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Generic Name: oxycodone HCl-oxycodone-ASA

Brand Name: Percodan oral

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

I had foot surgery back in the 1970's while in the Army in Germany. This drug put me in orbit. They had to scrape me off the ceiling. I had to be taken back to the Army dispensary to be taken off it and given another pain killer. I was just watching a TV program called Autopsy with Dr. Michael Hunter. They were talking about Dean Martin taking this very drug for years BEFORE it was discovered this drug caused severe problem for people taking it. That caused me to come here and check out this medication. I would not recommend it to anyone. I was only in my 20s and it sent me for a loop. Wouldn't take it at my current age for any reason!!

Was prescribed Percodan 40 years ago for a dental procedure. I started the medication when I got home. The absolute worst medicine experience I can remember. The pain intensified. My skin felt like it was on fire. I couldn't sleep or eat. I had hallucinations for 3 days. I was completely incapacitated during those 3 days. I had no instruction at all on allergies to medications and that one nearly put me under.


I wish it came in 750 mg dose. Cutting the pills in half is not always sucessful. Percocet does not agree with me, Percodan has managed my pain for a long time.

I took this medication years ago following surgery to remove my wisdom teeth. It worked wonderfully for the pain but made me sick to my stomach if I didn't eat enough with it. Also, I had a side effect of having hyper sexual behavior. And that was the same day I had my surgery. My husband thought I'd lost my mind.

My husband has end stage liver disease. He was given percodan to control his pain. This medication turns him into someone else. Mentally it is a bad drug . I don't know why it just doesn't agree with him. I had to flush them. The hospital gave him dilaudid instead. This works great for him .So if it changes your personality you're not alone.

extreme back pain and fybromyalgia

Whem medication for my migraines don't work I rely on Percodan and it works 95% of the time. The only problem is the taste. Since I have severe nausea with my migraines I had to get creative in order to keep the pill down. To solve the problem I wrap the pill in a little bread and can take it that way.

I can not tolerate tylenol..so I take Percodan for my back pain....

I have found this drug to keep dental pain bearable; no problems with aspirin.