed. Her younger sister, age 3 was not. I read online that children age 7 could use it, so we tried half a patch on her and that was around February of 2014 and she has rare accidents during the day and no pullups at night and no patches for the last few weeks! great drug and delivery system...goof off removes extra adhesive btw...highly recommend it:)