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Generic Name: paliperidone palmitate

Brand Name: Invega Sustenna intramuscular

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

In the beginning, I thought taking this would help with the paranoia and it did for awhile. I was stabilized and able to function and progress. However, after so long it built up in my system and I've become a vegetable. I don't feel anything, I don't have energy I don't wanna do anything and I just feel like I'm on pause. This medication might be helpful to someone who really needs it but I'm finding it exceedingly more difficult and frustrating to feel OK day to day. I'm aggravated that I can't feel anything nothing has any affect on me not coffee,not pain pills no substance affects me. I'm frustrated that my energy is gone I don't wanna do anything I just want to sit all day and not move. I feel trapped. I don't like what it's doing to my brain and I can't go on like this anymore. I want to feel again. I've learned thru my experience that everyone just wants to keep me from freaking out and I think I can manage myself now. I might need to try different medications to help ease anxiety but I don't feel I need to do this to myself anymore. I'm quitting this. It worked for awhile but after time it just makes you a shell. Terrible feeling.

I can do nothing anymore and I quit 6 months ago the medication after 6 shots that were terrible for me because of secondary effects that persists. It is a terrible poison. Avoid it at any cost it might safe your life

no side effects for me, stopped delusions at a certain extent, but still satisfied

Haha, people are so easy to give negative ratings cause of side effects. This medication is very good. If you gain weight what stops you from exercising? I do not think this medication can be that bad like most people say it is. Some people are just lazy as f and easy to complain in my opinion.

I have been on Invega sustenna for almost 2 years for schizophrenia. I’ve stuck with invega sustenna for so long because it is the second best option in terms of side effects (definitely not saying that it is a good drug). I have erectile dysfunction, insomnia, feeling of mental pain and loneliness, extreme fatigue, lack of motivation, worsened vision, and short term memory loss from this medication (all of the medications in fact). I’m showering about once a month, brushing teeth about twice a week and never exercising because I physically can’t do better on this medication. I used to shower and brush teeth daily in addition to having a six pack (abs). This medication is another antipsychotic that was marketed without care of how the patients feel physically or mentally while taking it. In short, current antipsychotics do work but the side effects are unbearable

100mg per month dose, it got rid of my conscience (the inner me), gave me mass weight, gave me insomnia, killed my sex drive, prevents any sort of erection, brain fog, disconnected with life and my girlfriend. I need to take benzos just to get to sleep 80% of the time. Worst drug ever.. worst experience ever..

I've had 3 injections and the onlything that really bothers me is the injection site has me sore like a grip on my arm, swelling and itching. Some of the lumps are still on my butt from the first two. We did the arm this time but it was worse and I've been taking them for 3 or 4 months now. The first two injections I saw no changes in my hallucinattions and visual disturbances or hearing something that I figured was only spoken to me type issues...but after waking up feeling as if I was a repile or had snakes crawling all over me I went to the ER then straight to get that 3rd injection and I was bedridden for 3 days and slowly recovered to excellent health and feeling 100%. I have to reteach myself not to fall into phycosis habit like overfucusing and stuff but its like I am a new person. I'm happy with this 234 dose so far and I hope it continues to work. I have gained 10 lbs but eating healthy can help with that also. Good luck you all.

NIGHTMARE completely ruined my life. Recovery can take up to two years. Don't get fooled and take this medicine. It made me so suicidal i couldn't believe it. Devastating side effects the list is endless. It turns you into a vegetable

Invega sustena is easy to take once monthly. I would recommend a stronger dose than 117mg for someone looking to reduce auditory hallucinations.appetite increase is tolerable.

Miserable from several side effects often. Mentally blank or poverty in thoughts. No emotions. Restless. Weight gain. Dead sex drive. Poor memory, focus, concentration, and learning.

Was diagnosed with Schizophrenia in 2016. Have been prescribed Invega for approximately 3-4 months. It has helped with my symptoms. I've gained a lot of weight.

Caused me to gain weight, affected prolactin levels in the chest area. Haven't been able to lose weight at 34 due to severe injuries. Wouldn't recommend this medicine to anyone. At first it worked like a miracle drug then suddenly stopped working.

I was on the medication for over a year and felt like I had been given a miracle. Then one day it stopped working. Tried other medications that did not work. I am currently on clozapine which has stopped some of the symptoms but not as good as invega. Does it happen often that invega stops working?

I had a psychiatrist named Joshua Simon put me on Invega Sustenna injections while I was a patient at Pima Pain clinic in Tucson, AZ. I was put on these injections for a cerebral vascular accident I was in when I was 14. I am 27 now and 25 at the time of the heart attack. At the same time of these injections I was prescribe lisdexamphetamine and oxycodone. I was also receiving steroid spinal injections in my spine. I do know that Invega is engineered to help from bone structure. The Invega gave a heart attack and I was left with no use of my genitalia anymore. Marana Health Center had nothing to say about the situation.

This drug has made me hate life... I feel hopeless no energy or motivation I’ve been bed ridden for alomost 5 months. Only had the first two shots. Please don’t accept this shot you will turn into a lifeless zombie with not goals/motivation. I pray for a full recovery ??

I lay in bed for 20 hours a day and care about nothing. I don't even want to get up and cook or eat. I do though, and have gained 50 pounds. This drug has been a nightmare for me and I'm stopping it next month. I just hope I can get my life back afterwards. Depression has been a big issue and I feel dead. I don't see how anyone else can tolerate being on this medication. In the beginning it was not bad, but the side effects just kept on getting worse and worse. Today I'm a shell of my former self. Id rather have hallucinations and delusions than live like a zombie. If I was forced to take this medication then I'd rather be dead. I will quit cold turkey next month and I expect a wild ride. Maybe some day ill experience happiness again. Until then, I'm absolutely devastated and miserable.

I am 40 yrs old, I always used illegal drugs most of my life to self medicate. I have been thru a lot including prison a few times and was always scared of doctors and medications. I was on Gordon and zyprexa and over the last year and a half all my medically treated fears came true. Apolypse hallucinations, paranoia, damage to my home and property, and this last episode I was committed to the pschward for 2 weeks and now that Iâ??ve been on this shot my life has made a 180. Iâ??m responding to other people reasonably, no hallucinations. Iâ??m not angry and paranoid anymore. Itâ??s only been a month, but it has made a huge difference in my life.

So far so good. So many negative reviews, I’m assuming these people probably haven’t lived with Schizophrenia and are probably misdiagnosed because I’d give my left arm to finally feel like a functional part of society again. It’s only been a week o The injection and after the initial pain of the injection sites subsided I felt and increase in hunger thirst restlessness and insomnia or lack there of. There is pain at the injection site a few days after the injection but after that pain subsides and get back to feeling normal within about five days Still fighting every day with delusions and regular schizophrenic things that tend to happen with schizophrenia but I am starting to realize that not all of them are actually real I’m starting to finally feel like the cloud is been lifted and I can finally differentiate between what is real and what is imagined.

Had first shot about 3 days ago. Shot didn’t hurt and was fine alll day. Day 2: arm really hurt and I only got 2 hours of sleep Day3: arm super hurt and am very sleepy, groggy and dozzy

Gained 50 pounds in 4 months of injeçtions at the age of 29. Slowed me down to sleep all the time and increased appetite. Do not take. Have never had a weight problem. Now fighting to lose and off drug